Show f alis is midnights holy y 4 leour 6 i a adin t ife C ce nw now qs brooding lil liace 6 ungentle dairld oh the winds vinas 01 0 17 the bells belli deep tones atolies are swelling it t is Is the knell I 1 i L i 1 l of 0 the departed year wo wo train in is ig swiping basl P ti cef ye T on arthe the stream and i cooil wo oil 1 melancholy ligett light the moonbeams moon beams rest real I 1 like a spotless app shroud the air is I 1 Is starre t 1 radi il As by a mourners sigh and on yon clond C ta anat t floats so stilt ind and placidly through leaven hi the I 1 spirits of f the tb sealious earu to stand young springs springe bright su summer innie r autumns 1 solemn solem lilo form rin und winter with hinged hi fis aged az leeks I 1 C itar and breathe eithe r 0 r 11 in mournful cadences ta dences tha cobe abroad lk like the far liaros i touching m w wail ail arn A melancholy darge oer the dead year 1 cane flow the eaily balth forever to IT tia is a tinta time an fn oi ada rr tests j deep still chambers of the hearts heart a specter dimo dim 11 hee ha ail l vi sl heard 1 a aime me from aro m che tomb of ages points its iti told aad id e solemn ol 01 m fill finger I 1 er to athe the beartia I i b 1 i islona that tha t bay passed away aim 1 a holy haqq and A d left t no shadow ow fit 0 r lh arjo vel ess on the thedeas dead waste of 0 lae ahe athe lie specter checo theco if ta filo li liti dot of llope and joys joy and love atit AA above the pale 1 slumber br there scatters sc allers that sit beet dormi dormi dead flowers b oer cr ia what hat has hdm passia to nothingness the year i has gone and ald yearn w with it it many a glorious thron throng or OC happy dreams dr earn its iti mark 7 is on bac each i brow I 1 ii to shallow in aea each calla heart r in Us ift j co 0 urBey ed hiie I 1 ja f L P r f ra berthe r y b beautiful ea aa n I 1 F I 1 I 1 i and they are riot P baid its pallid hand upon tha ste strongman and the haughty rallen Is form dna and the flashing 1 eye la dim 11 trod the the hall of revelry rt here turbid thronged thron ged I 1 the bright anil and th the a wall wait or 01 is beard where arst the and soni reckless shout re sounded it passed 04 the atie oer battle plain aher dand pea arid and chiu L ids flashed in inthe the light of midday mid day days and abild the length of te is abi grass s green gr een from ge wavea above t i 1 T h 1 I th the crushed riu d and an lo 10 If skeleton it t i i came wild and faded like a wreath of mist lin at abc eve vet ere it melted sn in the viewless air aiex je it t b raided heralded its millions to their homey home in he dim r 1 Remorseless Time i fierce spirit of athe the glass and aed smythel 1 what wh t power ower can st or rl i ri his ironheart iron heart to PUY pity estill st olt 1 I 1 avid aid forever to reYer Thi proud bi bird till TG tie 4 j li s hat 5 anso soar ar through jmj ji iffa I 1 orbra or bra e 1 I I 1 llie e fury fur y knitt ll 11 hurricane and battle bathe his plumage in the hie thunders ers home burle his broad wing win g at night tail and tinka sinks down tta tu t U to reat upon tits atai n crag but 0 weight of sleep or nesi oa 00 ka and nights deop deep darkness dar knese baa big no chain to bind and it 11 ills nia rushing pinion fk j a 3 1 illi ft w revolutions one sweep oer earth like troubled visions is oer ahe e it ta vj fialco ajr of dreaming dream ipg cities rise hod sink lille lile babbles on oil thi water fiery isles blazing from the tha oceans ocean and go eo am back bg a ck in to 0 o their mysterious caa caverna mountains rear tai I 1 k ine ao bac w ys heads to arid A 4 1 Gathering w the strength th of hoary nes les I 1 and r us ush down like the alpine avala a die che S aroln galia the nations and the very stars stairs yon yoh bright aliat a lid glorio ull blazonry bla of tod god glitter awhile in in their eternal depths deaths and loce abi their train i 1 IT shoot from thear gorious glorious gb rious aph spheres e r e s a and nd paa awa away to barkle le idaj in the trackless oi dyet time time lime tb the tomb builder hold his fielce fierce career T I 1 dark stiral stern 1 all Piff pitiless less a and pluses aused h not at amid Aid the theL mighty wrecks that strew bis 13 ath I 1 I 1 to sita sit and wa fairse I 1 like othera conquerors upon the fearful ruin I 1 he ie hath wrong wrought G D PRENTICE SS 6 |