Show arrival and departure of general xe scott lieutenant general winfield scott arrived in this city on the steamer northerner yesterday morning about 6 As aa is well known he came to this country for purposes oses connected with the sat furg juan Is island ait difficulty and arrived about three weeks ago lie he proceeded at once to t 0 the north and has been engaged as the commissioner on the part of the united tinted states up to the time of his bis de departure martore par tore it was his hia intention on returning to this city to make at least a short abort stay but upon his arrival he found it to be his bis duty to proceed at onceco once to washington and with the promptness characteristic ic of the manis man is now on his bis layover way over the ocean again on his bis arrival yesterday he be was wag conducted by friends as he declined a pub lie reception at once to the oriental hotel where he took up his old quarters he attended trinity episcopal church yesterday morning but during the rest 0 of the day remained in his bis quarters quarter and very tew few persons persona were admitted ile he departed on the strainer steamer john L stephens stephe this morningan mornin gat at ab about out 11 ile he agin again declined an escort and was accompanied compa nied only by his bia aid and officer ay iy nt er and juat previous to the departure a line fine compliment was paid the vetran by the gallant ballint old first california guard J F curtis comma ding there u ere two detachments of this company y having two guns kindly kindl y loaned jostled by general clark and accompanied by the fine band of the third U S SAr artillery tillery the com company pany in full tint uniform forma ranged them selves at the end of the wharf opposite the after part of the steamer where the vetran letran stood who upon see seeing ing them uncovered the lieutenant LI e atena t generasa Gene G raPa salute of fifteen guns was given in fine style during the first part of which chAlle the general stood uncovered and aft ewards saluted in the military style with the hand band in the meanwhile the band ote one of the finest in in the country played the heart stirring strains of dId Laag syne the effect of this was thrilling and over the vast crowd which was arese prese present t there was to be seen the effects of no ordin ordinary impressions impression A chord was touched ed ordinate which responded harmoniously to the music and the occasion of parting part 1 rl 9 the general ha has a b borne 0 rne the fatigues of his ill a visit to the western world with a m manly anly spirit and looks as hale bale and hearty as ever ile he was pleased with the northern countries and add carries back with him non none but pleasant recollections of california may the spirit of peace deac go |