Show o allak l Y won w on hi W wire fe tra 11 I 1 s just borly five fiva years since since my education yas finished finish edat dlemons dle tonS sen unary for gutig ladie jadie the arost mot genteel school in in our part of hampshire e where we leaF learned tied rea reading dingi writing and needle work 61 16 b behavior e it a v I 1 or a 9 d I 1 h 6 c country 0 ii n t r y d dancs dances a n I 1 was was lh eldest 0 1 teu children my lathers athers farm faim was but a small one Heldo held on fi lease from ajo our ou rich neighbor ei I ibor Ti furmer dickson the 1 pak manjon dic ansh insh aft after er the sq squire aire ile henad ad iwo two farms leased arom rom him besides heyd esmy my fathers and a large one which hei tilled himself kept ep a retinue 0 meriand men and maids did the b best plowing turned enod ou 4 the he finest cat cattler tt and made a vast ast deal of money by hia bis dary His hidvie vie had died before I 1 w was ivas as borni and his house w was is kept in in prime order b by tile you youngest essof of his aunis adlias miss aliss Alil millwood lwood he had neither son nor daughter but master alaster everybody thought a sensible seni ible yav young ng man ma n and not half so purse proud ds as his hia father being our landlord rd and next noigh neighbor bor he took a greit great interest C estlin n us he said the trefa family mily avas too large for my barthe and naother mother to manage manag vu but lupro providing for foi them was their chief iff if their iwu ii Y I 1 alla iea thata that a dista af Williat ns of he golden sheaf vi anted a ehi brought up girl not as a se tant but to t help in it the housekeeping house keeping they thou though phit 1 it might ill be a good si situation tua tio n f forme v otel to 0 toll the whole hole with there was another reason for I 1 tt ll 11 going before I 1 left school harry dickson had begun to pay me in batte attentions nt ions bof not that thai I 1 encouraged eijin much but he would connera con lera after fter oi and it did nott cott please the old imah tho tight his son should look higher than a poor farmers farmer daughter ancl my pay par rents on jiaang 9 a good goa lit llad of bridd wera were just as angry tame to alln know 0 w of ii it I 1 my father saidee said he h hoped d tro daughter of his ev or tempt temp a young man to disobey his fd father ther my aly mother said gala sh she hoped I 1 had ad more spirit than to wish to marry into inlo la a flamily ibba aid not think us good enough for them of 0 cour course q m my father and mother were right I 1 gave harry back his bis tinge ting but it was afern ater a good deal 0 of crying I 1 rie swore snore he fie would V 04 never marr ry another woman though his father should ann and ad to let farmer dickson and th the abol soup try see ahat werna we arc biot set on oil traps trap ping his son so it was anva settled that I 1 s should h OU 1 1 k go 6 t to 0 sirs N 1 S I 1 V i I 1 I 1 baui s aly ty father wahl arie one day to her fier and when all was ans agnee agreed dho he took me and rny my trunk re in the london coach which wa ich the then ij jass cc through Clat Cl atford for our iolla milage m iid and stopped 61 a 1 the colden goldoni Gol dori sheaf for bof A ii co aultry 1 annae epli lh egusa lari and bands cinc if had avery e very of yard and stabling A a good ard abino a fine 01 chadd atia and some bm bandru bundled acres acres of orri corn and meadow land it ua 0 4 n llio iao li high road where er leej TA hig liand from i its upper aindow im dow bad could mill alan along the so road and over v r the country li U 1 41 a hd car rier ziva u gons P imp LIAe sherey reW so sd s d i df ayt tr Aurim and g entry corn an and catal dealers tm 11 afa me wa AdU fr triE Ailie alib V and N who caie came or w ze well chloi Q yr y dealing and a ahe general il I 1 mrs william sha 0 MI aa as p ati lall 1 a 11 thin 0 n ayoma w oman a g A af eto etive a nd vill handsome ilou eangon gorf hix sixty t jt iter black hale dai ly ledwith