Show gen scotts Plis mission to sim juau and its results our thanks jare are due to fo major porter 1 abst aast gen at campt floyd for forwarding to in us the annexed slip from the san salt francisco Dul lelin in relation 0 10 o gen scotts mission to af the san sash juan W Is land and and his interview I 1 and correspondence with gov douglass in regard to it complete files ot of our california exchanges did not reach us ns by the last western mail or the article or the ce of it would have appeared lit in our paper a week kago ago the article in the bulletin in ID addition to what we publish below farther statis states that gen harney waa wis quite at the I 1 interpretation n terp put on Ms his acts by gen scott and had bade himself somewhat offensive to tb he corn coin mander in chief aln er by the bluster blu sier and tone of his remarks thereat in in consequence of W which gen scott would undoubtedly recommend his recall from the command which he be now holds if gen harney did not himself resign in it disgust and return re i turn home which it etwas was thought he probably would do it is farther said that tha gen scott will re commer d thil the union of the separate divisions of the army on the pacific under ahe command of a single general the portion bithe of the article containing these statements was accidentally destroyed before reacel reaching the compositor or it would wd bs be alven aa to in that pai paper or I 1 the arrival of aleut general scott yesterday morning from the north whither i he e proceeded recently to unravel bravel 1 the tang tangled ed snarl in which general har ney had involved our relations with the british governments government has filled the community bullit y with anxious curiosity to learn ear n th the e result of his mission the fact h had ad wi withdrawn the troops from san juan island we announced some days ago and the additional fact that he had seti set tied the vexed question arid ard gen harney IT also alao amicably was speedily k known eav upon the arrival of the vessel which brought the veteran chieftain but of the terms of the settlement the conditions it involves the military relations which the two governments now occupy towards the disputed territory and the recommendations which general genera i scott has made to the government at washington the public are to this hour unenlightened notwithstanding the veil of mystery in which military etiquette compels the general and staff to enshroud his bis movements until he be has made hie big report to the head of the war department we are enabled to lay jay before our readers an interesting statement of the principal arid and most important facts in connection with ith the negotiation these facts derived from our correspondents at the north and from military gentlemen w with ith whom we have conversed we embody for the sake of convenience into a succinct and connected statement that the reader may more readily obtain an intelligible 1 idea of what has and what las has not been done we stated staled some gome days ago that gen scott epou arrival at forti fort townsend d took up his quarters on board the U S steamer massachusetts and dispatched is aid col lay to victoria to a enounce his hg arrival to gov douglas dougia the following is la a copy of the order issued to that officer HEAD abar v V si sf propeller bostach off port 1 tow townsend tid W T tact oct SIR IR the gendral ln iu calef directs you to kopro pros eed aeed by the teamer northerner to olympia the of govern governments mens of washington Wash inKton territory and bec by way of lails abla pa alce to victoria vancouver Mr 11 d to the arp of making lib ith Is respect p act to which you it haa trail ily received his bis I 1 I 1 s vo oc tou will subsequently rejoins him at valse dun beneba eneas II 11 harbor arbor W T or some eoma point la in the vicia if I 1 mi belr very tery respectfully your chit t L THOMAS afsa ad araj general heat col 0 G W lay A ald 4 ila de col lay arrived at victoria on the october where he was cordially re dived by gov douglas who manifested in earnest desire foran for an amicable settle bettle nent nt of the difficulty pending between bp t two governments lie he was very arnest and aleci dod however in benun lation elation of gen harveya Har neya churbe courbe anai anadia rd lot hesitate to express his hig opinion that the government of the united states etalea ov er tn its own dignity the recall of th that t officer cef and the absolute and entire disaba disavowal avowal of his act acl several days were passed n the inter debango of cs c correspondence adl i C gen scott and governor douglas of course this correspondence is a scaled book for the present we learn however while the was careful to avoid faa making king any diplomatic apology tor for what whal had bad transpired an act perform el ed at all must bf h by bv tho the government of washington and be addressed directly direct to the government of eng land ugh its diplomatic representative t there here he full fu ly a agreed reed with gov ov douglas as I 1 that hat gen harneys hanneys Har acts upon san juan island were n ere unfriendly unfriendly in their aspect aspe c t and unjustifiable ble it ii view of all t the lit c circumstances i acu instances at the same time the general was careful to avoid any thing vilich A