Show p 0 I S I C I I Salt falt Late Mfg ft Furrier I 15 D Main Main MainI 8 I II fi fijn fin I C GLOSZ begs t to announce that he is isnow I Inow now showing a complete assortment of desirable d dI n I Fur from the lowest priced kinds to the very best I procurable i There are arc exquisite pieces in rich stylish ash fash fashionable q Russian Sable Royal Ermine Eastern g 1 Mink Hudson Bay Sable Black Dlack Lynx Lym Chinchilla jn B Persian Lamb Broad Tail Jap Mink Beaver Deaver and md h kl Squirrel Furs A i Upon payment of a 0 small deposit f furs Will be stored free fee of 01 charge and held until til Wanted MAIN JT I even I inger I J tares ktores IN UT UTAH AU and IDAHO 11 4 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 3 S tt 2572 WL Of 00 v IDAHO FALLS IDAHO IDAHO N ve H LOGAN UTAH N MaIn sl t UrAH PROVO 97 Academy Vt MT PLEASANT UTAH LooK for the Singer Sign when in need of n Sewing Machine or Supplies Needles for all malles maes of Sewing Machines fj Sewing Machines Rented or |