Show ir Um S STILL T I L I Ir T r f H it I 1 li Ii BEST EST ST ro FLOUR u R 5 Flour STILL MAUKS 1 IU 5 T 11 Ii IiD LI t L tb I b D I E ES S T F 1 BIH R CAD AD ID l CHURCH N NOTICES Regular services cervices of or the Church Chuch of or Jesus Christ or at Saints Saint will willbe wi be hc held tomorrow Sunday Fa Vast Fast t meet heln being held hlll in the ud udal at al 2 pm lm Sunday Sunda anImal leol at 10 u 11 1111 meetings in In the city ely assembly rooms and Ind adieu nit ent ward a a as follows fl n TIMI fl t FIrst C Twentieth 63 Second 6 60 Third G 61 6 JI 1 Fourth 6 63 8 VIthu 6 60 I I 6 60 SIxth 60 60 I 6 Seventh 63 HI seventh 6 u Ninth 6 63 I 43 T I Tenth 63 I I i 6 5 60 Thirtieth gs 61 61 83 63 63 I i Th St 62 Thirteenth 61 I Th rt a 1 Fourteenth 6 63 cn n Fifteenth I miter on lor 6 61 61 1 RI Sixteenth C G I Cannon 6 60 Seventeenth 63 I Url 2 t J 6 I iM Ornen 2 20 Nineteenth 6 62 63 I North 10 Point I t 1 Ir 10 Thin The general rene of or the Id t will 1 ill I l I lie held In lit Salt Lake IlkE A In Imi this LILY on oil Thursday Oct i 5 1 litOS lm ml meetings torn oiti at III 10 a It in iii anti ann i p II m iii n in iii 4 usual and amid there will be he another net ilo i of or I the hI on Monday Oct Ott 9 at the name place at nt i p I lu to luIt f It I Is II hoped then here is II will ill III be he II a represents representative tire tive every erry stake 11 l la a IRr large e o of the lie member The he 1 First Presidency y of ot Ih tile tho Chun h lI of ue Seen en enty ty Iy und othet othu brethren mil 1111 the of lit the V I 1 L M I I A alit in I me tIle cordially In iii Invited ted to attend the conference NotIce of ot meeting will b in given later The Tho general board of or the tho u so society will give I a K reception to prell president dent deitte of or stakes takee lUll antI mission or thet representative lit at t tilt the flee Iloe Hive Houm on Oct Olt 5 from j all to HI II 31 clock of if Y V 1 L M ti 1 I l lund and Pi PrImary Unary associations are Invited to 10 attend this reception W V SMITH President t ANNIE ANNIi lA 1011 IDA UA S Counselors The annual business meting of or lh the National Nation Woman Womans society will wilt b be held haIti In III the fait alt Luke Lake Assembly Hull hell Monday londay Oct Olt t 2 1905 1985 at 2 p m tu mIt mIt It I Is III hoped that nil ull the member members of or the Ihl society that Ihal taut din make It IL convenient will attend this meeting The Thu regular semiannual meeting of or orthe the board or if f directors of ot the hit Womans society will he held Tuesday Ort Or let 8 a 1005 1905 at 3 S p m mu In Inthe th the omee room 09 Temple Templeton ton bUll building ln U W V SMITH I General en I I n 11 WELLS General Secretary It IH is an at fact uel that thit tIm Southern Missionary society hI compiled a list Hilt o of thin the names name and ud at d dd d lIn of ot over 2000 1 who ha labored I In III a thAt Held field lite Ird a ii ii u tu I reunion I Is to 10 he be held hId on the of ot Oct Olt and all an Invitation tata hlll been mailed to 11 tuC each cli a of nr t the a and lid ci all I t s prorate promise n a very ery 10 large riff Every on one OM who attends will Hill h be hr sure ur to 10 tom m meet t many aiRily old frIends and companIons companion anti feel again the lie hol holy joy of or mill mis sinner life lire The south has hall been tell a peculiarly fruit fruitful till ful Held field for the Gospel and 11 the tho great number of Killers who ho la labord bored bord there and lod the ninny many thou of or Saints converted there me RII 4 a mighty host It Is III proposed through these annual reunions to keep keell In tou h with n as many a as All