Show personal pleasure of meeting met tiny yes 1 ah l p capt A B miller milled of ap pp russell co who of ar lang jag previous direct from vity which hicl place he be left december accomplishing the be plains plain in twenty days somewhat bronzed from I trip but looks well 0 bolh th 1 4 is 9 largess large as life he brings bringa i a in addition to that re I 1 11 a week ago jj not organized when he be e ot of the president atly ja not been sent in in I 1 11 chich tell had taken place for house ouse of representatives J jhio hl republican received if virginia 86 the remain t tes eg scattering sherman Slen nari 1 idith ith sanctioning and en kt circulation of a work in I 1 ion on written ny by some borne man main alina and this made him jable jhan ahan he elwise 1 ka 11 to the southern mem biem ni tion of them had declared ici to withdraw from con it tte was elected elec tei lent arous aroused eaby by the liar 13 still continued filler left cook and the e conspirators would tied ted on the alt ae c J 0 il wing erms of oc the sentence d 4 yesterday ancl uncle billy t 1 ga a just in from ruby valued ed ani fifty miles west of 1 jers was nine days in mak 4 i in ruby valley to this i very severe vi eath fla his f face ace and feet feat were ill the frost mr rogers idt loit unusual it if not li af pf f snow bad fallen in ru afe now enow wa was over two feet if J ft I 1 and dev seventeen teen hundred bundred top belonging to the herd of 4 i h Ss waddell wirt wintering ering I 1 li 5 d perished mr rogers head wi within thill a few feet of an an ot of stock effly on any one but latter able to endure it than TO it has fallen |