Show WORK STOPPED ON MALAD BRANCH Special 1 i Correspondence w it CITY ITY Ida Sept pt 28 MAl MALAD VI The Malad public school hool tart start started 1 1 1 ed el 1 Monday Monda with Ith the following lead teachers I at lt the Ihl he heed hed id of the there re respectIve grades grales 1 eft Mr lr Welling of M principal Mr Ir Larsen Iaron High school Mm iI I ra r Ulce tice loe el eighth h I h grade Iward Col Colton on seventh rr gratie Ilp de Air lr Ir of ot sixth Krade raile Clara Clur fifth graule Ants nt 1 Jenkins fourth grade Mrs Irs Stone third grail grade 11 Miss PI Hue Ile Jon Mond Second Mound Brad Sylvia lvIR Ward ml primary grade Mabel kindergarten The school building hB has hutta been be newly an and two of o the rOI finished ant and n for ready redy occupancy speaks peaks highly for tor the The work on ott 01 tl time tue railroad has hal ceased The Te Japi Japs who hn were enl engaged In the la Ia 11 bee bor Ir have IDI gone to 10 attend to the bar har harv v of ot sugar beets beet The Primal om r give a A childrens dance at the Opera House lanC lt Ihl OI tonight A t till full orchestra I will alit II furnIsh the music The fh farmer are uc rejoicing over their fin fine wh wheat I lopP more lol than thin th they have for a If I number of years yean |