Show orders countermanded SPEC SPECIAL IAL DISPATCH FROM WASH INGTON washington november 21 the government una this morning countermanded term ed all orders lor for troops to t move inov e on dexl mexico co noth is to bed be done n 0 1 tin ti ill after the meeting of congress that body will then be called upon to act with reference to indeman indemnity ity for the past a I 1 and security for the future 11 on that or t iera the annexed paragraph in in regard to the balloting for speaker in the house of representatives is is from the h leaven eav worth Affe herald rall of dee dec ath but the intelligence received from rm ca pt Miller is later congress con gi ess the house ho as took kookan another other vote for speaker S el late thursday evening sherman rep stood having gained all of grows votes except two bocock dem 88 99 bottler boteler of va is off the track arid and gilmer ot of S C another soa south th american carries the vote of that jiin wing g the democrats do not ballot their full ful i vote by 13 they probably pio bably being am among 0 n the 14 scattering mentioned in our dla d ia patch and 2 or 3 absent the republicans only lack 6 of their full f ull vote probably part absentees and part scattering possibly one ox 01 two of 0 the stripe advocating annare a fusion of republicans a and K N s are supporting gilm gilmer r fr from ont the e vote it a appears p pe a t the south th americans americ an 9 have ral rallied li e t their heir full strength on G gilmer I 1 the number of votes necessary to a choice is the republican strength streng th all toldo told is and they have but 3 to gain to elect their candidates provided they ralley their own men to a full vote this they will certainly do before many nymore more ballots are taken they have the south americans to work upon as well as the 11 14 scattering from whom to draw the requisite aid and we look only to a union of the democrats and south sout ti I 1 Ameri americans aris to defeat sherman we do not believe the latter will join the republicans public ans but it if they persist in in forcing a minority candidate into the lists a republican republic a n victory will be the result |