of or the tho south em orn KUlers Elders and and ke keep p them enthused with the lime game warmhearted self Ir sacrificIng spirit that Im line aIt t x s the southern mission The Th united sympathy And mo moral 1 support of lIr such uch i a lari larg large number o of earnest work workers ore ers cnn can not but be beneficial Jo o time the good gool cause c t I Iome aloe orne brethren attend nd the re rl reunion union anil be hI renewed pr with your lour Mill deslie to help th Ih the ork a along For nr i mi I i n ii i i T ft th the goner Irner 11 I 1 to tatul ud I I of ot the Y Yong ung M I n p Mutual e ment fluent has hat been discussing the advisability of or organising n R class for the study of or the Manual believing hat there ther are many In tin Salt It City and anti 1 It who would b be to toL toa L a tall ill Ih of ot the lie opportunity thus thu With this end In view leiv a bOding ha his b been n called for Monday Oct Ort i It at t I p m iii In lit room SI 21 1 D 13 Y V 1 building to which stake su superintendents ll their assistants word their and cia claw elau are ur earnestly Invited At t this hits meeting the matter will be discussed d In All nil II Its bearing und and If It b by th the demand it in weekly clan chits will be organ organized organized with Elder Ehler 11 II H Ii Roberta Robert a as In hi Instructor In the takes stakes Hi lb and adjacent to Salt Sail Lake City are kindly lIked to make malta this thU announcement In lit their thih meetings W 1 S g Committee I tee Sunday Sunda Oct OCI 1 Meeting of or Pioneer stake High II quorum In the stake house houe 10 a ui m rn Monday Oct Ott 2 of nr El 11 Elder Elders der dr Teachers und md I Deacons f of ot strike stake In stake tabernacle u n m in Priesthood meeting Pioneer stake in the stake house i O OI I p I m iii flight Priests quorum stake Sink loom Jl it 1 B H Y V Memorial buIlt Int 1110 7 30 r p m tn 1 High Jt test lK a I 1101 Liberty stake fleetIng i Z 10 ii p hOPu in hO 1 Pu 1111 Oct Ocl of n States society Pioneer R hall hell commencing It at I r Ii p ii in ni re 11 reunIon reunion union of oe fo po O clety fourteenth hall II S 15 Iii p in Oct 7 nf or Stock Stockholm holm Society Fourteenth ward hall hail S 8 I p ii m in reunion fI of t Colorado n assocIatIon H U Y V MemorIal b 8 g r p m iii Nottingham confer enea reunion Hoon 21 H n Y V building S p m n general stake slake Im and nd Iaal lo Ia local cal al offIcers of or the Primary n A poel ton In the tho Halt lithe Like Assembly lull hlll at AI t 4 t p 1 m 10 All 11 interested lit are Cot in Ward II rd Hour nig Cott 20 Mill Creek tall Jest Mill 1111 Crock Murray 3 2 I I ft 01 I armer I llou house ou f 10 Korent 1 Dale Ie 6 2 ZOO Waterloo at 0 O kant 2 20 29 Hunter blunter 1 I Dr Not ho Upon Foley e Co i Honey v vanI antI and Tar far n o a 11 throat and hilI lung I remedy dy and ond andon andon ondon on lu count of If The tho treat merit nd popularity hunt larity of lIon and Till Tar many imitatIons imitation an are offered for tor the genuine Ask k for FOLS Honey ano Tar unO meuse ro me reo fui CU use f un tins any substItute us vs no uia other will give the same Im It IK Is lI It hi contains lb no and antI I Is II for and de Ila delicate licate IIer persons rOli ona Sold Hold oId by f f J Hill Drug C CHOME Co HOME HOhE SEEKERS Corn Com to 10 Valley lIlIe while land It is cheap feme tulle now nol be belot foil th Ih the Till ThIs slime same In it i will i oit 01 juti vu double i ext sin ig I Lib Liberal 1 eral rill I and lIlt Ilk II 1 I t 0 it t C water eat r YOUNG WINCER WINGER Driggs Idaho THE Si STATE Al E BANK BANKI OF UTAH SALT BALT LAKE LAKI CITY Joseph Joseh t l P Smith President Wm B D