Show ERl NEWS THE SEMI SEMIWEEKLY WEEKLY Y NEWS rr THE GREAT I I COUNTRY PAPER OP OF THE WEST WESTI I If Monday mc Ind nt Thuly y o ni ad Contains Contain All AIl tIle tIc Cr Cream m of the Day sJ nJ nd Saturday New DIcz CE CEPURE S CRE POWDER PURE WHOLESOME RELIABLE MADE FROM CREAM OF TARTAR DERIVED SOLELY FROM GRAPES THE MOST DELICIOUS AND WHOLESOME WHOLES WHOLE SOME OF ALL FRUIT ACIDS Its is s Its fame worldwide Its use tse a prot protection and ails a guarantee against alt alum aIn m food k Alum baking powders their true character disguised are urged with great effrontery upon the public Their promoters are aware of their unwholesomeness but the enormous profit in their manufacture as they cost but two cents a pound and andare andare andare are sold at cents a pound or cents for ounces overcomes all consideration upon the part of their makers for the health of the consumer Alum baking powders retard the digestion of food foo in the stomach while cream of tartar bak baking ng pow powder er promotes it If itI t I These are facts an and they are of serious import to the public C S Martin Cod Coal C Co Ce I n k Md Pd lid Cute late ant 1 r i re rek k lump nut and lack Indies It If you want lant 1 a i refined and bril brilI brilliant I In ii t complexion Ion free from I I iri I n Rocky Hock Mountain Tea Tei roLl led lips bright cye anti and 1 a it complexion 16 Tea Tear or fir r Tablets Tablet Ask Nl your Old Dutch china at Ht J Z 7 i l M l 1 I See It noon BELL BELT TEE TELE TELEPHONES PHONES IN SALT BALl LAKE SEPT OAIN UAl OF 2000 SINI JA JANUARY mAn 1 I In phenomenal Increase made mado poi through the endorsement of or the people the dressmaker Invites Hit alt her hr and anil patrons to 10 an RII opening at her ir l parlors 24 Kust 1st let So St on Monday and Tuesday October 2 and 3 At Q t thin this open openIng Ing harlton who hits has Just r re returned turned tinned from ron 1 n a visit to 10 New York imd points pointe will III h 0 1 nil alt the tho modes and lid styles I I No argument is needed when I I v v t IL N I 1 is served for for lor lorb b breakfast rea k fas t tv v 1 Watch Vatch results v 1 1 1 S O o W i iN hl N 1 ifal fM rl Vl 1 Old Ohi Dutch I china I tit III 7 Z 7 C M r I Sec Fee It 11 ao Jot Joe further anti and further Never stops until you yon are w well II l what I blue II 11 15 Hock Rocky Mountain p Ton TOil will tb do A great neal tonic Milken Malits rich Wood firm It Ct fits T Tea Fea or Tablets Ark sk k your 1 t The rh price o of ilon to the fuir wit l he hI an ow Ing to the tie number II of it attraction t t Pt CC Ii b It t dull th of or lather r time tims driven IIA of or out old the elixir of oC life tICe that lIts hop hope Inthe In Inthe the Mountain T 3 K aa centi T Tea Ta a or T Tab Tablet tJ let lets t t tI ur I L LJ J Id iJa Lh t w The Thi most i rii will III h ha pl ed rI If Ir price 1111 t work In Is NI Daniels banle th the Tai rat Tailor lor nr Fit Ft or II no ho sali It ri 7 W 2nd 21 South Bt Rt t t I TEMPLE NOTICES I 1 The itt I Ik ak Temple will 1111 Ill close ollie on evening fi I r 5 1906 1905 and ro re roopen open oln on oft Tuesday 01 Oit Ot 1 ii o 1905 JO II I HUITH The rhe Logan JlIan le will close dois or W October I and nd re rs reopen open on Oci 01 10 tO 1994 to W v W V ln Pi II II nil Utah Sept s Ih Th The Mantl lant I I II h 1 ln d 1 Ki pt i M b IlM t ir and will t tu III i tor r i J naw work C p M Id II 11 l ian O JH JOHN D n T I M n u rant Everybody loves ove a fragrant 1 cup of tea I Goken S I I I Tea I I I Q Queen of all teas It is tea full of life quality quality ity strength and matchless 1 mountainside tl GRAD GRADE flavor Use half usual quantity A EA A Ask your grocer for it J A FOLGER Sin Sn CO COSin C 1 FYON YLO 1 T Established 1830 1850 t Name Name Y Your ur V Route East I II On your next trip East tell ell your local ticket that your ticket to Chicago must read via ia the I i Chicago Milwaukee So St Sf Paul Railway Y You 01 will do yourself a kindness securing th the I maximum amount amoun of comfort at the minimum cost Double daily train service from Ogden to Chicago and from Denver lenver to Chicago Rate in through sleeping cars Ogden to Chic ago standard tourist 4 75 and IMe lr tr free freen Am n nr t a agent can tun tl tj kt tl ta i Kast via thin til line Ask Alk l him m t to tG todo do e BO C CI S WILLIAMS Agent loG West South Street I SALT LAKE CITY I l IF U YOU JOU OU WANT WANI CASH ASH FOR NR YOUR j BAD AD DEBTS Notes Noh and Accounts i We Can Call t Get Gett Getro I I It t CI CINo No ro Matter ibo How Large Lae or ol Old 1 They Ate Are or lr In Whit Whal Town City state SUte or Territory I If u tW did nut nt 1 know w we WC could your our bill blue I we WI not net b be paying out Gut t man t to 10 This in bu i ln l I Ic n no ilde Id l u with Ith u us tie 4 10 II Ci 11 II l writ HU ir A nce fit or 01 lean tean l Un money mone but Dili WO We wor 0 eoll ct I ebl ti r T o of It J J i pT lUI 1111 or Iu mid o of or 11 it hit are continually talking tar tr iw tia t tl hI l II III I ur to In brinK mun turns I t n ti f fr r ami w e 1 ir If iri ft Ju just t um t I It 11 t I II th e i tinis and nd milD miu In oIn n t I lot tt iii 1 tda 1111 v I 11 1 4 ft rr nr r i Clark Uro o ot I j IIII Ih 5 It Jt WM Will wu ti hili K Mt Kt ii II u MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATE TN St NII I u ii K TUftS TUBS OK OF WAD lUt i pian ri s C k 8 nit tt I J TAh I Ity ty tt nt IN I i 11 KI 1 n ral Mm Mill n or iier r rIll 1 l 11 Ill L Uke lIhu lie iu I i TEA TEANo TEAN N No a risk i Schilli Schillings Best 1 i 1 No risk to a any ity hod body to you your our grocer u us |