with gray aphid S dj a goad hd 06 deal a 1 af ill e ap hein a olav abre a black goeff goah a elsm durej apron and a dp cap of nolting lam law which ich was line enough 11 ai H 1 those timed times but there iwas iw as something ia 11 herf her look so stern ter and aha rigid d majit one careful of ones 1 do ings lier her iter I 1 story chuh we gehad had heard in ato from farmer e livas wa 1 I an 1 angut lar she sh had haa been beed eddeh L in a respectable country mn of of tw the poun ty of cornwall corna alland and married a fich farmer he Ild left hir her early a i widow 1 daw wai jn an only da daughter b wr sae 1 aai man 1 pl aged e d t the b aa farm rin wll well 10 how weve ever aria and t was a prosperous woman woma III nor I 1 daughter grew gre v up a beautiful girl and thel die m mothers other sh hearl art as wrapped upsher but h he son aad heir of i a beig neighboring boring I 1 squire induced he her T to mp elope ewi with th hiro hini ara aad marriage in into his high gh family yas not tobb thought ht of mrs williams was a woma not a high spirit strict and poad i ads cds saad sai a that the ta ie poor girl gir I 1 never n e ver dared to let afu it be 1 known hav n where she he lived fo ali beai of he i mo aaa tre squires 1 91 son on 01 reab reia amed 1 ab road but th the oll woman would liot stand ahe disgrace she he sold house arid faral of iho 15 abt the sheaf anc sea set fsr Z self elf up where afi ore nobody dyr r new her family or 01 history hi storye 1 she he had been doing well far many in inya anya a seaf ea lern 0 as Su ms ams was 1 kind md to tome me ands and I 1 lid did my best to case her alite lhee was N a good dealba deal af novelty ahe I 1 eife to tj be bd ean alou th the enli mp J 1 aa soon the par parting ling with my mot mother her and sisters and was vas trying trains hard bard to think ho more ar e of harry though I 1 aad fiade I 1 W I 1 ril mind 19 ill d apin U jap so je easily ast 1 didde 9 up at se to live U fa his sale sako thus the summed wore away aad the lidi riese pa the short s 0 r dull aull came on I 1 had bail got accustomed to tile ways iba bof of the 1 though r 0 r pil I 1 n t bluee fihs ihs best ana 1 t the I 1 as best ii parlor i anpo a e r te vi pan an cupboard ards mid and a salt lc hand ae bill la I 1 k i W U P to mis it il was avas overine porca and had adwin win daws daw s on th three sides 1 c ch a 7 hei el a view i e aall t all labb carna lq j or or u berit e d fi ller her accounts counts ai wera dept there in an old fashioned oak desk so were viere her choite c II 11 I 1 fitere recipes cipes and she had them for mal ing e was i a cupboard capoa r ld pet ket in the thick wall us I 1 ts door hot toad to bei distinguished fro fromi the rest of thel the scot m mrs I 1 billao the amps raj 9 e aad cur i ous oua alker ls stores tores linas L w as one once permit ted led tose to see them ethem I 1 asa great privilege leg e foe forshe slid never trusted aliv th kay fo any ll 11 haind d b but he e av own n T there li er 11 e w were re hii ce ces and all essences ebsen ei ces costly agthe authe at the tune biale I 1 of ofay my egory sto storsand and not nol co inmon et old china which had been brought by the first 4 0 p o the east EaliA india iii company s ships s aps mixtures mix turps fur taking talef out powder for destroying destroy in molas and a poison fortT for yas als invented long acro ago by y some 4 0 the cornish h people andi of such a terrible na nature t aes ues that ifo if one i at took it alt all merest fled from and ne er camo bacad SS mrs wil I 1 0 ajl i it a and bah cau only remember r h nov vt that hiat rose ambled athin L lever ever saw bur ppe inich vas vs ju sis e aej I 1 y iam arx V tha in 6 end kept mr ik j the e cupboard aw also J jt may be bel believed aliat ettas ity great favor far d W to mv me but tea byll wil liams ilerd ro m pt aven ro ing she 0 o mei iq 60 from lip lie one close cloudy d axy such as tomes domes so otea often I 1 at a tiia atie Wartini