Preston Vice VIlli Charles S Horton Hurton Henr Henry T I McEwan Ib Heber r 7 Grant Orant Barton Joseph I F Janice James 1 D ChaB Chas B S Burton Byron Hyron yron Orono Wro Wm n 13 Preston M t Wells Welle A W ST Carlson CarIon on 0 flanking In all 01 Its Accounts Account national Bank of ol The Republic I t H S lnA KNOX INO President nt A Vice President W 1 I J AlA H Cashier CAPITAL ANt AND A thoroughly modern madern i depart department ment conducted In connection with th this bur bunt Safe deposit for rent U S DEPOSITORY DESERET NATIONAL BANK BANKS S Bill Bait ll lAke Litko Utah c Oft for tor Kent Ilent KentL r 2 L B R 1 HII Ii tr President lo nt M Mine MIce 1 fletcher Vice VIe AIO 1 H It B IJ Young tou Cashier Edgar S Hill Amt Aut Cashier Cohler tI iNICK Si CO GOI 13 ElANI BANKERS A N K ERG RB LACE CITY UTAH UTAJI ItT The DESERET SAVINGS BANK BANKW DInt W s V w niter MO Moses O M tA Thatcher Vice Ice Provident President Kiln Elms A Ii ashle J I Jk B 8 HUH Hill John It R John C tiller Cutler David Keel IcCie A V W Carlson Carlian Oeo Gea J K It Winder I 1 V ft R Eldred Heed V t F James I Tour our Ier ter Cant Cont Inter t Paid on B J F K g 11 II P lIAm CLARK enl OIl OVEN N M AN oN T WITH Commercial National Bank An 11 or of m Com Cm Combined Combined blued with lIh rIA A H Il Y At Ant AliI it Cashier ashier WALKER VJ All ER BROS flANKERS BANKERS 19 Capital in end d Surplus Safe Deposit ll fr till Rent nent Travelers Letters elra of f Credit Issued RI CI L DUN CO COIt 1 It OffIces The Tho Agency George nu Rust Ruit r Idaho N Nevada anti and w Orates Offices In III Cult 11 Lain Lako City Established 1819 1809 Utah I Savings Bank Capital WM 1 V P ARMSTRONG President BYRON DynON Cashier Commercial RankinG flanking In nil 1111 It IU its l Four our per cent Interest paid on II savIngs ACCOUNTS SOLICITED I H H Jo H HW y W We w Ha I t j JEW JEWELER LER 1 I t 7 27 Main Street i t 1 C DIamonds watches jewelry I L 1 and silverware Everything new ri y r i y I All kInds of or manufacturing and arid j jA f A t repaIrIng J II H KnIckerbocker X the optician man mUll 1 a er 1 i Doth Phones 1 iH IrH HH H ago 0 11 Road II Salt Lake ft Ogden na Railway II 3 SI SIMON IO nA Prest Preat lla Manager Time Table In Effect Sept 5 1905 SALT SATT Iun 6 d 9 0 11 1111 a it m 01 2 Z 1 I 6 S p m Vf 7 T 10 n aim in 12 m rn 3 36 5 7 p m mI mV mm m V I P f 11 1 I pk I 2 Time lime Table laDle I G GI I 3 f W IN N EfFECT i June Junc Is lit 1st 1905 A ARRIVE No 00 o 1110 Ogden ChIC Chicago co coOma Oma Omaha hl St Loub louia Kansas Cut and Denver Dene am lm amNo amNo No f SF rum Olden Ogden Portland Dulle and San ban Francisco am 1111 amNo amNo No C from Olden Ogden and aud inte ci medIate p lute 90 00 am amNo amNo No I i Cache Val Valley al alIcy I Iley ley Icy and Intermediate points 11 liltS C am Ilm amNo amno No o J Prom Ogden t l St Sf L Lc ul ole 1 Kansas City Omaha l on and anil San Ban 43 pm No 10 10 From Ogden Cache Val Vall ValIe l Ie ley y Butte Hutto Portland and San Sail Francisco put pm DEPART No S Kor or Oden Omaha Chic Chicaro Chi c cage caro o Denver Kansas City and bt St Im ND NI Portland DUtt co and Intermediate IO 1000 1030 O am Un amNo UnNo No ro Ogden Omaha Chi Chien en cage KO Denver Kansas City HI at Louis and San Fran Francisco cisco lit pm No III or Ogden ache tacho ValIe Val Vol Volley Ie Icy ley and ito point paints 4 10 pm No 10 J a Kor or Olon Denver K than Isn n nai au ai i City Omaha St SI Louis and Chicago COT IM t pm No or Odon Cache ache Val h lj Icy c Butte Dulle I fl Port lorl Portland Ill land lad c Ran Han an In ant points 1145 1146 pm pmT pmT pmT T M 1 Mgr Mer MerD D B Y U 0 1 P z T V AD AID A AD D ID S 8 n A 0 G ft tz