Show P tI 1 r NORWAY AND SWEDEN J i t 1 h t u u S a t p ration b by tho the Norwegian II From lf of t Women c i a J I 1 n J I rl rick k VI Vl of ot l Denmark and andi Uti In I n impelled to a aHee re to cellI forr forra Ollar ra a y 10 i a II fin com fo I ti II th low Ins of by hy byi luei I t I i ii 11 lul Jel i K s general who bun bunt f I rt t tout wet was elected sue tuo tuoi Ih i g E kIt I 11 i Swedish x throne under ell clef r f I t 1 v ill Johan i a H of ot the thA th ce ton of ot their At AI t jh h r row n nil ns one olle mant man t l tor r pound b by the treaty of ll t g 1 K ti their rights right as ae a It fr free tre e ei i i e i Illation Dillon They did lit I not lint Iud and i j I j I ka kt A right to I III ulc I t I oR ft but bUI nfl ho had so o l I II Denmark wan dent IM i state of If was wash rad h in n In l o a a arr There Ime barn lOM I t tt tJI l I 1 n w it lIh hn h ter S let 1 r a I Ii find u ml id Jp i n 1 lon hero blo blockaded r Elate sor t c n t L I t I j vern i r I u I 1 had been bean bad had for tor c several v ral year yeah In au sue IUt cession th the nation nallon vu Impoverished mid and the tho treasury wan 18 empty Not crusher crushed herl by hy misfortune the nations and ami when hoed wa was i ll app appeared ared A nation III al 1 assembly tens called at and n new constitution modern und and demo denlo democratic cratic was u Adopted They chow chose for 12 big n II prince pi luce Christian Fred Irrel click In the Hummer of ot ISH th the commit commis commissioner of at the powers powell went fOnt t to tf Norway with till the of at Kiel In chair th lr hands Jut But they found round H n plate lt It itt king nt At it its Road head II not nil a people ready t ta to defend their liberty to tilt the utmost t The tried to Induce l i Karl all arl Johan ot of Sweden to voluntarily Norway self elt government to negotiate on that thai I butts bUill Thin proposal win tent mud and troupe Karl IRrl Johan Johnn at their h ld d Invaded Norway After n few lights lie proposed proponed mi till II rend anil negotiations The treaty I of or Kiel Kle l w a aH ae H t quite II Nd Ill e II lind nil un t nR cometo como come comoto to In III which 1 Kirl 1111 III Johnn vi the till Norwegian a Th Tin Nor Nort 01 I t Iu nt HI h r t iii nit t md 1111 I 1 di 1 rt that hAt Norway hould should be united with Ith Sweden a at nu am Independent kingdom and should r retain her own onn constitution only altered In such ouch pointy point ns at the union made needful Frederick o of Denmark had placed hi his hili crown rowil In III the hand hande u of the people On Nov ov 1 the ele elected ted Karl Kurt XIII XU king of ot Sweden to b U bo king or of Norway too Thus two 10 free tree and Independent na nation tion 1110 united on equal ten 11 tenni ma The two Iwo wore ere each uh to b be ruled separately only with 1 a common kin king and In war ar For flu th r rt tee H Norwegians were to have their own laws law and Institution their own n army and II fleet eel their thell own their own oln and their own u 11 n 11 dog The resolution on those then wale w Will ie e en entered the following year 1111 In the ac ar art or of union binding for tor both bath countries and accepted by hy the Ihl national of ot both bOlh I In n I this thle h Iw ut act of or union the equality of or the two IWo stales Is la asserted During tho DO 80 O year yean ur nf ot this union them hat has been continual friction In Independence In Independence dependence tin and lr hI ve not lIot keen been by by the larger nation Time lime after time lime Norway ha hn bee hud in to defend her when Sweden endeavored to 10 obtain r In Fenton tt I 1 0 of or the am Bill hn und rend lIl ire IaP 11 I Nor I IIi ii w taken for tOI grint d N Noway was to 10 have hav her hr 0 own n en appointed b by the kinK king kinKIn kingin In Norwegian council The deputies proposed of Iou dor and nd consuls as n Norwegian but th the on and car carnet carrle net the Insertion of ot the rUu clause in tn the theart thenet net art of ot union tt as It stead tood In the constitution unlit In III d a paragraph of ot the Iho act ct of lit un union 1011 Identical with the tho Norwegian