Show UNIQUE REUNION AT LEWISVILLE Patriarch P G C Ta Taylor or Whose Posterity Honored Dy fly His Hia Descendants nt and Rela Relatives tives News of th the Week From Thriving Settlement Correspondence T I Sept S goodly L I number of ot old oid friends and all rein relt rell I thea tel coming catalog It out 11 I Oregon and nil all RI lir tan II ot of Idaho vern tere rt called together at lt th the Taylor re to reunion union held It eld a at al t Orant I ran t S ll pt ui it t in Itt honor honorof of tt it Patriarch I P 0 O Taylor of hal 1011 Hauls tie silie lle Utah Mr lr Taylor I is TS S years year year of ot one age 11 w wite born hOIn In lit II Kentucky Im luas hal lieu bad hlll four 11 vei three of whom hol ire lre living IS 88 1 children il I boys nd 17 gIrls tW 18 S anti and numerous l HIM lIli 11 la Is II near nar 40 All him hla living children ate alt married lt without an alt 81 exception Lists hlf been married In the tile temples temple 11 Ills In posterity to In J r valley valie I 11 i IM IMP 11 I P 1 0 O Taylor la is II an 81 old pioneer alI end and ho ha baa lived In 1 I for more mOrt than 40 Years year eRr At Grant on the lat It a t program was wal WI rendered In the tIme forenoon and 11 11 peo people 1111 Ide were fed mostly relatIves relative rutt anti and watermelons from I Itah Huh he helped II t la make Incite ke up Ill IJ the feast I Numerous friends came caine In itt lute late In lit the afternoon A short program 1 wee waa rendered and a free tree given shen In the evening The Tue dR duty day following the greeter greater part 0 the Taylor relatives went scent to the HI lug II Feeder 1 to 11 a ti ter hr r supply front from the frol great Ireal Snake river Cora la ore Ih the daughter of byrne Lyme Taylor of Grant who hues imi ha b been cn very scry r low with typhoid for tor several evral weeks passed heeded away on Ott 01 Saturday a night anti wa wits Wi burled Monday tile the a I number r of from attended the Ihl funeral The track was waa laid held 11 the tho I wl tithe 1 lown on Sunday ld 1 aunt and crowd of people popl anti and w were well ro n flocking there oil nil dR da Thy Thu Is ni II 10 now at lt AI i I J V t W t Jl work on 01 the tho dry dy lied bed It sounds sound good 1001 to lown hear r the Iron 1111 horse horr pulling through Miss I 1 11 and Jame U D Hog Hol gon will wi l b tie e married manic on the of Oll tier ber On the Ith of nt November will wi tart stort on OIl liU bli hl mission to The he Neth Netherlands erlands I lila his II wife at Provo 1100 where hero dio cha ho till Mil 1 attend the Lime Young Yoting the ret rest of or tho Iho year The III school opened on ott 01 Hie with three competent teachers nal namely H II TI II I hale Mrs Air Irl Julia Jull Arrow Arrowsmith Arrowsmith smith Mrs Irl Louisa Pratt There art arc still 1111 n rt few feit fel cne of or typhoid but hut nil all ni are Improving |