nas time I 1 was silt MI jin die blest best kitchen in close window doing some bori williams was ja up anje A aon ettling the accounts a counts forli arit lai and early in in the afternoon ithe sound of a horses hoofs on od ahe road made me look out and add therea was a gentleman fiand hand so mely M walh it fi li a g servant i after him ilk s V gentlemen gen il tiemen rode in in those lay ays ta as if they had i raveled graveled rave led far farland and vand ivere coming coining to rest at the I 1 I 1 the e g gentleman etleman ho wasia and nd handsome 1 T T q pre about thirty five fire and a oae had bad a foual 0 ia I 1 good goo d natured 1 look like one who arfi wei pleased with himself and ever ev aboul him he ile walked m in not at all a 1 strange q ran e like and asked astedt main me the most courteous manner live dhere and ai 1 he afi xiii could cave have T A A e dinner inner the v in first question was as affe ed in in a low tone tho the second in in a louder ud er ey and in fore I 1 could I 1 itA it airs kirs williams came d down own judging 6 front ver ifor look b he ewa J a s quite ate siaw V cuSit COR mW I 1 ilai lt hough lh i T agn ni ll lonai mn nai glan granc fedj c J at hei at tand ari 6 ahn saem seeming satisfied that hlettas 11 nt ahl his hig question abu illo 1110 dinnee din nei ha 16 nyan as a 1 I 1 I 1 n itlie 1 part cof of the cc country but i he be had heard so much of mhd sh ia iha tol to stop stog hail il hi iL ii houg j never AV mrs rs villiam ja receive a fay ge filleman with inh in anore ore res fes an and d beurn oby hy SM ii him ira into into alir parlor 10 callad the flatters to help hap ills his arva sonant w with me herms borics fook hi border fo dinner Hinner and sd ab aldi I 1 9 f C it it vh er 9 if forthe bosl OL w A a as S 1 birj rd Z at work making lill 1 1 hack anit anil white puddings in the die buttry bu my firt first notion was that thai she bait di red d him jo 0 be bi some great peron age N in didgus dia guse an and 4 1 I half to 16 told of it used to talk allf to me lne degood a good deal when we were alone quiet nuiet afier afternoons oittis UA but sow ilov sha wont went on cooking and maki making ready without a word mil there wava was a quer look m 61 he face which I 1 could not understand ajit ou it kept ma nie froid taki tal ing 6 alaid I 1 laid down my work and rose to make the eel soup it was as one of the things for which the ll house otise was famous ra a cornwill dish dih I 1 believe and I 1 biad bean trusted with the ioakim making of it of late to my great exultation bul how she stopped crib me no maev fulfill fulfil our bev sewing lam ih be M anted ill make the thea s soup my seivi self 4 ae I 1 be and what had come over mrs illiams till hap bap lo 10 look up I 1 missed her out oat of ogla ho biad ha d gone gin to her h er on own room but came tack in a ini minute nute zelvy wn wr a im litt 1 lahi ch klak into laia tafts allu 1 bou a na III threw W I 1 into ato the fire iCh hat althe the red pepper perpetu it will dd now said oie he taking 1 tip spoonful nEul and ma aking beh e to ass but se did not nor I 1 stitched on toru fora for a min nun uto uie or artno two though ariy blood was asrun run i ning cald andl the boiling boilini af that thai soup in the ifie large quiet p sounds hiir ough my lie id even na mrs liams iams was standing at the with her ba back clito to me chev I 1 he er will what t lyla mode I 1 me do it but it was as arso m me and without a word mord or tc though tho uh but that it libut be done I 1 fana ran ta IQ the fire gave the saucepan a poke and sent the soup up aher hey As it fizzed up the thought of her anger came cain lok derme tr ma I 1 kilbi knew not hat I 1 did bu le f uttering iter ing a ald cry ot 0 fear far I 1 r rushed ti abed to the nearest dorand door and etwas it wag the best parlor parlon the next lext shingi her ij is fiolich ci ing behind behin id the he gentleman adri bojia ho had a started smarted up and in in the door us as mrs AV