Show Hw ei t v I T IS 13 not often that Halt JAke bake I Ini Is In i IT chosen bolen a u th the birthplace of ot a new drama rama by a star rear and an author like ilkI Florence Roberta and Taut Paul Arm Double Interest ther therefore Mill lm bs attached aUche to the opening of ot the Theater Thea Theater ter Monday night when Ulas Roberts Hobert creates the tl title role rolo In III Mr Armstrongs entirely ly new play Ann lament It IU Its i ar Pt als ha have been going forward In Ogden Orden for tor sometime na trial it and our pub Jit wilt will be bl Invited to render the first on the new creation Monday Miss MItI Roberts Roberta I ni I an is too well known to 10 need discussion at till this da die date Mr Armstrong I 1 la a ti n tie who whore whom play lay The Heir Meer to th I wai one of ot New Now Yorks Yorki grout greut reut successes tart lout year ur Uti 1 II la In lit Salt lit linka larks to watch witch the Initial performance and ana tu t note lICIt what changes It if any Ir ire are fl del before the work i Is II taken to Hi the trie 1111 laiK lutger It i clUe It 11 will III b be rendered d all of n sex nex x k with Wednesday and Saturday Ann Alln Lament Lamont i ill is a tale talo of ot lovo lovs IJo Do and lIt life lite und and Isaid to bar b lI distinctly up to date fit n It Its III plot That It I la Is decidedly u II JU Ln play I Is IV evi evidenced evidenced I by th the tha story ot of which the tha fol fut following lowing Is II an In Ann Anil in III ti it II youn oun In Nt York a gin Ir of It temper temperament ament breeding and unit education Lon Leon Richmond a II Illustrator un an II I t I fellow artist ha has a In Ann star lIu worked from hen hili l b heing un unable able to 10 rent a studio of ot her Mr own on She Kilo ho hole Is le a gill Ihl at lit war with the convention tb the t two loo II 0 vr ore often t thrown aunts II and andas ha as the author puts puta It In hI a It line hue Mon pion from runs the ha eyes eye of ot th the world has hiU over lver the The action of ot the play pUy takes taken playa plue lc lct t M ne time steer litter th the Inevitable has har happened hap hup i hips hua been betm In I fur for six nix Ann Anti bus hils fallen tullen In III 11 love t i wIth anther another man Titus deeply lion hon in III lovo a It different from omi onu she held to fot I Sh Shu hll u us written attempting t to G that the rela be he between tweet tween them lire fire ut lit an 1111 ell end lie Ile to accept her hilI ultimatum or ar to 10 1111 reformation tier Her will not nott t permit her to wed wet the matt man of ot hot her fin II d Moire until she he Ilan convinced the tha oth nth 1 tr er r one that she hl he la Is beyond him this II Is the central theme them Urn the story Mars n of n a woman who falls fatiN aril and y yet t her tier self elt of ot one who mils culls against the tha un tin jut diet I of ot the social dl cart cartI law ui othe I which h hp the woman ut allt and con donee defies the men man and yet vet concludes II nt rat t last that thai rind find th the only teal IIRI happiness In to lire life The scenes renel of ot inn Ann 1111 Lament Lamont arc In 1 New ReI York London and nd Ht It Itt Ity I ors are the real rant to bf h b be I found f li h the circles 8 of ot the Ille Jr great preat t English speaking renters centeri Thi Th Thir t climax of ot the play I Is reserved fo to i ir fourth here where the the fourth net net U It Is III here where tho tuo i men who love Ann meet In to a It hut but or of twIsted bamboo polar end nd dry city grass grassIn In the tha Haw Han Islands The rho of If the tory story la to t one lit of f happy re Miss Iles Roberta supporting t r headed by hy Max and nueh lIuch well known pia s R au II Henderson H Ii S Northrup Hubert M AVade WYade Leigh Lelh It U It Wilbur Ibur Hudson Luclle Yorke unison a ml son J Florence Robinson anti and c At the Grand Irand the new nel pia play WW V i s Women Sin will be he presented ne nex 1 week 1161 the lady IRely who s the tho e ex plana lion of ot the being nem toward Howard who brings bringe an eastern to 10 support her The play pia Bald 1114 to b be finely mount and to po pos pas 1 1111 a s strong Itron Interest lt with n 11 of ot comedy running through I Among other renes d pl l tl 1 In th lh pi pity Ita are Me the Millionaire club eluh t i I I front of ot church hurh and 1 the tha II i 4 initiated grounds of the Riverside I Iy h y lU lilts iy Howard the leading woman oman h s written a number of ot ete clever r i for tor the l m nell Plic he H Han I an alt English girl who ho though young Iun has Ims had considerable dr dramatic expel II I o i The Brigadiers and Battling Helmut Nel will clo close clone a record breaking weeks en i moment at the 1110 theater tonight j 1 the show leaver leaven a short most favorable 1111 j re alon In the minds of or the patrons Ithe t I the house hout for the COlli coming I week th 11 l i attraction wilt will be M The K ReI n lucky Belles un tin organisation of th Ui s lime esme standard end and under the s II ui management aa RI The Brigadiers AMui Wt li 1 this tola company ny omea James l t favorite son on nn an HII l I jl farmer folmer champion of lit Hi Ih i i lu world who will appear nt lit every p ri 9 beef i J In ft a I exhibition f J rl either r with hll hl spurring partner or r with itu i local mat man Urfa Is le conceded to 10 b bf be ber r I oAt ot f the boners that ev evid ever I tr id the Uto gloves and It Is le safe Ito Ir t I tsay tI h sty say r that he will tva hla hI friends un amt l their moneys mOMY worthe worth e Kd Toed of this city Is U represented I liy by 11 two In the put past during thew thoi tho the thoM i w 1 4 M ent week The first wita the lire pres presentation i IJ J of ot hi hla play piny or of The Ih with William In the 11 title role Ht lit Atlanta lily City All reports t Day II the ort Inal RUI HM II nt at was WAI ll I IMf than duplicated I j fhe Ph he us woe the of t I S H sh foe a musical cn rl brought Ii I nut out at al Detroit with Marie I Cahill In the cf part Mr Royle Rol U le the author of lit the libretto 1 |