Show thither lier murder der iri en aw etui cletters el liters etters received from I 1 th nd ild from gentlemen from naw w here we learn that a p a ome me of william bryan a t it was murdered cred in 1 fairly rel past alast week ile was kill i ady dy thrown into one of the acuter auter skirts of fairfield ais ie dirt had bad been taken to Is g ij and it was waa late in the of af bof Q i following day before the ire fel he was wag mangled I 1 gg finer about the head show brutal violence had bad been it oin ian commett committing com mitt rig the crime J em carly known as gus or to boman jO ma man n whose proper name 1 ry lietard Lif beard tard to la suspected of hav d the crime lie he kept a e Is 1 the place where the thelmur mur at ag found and acknowledged b some borne one at the camp campor or t t A but made his escape before jl I jed ed of having committed the kte re have ave further beard that be nig city on the second even boi U 1 de r but he be has not yet et ca p C I 1 and aa bis whereabouts a we p a snow va enow unknown after the their murdered comrade a bay soldiers Bol diera belonging copla to his regiment awit w ovar ivr in 0 fat fairfield afield and began to tear down and destroy the build ingin was supposed to have been li killed but they were restrained from ther r purpose before it was accomplished an order hash has we learn been since issued by the commanding m all 0 officer er of the camp forbidding the soldiers from going to fairfield A strong guard has also been kept stationed around the place at night to prevent a possible eruption of the troops upon pon the place |