Show THEATRE GOSSIP I Nr t Convention Hall Ball lt U le I to 10 tobe tolie lie be aJ remodeled modeled to make maki It for tor forI Y stage Mage production unit n the tha independent I 2 ent sties will Present Nerah h 1 1 a an and red other heavy havy attraction t there 3 Negotiation II ore re rl now nw pending be bf between peen tween 0 C l U mAn manager of or 1 Jefferson and J 0 f the thA Australian n t mm magnate malnAte g fur tor p tur of ot f Thomas rhomBI In Hip Ann Yan Winkle le In the antipode h The Th e inevitable h ha aa tt hall finally Y co com comet met Chutes Charlee H Ir Oreene Greene l I IC actively preparing for tor the production prod on an n elaborate elaborates ell borl II s stale 11 ale of 01 The Man ion With a I Hoe Ito ju just t by br Daniel L Mr r haa has completed his bin new Play The Jury of ot Fate Fat which In ill III r 1 i probability will b be brought hl out at the London Landon Waldorf theater The TIle subject It of ot the tho place I It le raid acid Id to 10 no hit very en comber tame James K Hackett and Mary JUry Manner lag II produced Alfred Altre Butros Wall Walli of ot Jericho In Washington lart Jut nek elc with WI g great relit The nato new na r plo play piny pr pro nies to 10 havo bave ave n a prosperous pros erous career on this side aide an au It 11 already ha hAjJ har had hall In London has no sword word In III this play ICIA Klaw A h have e Inv Invented loI atthe nt at the th most mOlt conservative estimate find and are art till Investing Next ext to them the hubert nr th the heaviest producers frI ers and now that they havo combined i IWI N Mm M tt WM ham anal ids hta company will mAke moke a 11 atour atour tour 11 HM sec lIel 1411 aahl farewell to Ington The rhe Mirror announce that Hate new play now In re reo will recelo It Un its premier pro production ru nt rut the I hI iii a theater r In Pitts bur burg this year w hk would mark marlc the dr from thill ert policy pulley of ot of Initiating hlll his dramatic enter MAM t LM r N M x N NI I w t w ettah ier r ry j jt t rg a Y rl I 1 r C r gar e er t r I a aa ij a ty i I x t i cYva e A y 1 re i 4 S Ir k e t tet r 2 o rI t f et lip Y 41 Y 1 F 4 IJ I Ia lyt l lt uj Y a 4 r tar t r s Y r W sit a aj j s 1 r p i ii N i Ye Yet r t t lv r s v I rs r e t r rt t t e r t to toi tol a r j t 1 la N tArk sa I t try e et r H t 1 ii 94 i t 1 41 i 0 i er bu l i I t r l 6 j tp II III a I I a n 1 I Y s c 4 I r d 4 k 1 r C r rt 1 t I q r k st w L 5 I 4 t I j jI I t y V Y I II II II IJ Ia If Il l I rf a I f A t tf L r 1 hP Ii I f y f fr r t tr r r 1 r f 4 t IaN aN I r J mw t A f e J vt rk t r k 1 isas dl I as aau I FLORENCE Who Will Vill Give the tho Performance of Paul Arm Armtrong trona Entirely New Play Ann Lament Lamont at pt th the Theater Monday Mondy HAve Den Ben n Conducted By fly tho Author in Ogden Ogdon for Several Weeks Week Past Pt t N with David und end others their total Investment fur for the season aemon In is I a Ii tremendous one Ico Shubert recently announced that io and nd HA had purchased for tin the Square Opera Open lIou House Washington which will be added add added ed lit to 10 their chain of ot the theater theaters aters ater Tbt Tb Lafayette not sae A until the transfer un under r the bit direction of ot Blair A R nil lIn It Jt will be b opined opened under ender IIII th thi new nen regime about alulU the middle of at Octo October bar ber When Peter Pan Man 3 J M Parries fairy play w which bleh Miss Mil Adams I la is to produce pro produce duce duro In New ow York Pork at the Empire after John Drew Drews engagement l I Ii revl revile In Lond London n by Frohman some ome time lime about bOUl 1 60 the ll the title role will b played playe there therl not b Miss 11 n Bon Dou 1 Ic t who ho created the Ihl th role rein but by yby y yM M Iel C e I la Loftus who o on n that oe cle aC slon will go III under hark management yearns for tor a term U of or years yean Lloyd gingham I Is la to return to the e estar star Mage tage made and be starred snared ta under th the man 1 n of of ot hi his wits wit Amelian Amelia Bin ha at In n an a Irish ern drama entitled The Night Nightingale Ight gh t tIngo Ingo b by Michael J JJ Jordan Ib It t Is la Isern never ern since e Mr Ir he Bingham left the stag Ie to direct the h aNatoe lit of ot othis his hU wife n HA lie had be been acting In I Mr 1 ln Ir r Charles Charlei Pi oh mans c companies Open OpenIng n tag Ins h in a II th theater eater r Oct Oc ln 15 U lP Mr Ir r pal prim sr In me 1110 e u n w play I la Is entitled The Url Ctrl of ot the th Golden West Ves and Ih the scene acene la II laid In California dur durIng during In ing the tit days Annie Russell who ho Is II no 1101 now n II t nJ land has haa been betm selected el l by Bei ap Beinard nard liard Shaw to plu day the till star role In hiM hiN tl new Hew pili play Major 1 or which wits