Show i Us is law weel wee is only 1 I half it its f e excuses C u I 1 are r n necessary ry for 3 I 1 in I 1 it its proportions they y f I 1 t the he exhaustion felt in christmas and new year on in the utter disinclination v capacity 6 lacity of turning on a alie ie pleasures we have hayees exi ifo 0 dull and commonplace common place olas as editing a newspaper las 48 furthermore to i tw and spirit sf sif possible i ind hop of the new year V ace lace on thursday evening townsend house but it if ir tailed in in size we con can recommend its contents J go on our first page fine poem on the closing rge irge D prentice and an 1 W excellent ladies I 1 who it conrid good husbands also spage 4 ta is a variety of artland selected which we I 1 ilund rund sufficient clent to stay the rf ir readers till I 1 next week il t again to expand to for 1 |