T AIt A City It Ticket OffIce ZVI Main Street SM Q Not Nole Train number shown slown ahOo ar are te Oregon Orion train and nil do donot donot donot not lI apply ply to 10 the Southern welt watt of ot or tho the n east Il t there thereof of ot L O R AD 6 l T A AN ANt H ik t ll I J SHORT LINE TO ST GT LOUIS ear ar Suit Stilt Lake It t to o St Louis and I C It City n one olle change t to New Nest Y York Mil Buffalo and principal prInts n esst low rates fu till for summer rail IrnI attention to 10 lilies and dIn 3 inn lee fID rB through to Chucar o to and 1101 other point TWO TRAINS DAILY at fit tIcket I till c i 1 10 i IJ D lv lila 1101 a 1 Salt Rait Lake City An Any ii n cheo ChIco fully given II C TOWNsEND O 1 P TI A t T P A Missouri Ry ny St T J il ula Is Mo MoTh Mop o p WE MAKE W ji A An 1 I r f Th n Sign of Safety Speed end Comfort From UTAH to Kansas City St J Jo Joe Kl hl PASO PUO and th tho Mm lIn lInIng Ing lug Camps of No Nets Nan Mexico and amid Ask k us III about Cht Cheap p Rates Hates tu this Summer C F he W AnnEN The AtchIson on Top Tor Topeka k ka A Santa Banta SantaFe SantaFee F Fe Fee e Co Salt Lake Luke City Utah I IU SAN PEDRO LOS ANGELES 4 l 5 SALT LAKE fr K R R CO U 11 m M NI ay III t I 1001 t U i V I from Irom Oregon Short Zort T I Slit Salt Lake i I t No M MP gp t i District Wo No im PI d P Pete pelo e Valley No 0 Lynn I II No IFor jt I I 01 Ar ll r I ro Nephi I PoInts d 1 I INo l No lu I C II i a 1 I J No o Lyn C I I 1 It No U From M Munt I nl A hl Intermediate i n I M I No 10 1 84 From Ne l i i i p Intermediate I i t u No M From i t t I PP Pt Ip 1 1111 Imm r I I fA Suit Salt Lake Like M t i n Ek lb Vies and Ls AJ k i i II Direct t stage BIll oni cu r In log Inc Districts In hi IllS Sui SUt UI f vad Bui Bul r 1 O I Telephones 1 lw IS i n I lc No to 17 It W V 0 R Pt W Jt I J I General Gener ll Pa IM Act li 1 I I 1 19 r I 11 I I I iS CUrro Current Tim In Effect ct M Mi i i t M LE VI SALT ALT i f PITT No Un l J I Ko o J Park It li j IP If No o AI I I LII Ho o 0 Ogden III u a u 4 u t tLE Points Point No fr I For Loi ol Ogden a an aIL I INo t I 1 Y No 1 Ifor For Of dtp lem m J I i No fcc Dome Dulli r 11 it t it at t I I oJ No tho o SKor Pro Provo ii J i d 4 j J L t r 14 x No o a lIng mi r No o 0 IHl r Illi I J No a i i I pOints point I No I or Onor l P an I lit u N j No S 3 For Ogden Ogdon un an J Pl P II a ARRIVE iii SALT gALT A 1 LAKo LA LI r rho I Ko ho a t u 9 I W West t No l 0 m i T r i i t I III a ain joint in int No so O irom rom Kur lurea 11 1 Ka Kaso a I J I t rho so Ct 5 1 roni D Derue r ei eiso t L tl so 0 1 From Di tl ci ul 1 1 I J 1 No Jo K From 1 a o Oe OIn OgIn n I j No 1 rom all Ogi n ai nb 1 th the tut 4 NO o m Paik Purk I 1 No 0 From rom Hebe ULI i mr fr 1 tj tI po l I 1 PI NO a HII i III Ko o Kit Ill K ih gan J I o J m No mho 0 From ogle Ii Ie Went Vest lAt 4 mt 11 No Dem Ien n aI I 1 i p 1 I 1 II Ia Ir Iv All train x pi II I m I I Mop at III JI r t I l Office Do I h v P k Ic 1 I I T Ir 1 a G r I t 1 L I I ItI It 1 I 1 4 I I 4 Fast ih tr rn day to Chicago ia tho Ji NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY the tho e tho thu Ml n i it I Liver ri Chicago c with all IiII H ti thu Two trains ia i to St Paul 1 I ni cr if J c cf I I and lIo of L 1 I 1 v 1 I I fl m I T t ni U earle fr frI r I oata and i I l 1 A WALKER Au C 1 30 and 40 Well Wed f oit I WI 1 SALT LAKE I l L I TO SOUTHERN kf VIA VlA I II I 30 limit TI 11 lal Final Finn return Tickets on Sale Solo October I It from date of oC Sale October November i 1 and Final return limit IA TOURIST DINING an and CHAIR CHAm CARS CAItS UNEXCELLED SERVICE I f CITY TICKET OFFICE 1 17 W Second South Sonth Salt Lako Lake City I Utah m I |