constitution tion in thus reaped l It I Ii said laid that the Ihl kin king shall have the right to tl collect troops troop tu to begin war RI and d to conclude peace to If send end 11 1 out and to am The rho rh act of ot union contain contains no 20 general central regulation for tor the III m nage of which wen war re 11 regarded carded a 11 as more mOIl particularly oming under the p r oMal domain of ot th lute Ihl klux An All a fact however hOfer the king did Ill en entrust entrust trust the management to 10 the Swedish 8 eJI h minister for tor foreign n The ants l tm ador already appointed for lor Swe Sweden Sweden den a assumed umed control control of ot Norway di til diplomatic connection abroad a n as Hwe Swe nt end and with r regard to 10 consuls the cane was similar Norway at on once apposed d Ihl title thin ar er arrangement nn h ha has held that throughout th the century the Khe halt hall hi felt felth a h hilt hat t I It II 1 wa Will d os to 10 hal have no shire chile In the t e of or 1 f foreign E air a even 1111 lien t thouc et I n dh I r eel elf f only Ill HI 1 i inThe I In 1 IMS The lh 11 p I dag without negotiation with N Nor Norway 11 way tray made come ome alteration In her con coni constitution 1111 by lIy which the pr p r aIso al iiI alo so 10 o of diplomatic matters matter was wan placed In tn the hand of ot the till minister of lit foreign affairs affair U He Its wu was Wal no made mad I ic re to the parliament for rUI mutter matter no nu mention was wait made of ot r responsibility to the Nor Norwegian Norwegian r Meanwhile the con consular sular ular question Importance trance tance The demand la I for Norwegian consul Norwegian and shipping and commerce are In Inno Inno Inno no tense sense Identical Indeed the I two wo countries are ere frequently rival rivals In these matter matters Norwegian abroad demand Norwegian Tin The establishes the tilt right and und andall nil all publicists admit It titer After renewed but fruitless discussion with Sweden till tho on June T 7 1885 onee 1 mUle more to 10 11 try negotiation A com oom committee of love ven Norwegians a and I seven ven n III members member nl 11 met mat negotiated failed to 10 agree tr e and was Wt In 1102 i o proposal clime came from frum ruin Sweden HElen for tor forM torM M a Joint committee tf to settle the flue lion Han of consul consult for rOI the two without i reference ferenc of ot Ih the larger burger topic of ot foreign affair Iraln general generally I ly A consular committee Ie WI wee wan formed forme l met filet re reported P art a red and then thc tho two gO gov Ruy rI n s n a K Kt on I n n It 1 t tie o of fit oil l Ihl h le In 11 MarcK llarI arc In lu Mt Mn tI IM ul the Noi oglan hlll Kov guv l lIt t I In the lied I a Il of ot their proposal Th The chewer answer wee wan Ion IonIn long In coming hut when It came cam die dla ill that und under It Norwegian eon con II ml iala III w wr to be he placed under I Swedish w authority Oth I now lOW regulation up lip prated which It If adopted t tho the Norlo glen prime minister said would place the teal seal of ot dt dependency on Not way Three rhee paragraphs paragraph twIn bring adhered to by Sweden tilt tho Norwegian government I In brake oka off oft the negotiation Then Ihn Nor Norway Norway way determined to take ake the matter lilt Into I tau her own hands A ip plIa cial committee commItte prepared a leport and Mild of ot proposed propose I laws law On May NILY U IS IMS 1905 Ih the motion to tn adopt l painted lapsed o the on 11 May Muy 23 n the Ihl the two stuns of the and sus su IU was sent leut to th the king fur tor or hi Ills alt 1111 S On rn Mn May 27 21 the Norwegian ll king 1 r rn fu fused d that sancton Th The government th thereon r on requested their 1110 king refused to 10 accept their lion BH RM tm till could form no n new w minis ministry tr try On Juno June 7 the tha government 1 re rt Hut nut by tho the constitution the king cannot govern without hi his hll re rt council The Th there thare forI by vole Ih the retiring ministry I to ft ex royal 1081 au IU authority In with the eon con tit 1 h I being u a th that t tI the hid had 1 i IIII II to OX III I |