lich ie be distorted into an admission that our title to san juan is even of doubtful validity and to forestall the idea that the disapprobation ro bation 0 of hanneys harneys Har conduct was founded upon apon any doubt of the right of thi the united states to have troops upon san juan island Wt it thought hought desirable this was effected readily by making a distinction between the mere landing ot of troops broo and the manner of their landing and te toe subsequent acts the reasons biver given by harney for his course to wit tile the necessity ot of protecting american citizens from threatened british outrage his calsing ot of works of fortification posting of a battery therein and his large reinforce force menta of the garri garrison song were all agreed upon without difficulty as unfriendly adly acts acts of war var inconsistent with the th e amicable sentiments and purposes of the government ot of the united states and therefore necessary to be disavowed disavow es with these sentiments fra brantly rilly exa r e ed by gen scott gov GOT bourlds dou vms delighted of course and an while he took occasion to assert his big ou own IT co conviction le that the british of boun dery is is just and proper he fully recognized that that was waa a diplomatic question on between the two governments with winch which the he colonial a authorities ties had bad nothing to do these mutual understandings understanding opened the door wide for what followed i gen scott had put matters in such shape that bat his bis further action could neither prejudice the american title to san juan nor lor imply that the united states ha had yielded to menace we should have slated id heretofore that gov douglas manifested the most friendly and conciliatory disposition and frankly declares that bat his own course in id addressing the colonial legislature upon the subject of the san juan question was waa prompted solely by the conviction that be was compelled to regard general barneis barneys Bar ys eon con duct act as an act dfwar of war which he was obliged to defend the colony colot against with such means as were at his i is dispo sal a F finaly inal it the closed and on the ath ll 11 november Nov emberl colonel lar returned in the revenue Re cutter jefferson davis two days later tb the blass massachusetts catl with gen scott be ott on board proceeded d to san juan where the following ar d der er was as issued and copies ot of it forward to victoria etoria as well as to to general hari har ney HEAD OP OF THE ARMY V U 8 propeller kropi ller 6 1869 ah toon HtaM alent CM cs ca a or other mr caw on an I 1 lalind 4 or juan will proceed pd p d to ad abr fro it all in the he corn cam tol gonles under tn hie orders cw to ti pot hart belon bil gri alx co 1 I 1 at 0 I 1 infantry tn fantry to fort to Con enil companies Compan lea A end sri d 0 i of the alth tod and 9 li it infantry to fort 51 and laoj latt the companies comp antei ol of the th bd ad artillery I 1 part fort capt rickett ind and octet tOiA 8 at en the th island tid til further farther orders loi W tit abo billela lela truc it alon of oc the merican american settlers under hl bit ile IID n col basay casay w will lit cause the abe heavy a gun on an the t is laland land to be replaced re placed aboard I 1 oar d of the propel le ler and ad will light btty battery to ports part taw iowa mini end and by command of at i L liter T 8 THOMAS A abst set A d jt u a nt G general e il er a t I 1 it t will be seen geen t that h a t t the h e a above b 0 v e ord order er directed re acted the withdrawal of all the ameri amen can troops upon the island with the ex caption of captain picketts company oi 0 infantry the he guns golis withdrawn wort wen des designed ened for thi the earth works w arks which wh ich xer weri 1 I in progress ro ress of construction it under ader ila liar y orders these liese works were ere cd it to be discontinued at once it was wal found after the issuance of the foregoing order that there was a feelen feeling g ol of dissatisfaction still upon the part of the british authorities because of the maintenance of picketts company which as the company whose presence cresenc pre senca lave gave riot rise to the difficulty was especial especially y coffon sive give particularly as its retention seemed to imply a persis pera tance istance in in the motive actuating harney in posting ing them on oil the island general scott cot becoming aware of his bis sensitiveness promptly removed the cause by another gordert order withdraw ing all the troops 1 including I nc luding captain pit picketts k t C c company om pany except captain hunt e company 0 m p ny C of the infant infantry this order was as follows headquarters or OF THE ARMY amir V U S MASSA CRUSETT NOV NOVEMBER EMBER 8 1839 special Order hAs A soon so as practicable lieutenant LIS ten colonel Colone iC s e y 1 or ther other commanding effice anthe on abe island inland of 8 san a n juan will rause range to protect proceed all the com campanis panis under his farden dem arx except capt buntua HUnt sto to the posts ie which the they had lea d belonged d viz 1 ot of the ath infantry to fort T townsend cam Comp pa ales jales i A of the jtb ind and H of the ah infantry to fort 1 ort bellingham and Is last I 1 the companies ot of the ad ar artillery to fort vue vancouver |