as a written for tor 1 k ennor Bobson ht plea Miss create a favorable tu Impre Impression sloe sion loll In R igland n the tho ply play la is pro produced produced duped ut ul the Court theater London she abo muy may lx to seen H en In fn It here a aa III Mr w retains retAin the American rights right I II me Bond Ron a n young who hUll him been playing with New ew York stock com companies for tor the Iho last two IWO year earl hi hihn has haa been hn creating n 1 veritable sensation b hilt her splendid w olk t nt rat t tp the the ator Ir p In San Francisco In tat the h support to Of ot f White Whit kits I t tl er nl f se IY Kond a I Ionly Is only a mite of ot fens femininity ll t ty y Ise tint but u t her tier sus aurI sue aur ce feM t Is II ale not to be hI measured t b by hem her ass I Inch Inches Whittles a is II Ailing the tt upu I claus clous a u e every ver y night lA glossa hie al and nit Ills his en 1111 engagement I is the most moat of ut tny Iny n he h boa haa ever eer ft had tin adad In she Ban n l declares herself de da delit lit III a tail with the prospect of at doing three thre or tour four JIlin this year The Th mo most t 1 serious menace to Rrt in America sh she raid recently la Is the Ion long run of ot 1 a sue nuo sueL suei i L h L J L play A grant rant hit may bi bl be for tar four year yeas during which time th the performer celli ceases to think or to tell feel and only repeals tn mechanically what lia ho or ahe she hue has repeated d of tit It tunes No Noone Noone one ou ought ht 10 to In th the waste lIne rolo 1010 for moro more than three months lilli hive nw new parta 1 a PIP DIP required to prevent mental Poor R Rostand Again 1111 they ir ire II seek l lIng k kIn In lag Ing to make stake him out a in h his liin new play pia Thin rh time thur he hela heIs heI I la Is supposed to have stolen fi nn on obscure o ob obscure Beur French author He UP Mill eus Hint s I t Inna mi Inn mia 1 a doomed mIll men ill n nl my Ideas idea al ate stolen This rule tins tim I thought hl myself surely lIrely original I 1 nii et KU I my InY Idea came lUll rr from 1 the Ihl of oil nil 1 Jo nn 11 li It play U TA R Roman man de do but lut I found by the tho Gross Uro I that i It n 14 to make excuses let I all 10 me Ins a If IC they think thank I Urt Ien Hu How however over nero 1 L never navel heart heard of ot Pol iol I or lr r his play Piny New 11 York PI spat rut the Im Immense mense menee sum aunt of ot to provide new vehicles of ot amusement for tOI th the theater a oln a n of or all city y b blur open lur their houses for the season now In III full tull Thus far tho ihn at the various orlou hOIl houses en eH has boon been unusually la 11 good and the managers are HI counting upon good goad returns return upon their The tasty to SIp of ot the amusement 10 lot lug Is very ery tickle hos ncr Anti and It will not be If It gome flome of the lire enterprising men who ulio cater enter to the thi HH throne In It thi the cattle cam out atthe at atthe atthe the little end of oC the horn Richard has Ims begun bemm re for tor the of at Schiller s Mon Don Jon Carlos Carlo which will be presented for foi I th tho thi first time limp on ou an lag Ing stave stage ut lit 1 the HIP hI Urn ml Opera House net ui t 16 One of oC the things about his bis n nil 1 A production I la is puss purr ling Mr lr Is II the tact fact that he will a French version erslon of or the tha Ger Oer German men man play and end that the German Germans may kick up a hen fuss about what they InA may In stet slat Ilton on regarding as a mutilated version venlon of or their clastic But then Mr Ir Mans Mansfield field Is le accustomed to 10 trouble Actors Acton who fought In the Ivl war Mine MImi wearing the blue and others the gray hae formed d nt ot the office of ot John Johll Johnn n K 1 In e 1 a fraternal social IClal club called the 1 Circle of ot Civil Wn War V r Veterans Union an and d r States SlAtes of ot oAmer Amer AmerIta America Ire ica Membership will he confined to I honorably dl veterans who nr am members member of ot some branch nf or the tha theat theatrical theatrical cleat profession There are uro many the theatrical thel m men n who ho enlisted In UI the Co Canted Confederate n fed erate erat army and nav navy The purpose I Ito In is isto Into to bring the thA v vs I of ot the Iho blue blut and the therl gray rl together Among the tho prime prima movers are arc Daniel A r Kally elly of or Haiti Halll more Frank Hell John E K lace Ince John JohnP P Hill Hili George H II Maxwell Hurt urt Clark Will on mid end Dirt Dart Wallace y t A i c l I I X CWM M ns rr IV I f V I y I f t x I s sLi I i I Li t J r t r x ti t tr r rd i 14 r r r rr r r re k hr v OSCAR L FIGMAN A As Professor Pettibone In The Tenderfoot at lit tho Suit Salt Lake Theatre Mon Monday Monday day dllY and Tuesday Oct 0 S and 10 |