williams illiams came forward with two tal 0 1 nives knives which had been lyshon lying on the windowsill window sill in in berhand bd her hand Jg pooh oll never mind the spilling of dihe he soup said he understanding at once what I 1 had done which which moped aed was easily sydn seen 1761 va would U f lip he be aar abary ath the C child ild for that she sae could not help it I 1 date say I 1 can dino dm vry vary well veil it derfl W V gf I 1 li ho cont til aued ed wiping I 1 a step nearer where she stood still looking ai at me with a deadly glit tern bl her er eyes jopat I 1 said Z ardia 91 s sh ewas trying 11 jie knives the sharpest it said the leman 0 afi o beddard beL dard vatan ley lut but you don t jenow that 4 I 1 haye have married your daughter daughten and brough bru ugh her home a lady 1 I 1 I never ee deanto I 1 I 1 act ac the ajl villain I 1 a in I 1 byi ay we vei were private ly roamed but bat while the old man lived it had to itiba U of k kant t a ecret beert and kheua J e thil that s W hy ll 11 1 have 1 coia come acl to day to sur surprise piso you but you will null comelo come lo 10 Winst abUy park 1 and gi give ginetis vetis is your blessing by jove maii you ar ti 8 f faintly faint ii t li fihe had sta betag 4 back against agai the tha wall fl r white whit lips her e eyes wrela broking p hopah HM indI d aad hal fado ep ell of the servants whom my scream had find brought in ran W help her adt bu she pushed us jas away yita a a desperate effort fr darted up p hairsi an 3 we hearer her lock R herself er s elfa m iter own broo room r the whole house wa I 1 fril fright h t 1 one ened ah a t tha h ei mai dinaida id fiill all concluding i ina that brij mrs i williams heesen n ai k ai what amri Winst antey stanley tho thought u ht I 1 do not know but he asked me no ques tion eions and never s seemed tp sa kupect hect anything about the spilled soup ile he lefta nota for mrs Il ts williams and w went nt off with the servant a little L before e or a auns sundet 1 we all went about 0 6 ir ar basl business n Cs for work nic never r slacked ui that liou saon hily account and the evening coach ts expected lust just before ii caine mrs s williams Vil hams bell ra rang ana and the baij ado she ranted me ie ched I 1 car cantio h nto the room she she vas as sit sitting tah g at tie the I 1 d desla es looking herself ag again in buther but her herlac fa 4 was 11 still white and she had het her long knitted purse ursa f ull full in ur het hand and mary 1 said she youage you are a good irl atko ril take care that ibal no na blame 1 I want no money Y ma maam a said 1 I but ajl go home if apu let me and never say a word except to m my fath aad mot mother fier i see held h elj out ih abo e purse once and add then pointed to the dobri bui bu t say ho nothing thing A fiust have ave been 6 en a hard foi her proWs proud spirit jiri ti 1 but of the room as isquick quick as hs I 1 could threw chiew crimy on my hat anda and cloak and go tinto lie he conchas soon a asa 3 it t cambut came cam eulf uT leavin leaving trunk and a allbe I bd hind me 3 iMy ay father and mother were in mightily ight surprised when it set medow nal their door in clatford clafford Cl atford just asche cloel s a idey hey aib w we re still in boore c astonished jil lenil Sold them what hat had brought me home my aly father first called me a brave good giri I 1 and aadsen ll Teri advised me ciotto tobe be proud p dd about it ic because it h V s he jocund or 1 i r b T i d ie il nry mi edund on all hall hand 3 sto to keep seich a story caiet quiet abbout parmer farmer D olk ck sons sondre re bation Ia tion thesley was k ept LW bem een n me and themi them but my hume hm C coming 0 M ing got wind and farmer dickson ial rame ne in a afe great at fluster to know vi hamary tad left lef t her good bitda tam my ther fejt net t ii ave if her childson bild child so slit she told lold ma iti shtil parlor and whal he said I dont kneit because ill the e d door yas fas shut buths cams |