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Show CARPETS! Carpets! A nice line of Carpets at Z.C.M.I Hemp, Ingrain, Tapestry and Brussels. Call and see before going to conference. 4-tf. DON'T send your picture away to be enlarged. Take it to Cordon who will do it for you cheaper than anybody else, in any style of the art. Or he will take one large from life which is still better. ??? PROVIDENCE Theatre! C. M. Johnson- Business Manager. Henry Bullock, -- Stage Manager Friday Eve., Dec. 17, The Providence Dramatic Association! Will present the intensely entertaining, drama, entitled, Earnest Maltravers or The Robber and His Daughter-the performance will conclude with the one act comedy, entitled, Bamboozling! The Angell Orchestra will be Present-Doors open at 7. Overture at 7:40. Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats, 50 [cents] THE WONDER OF THE WORLD. Good news for all. Professor Herman's world renowned vermin destroyer! Which is known to be far superior to anything yet discovered. For killing rats, mice, insects on poultry, ants, bugs, cockroaches, black beetles, fleas on dogs, blight and insects on plants, moth in furs, tick or scab on sheep or goats, also on cattle, etc. ---- This preparation has been applied with great success against the insects that attack the coffee plants, and would doubtless be equally efficacious with the tea plants. Sold in packets at 25 cents per packet or six packets, $1.25. ---- This powder is warranted free from all bad smell, and will keep in any climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite harmless to cats or dogs, as they will not eat it. Directions for use on each packet. Manufactory, Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, City of London, England. ---- The above discovery has gained for Prof. Herman a silver prize medal at the Intercolonial Exhibition at Victoria, Australia, of 1863, besides numerous testimonials. Sole agent, O. C. Ormsby, druggist, Logan, Driver & Son, druggists, Ogden City. 50-ly SADDLES and Harness. To the inhabitants of Cache Co. and vicinity, H. E. Bowring. From Salt Lake City, having commenced business at Logan, Cache Co, Utah, In the above line respectfully solicits a share of your patronage, Saddles a Specialty. Repairs Promptly Attended To, Manufactory immediately south of Z.C.M.I. 44-3m NO. 847. Notice for Publication. ?????neatness and speed. [Unreadable] Notice is hereby given that the following named seller has pled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof, and that said final proof will be made before the Clerk of the Court of Cache Count, U.T., at the county seat of said county, on Wednesday, January 19, 1880. Viz: John Morse, of Hyde Park, Cache County, Utah, U.S. NO. ??? for the E 12? S. W 14 Sec. 11 Tp? 12 N. ?. 1E and he expects to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tract by two of the following named witnesses. ??? Frank Mary?, John ??, William ???, Samuel Seamons, all of Hyde Park, Cache Count, Utah. H. McMaster, Register Jng. A Bailey, Atty for applicant. 13-54? NO. 486? Notice for Publication -- U.S. Land Office, Salt Lake City, December 7th, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof, and that said final proof will be made before the Clerk of the Court of Box Elder County, at the country seat, on Saturday, the 15th day of January, 1881, viz: Joseph Southworth, of Deweyville, Box Elder County, Utah, N. E. No. 1957, for the N.E. ½ of S. W. ½ and N. W. ¼ of S. E. ½ ,Sec. 20 Tp. 11 N. R. 2 W.S.L.M., and he expect to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tract by two of the following named witnesses, viz: Meadore Mayue, of Corinne, Box Elder County, Utah; David Burbank, Juder? Wells, Ethen Cutler, of Deweyville, Box Elder county, Utah. H. McMaster, Register. Jno. [John] A. Bailey, Atty. For applicant. 14-5t NO. 420. Notice for Publication, Land Office of Salt Lake City, Nov. 31, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of their intention to appear before the Judge or Clerk of the County Court of Cache County, at Logan, on Friday, the 31st day of December 1880 to make final proof in support of their claims and secure final entry thereof, viz. Francis M. Stephenson, who made homestead entry NO. 2316[?], for the N.W. 1-1/2 Sec.?? Tp. 11 N. R. 1 east, and named the following as his witnesses John Bright, Elisha Rogers, Benjamin Clurry? And Benjamin Baker, all of Lewiston, Cache County. Benjamin Baker, who made homestead entry No. ??? for E 1-2 N. W.1-4 and lots 1 and 2, and exceeds entry NO. 1357 for ? 100 of E 12 N. W. 1-1 and lots 1 and 2, all in Sec. 18 Tp 14 N. R.1 and names the following as his witnesses. F.M. Stephenson, James Anderson, James Baker and Warren Keal? Kent? H. McMaster, Register. Nibley & Hammond, Attys. 13-5t NO. 405. Notice for Publication. U.S. Land Office, Salt Lake, U.T. November 11, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of their intention to appear before the Judge or Clerk of the County Court of Cache County at Logan city, to make final proof in support of their claims and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from the date of this notice, viz on Saturday, the 18th day of December 1880. Charles Wood who made homestead entry NO. 2278 For the S.E. 1-1 Sec. 2 Tp. ? N. E 1 ??? and names the following as his witnesses, viz. John Kemp, William Blair, Jefferson H?? and John Kemp, Jr., all of Lewiston, Cache County, Utah. Williard D. Cranney who made ?. E. NO. 2117 For the S. 1 2 N. E 1-4 of Sec. 22 Tp. 12 N. R.1 west and names the following as his witnesses, viz. John Smith, P. Cranney, Lehi Tarbet and George Lewis all of Logan, Cache County, Utah. H. McMaster, Register. Nibley and Hammond, Attys. 11-5t NO Patents, No Pay. Patents Obtained for mechanical designs, medical or other compounds, ornamental designs, trademarks and labels. ???? and all matters relating to Patents, promptly attended to. We make preliminary examination and furnish opinions, as to marketability, free of charge and all who are interested in our inventions and ??? are invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for Obtaining Patents" which is sent free to any address, and contains complete instruction how to obtain patents and other valuable matter. During the past few years we have offered nearly three thousand patents for American and Foreign Investors, and can give satisfactory references in almost every county in the Union? Address ??Bagger & Co. ??? of Patents and Attorneys at law, ?? Ce?? Building, Washington, D.C. CO-OPERATION. The Manufacturing and Building Company of Logan. Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Rustic Tappered Siding and Furniture. Inducements Offered on Building Contracts. Planing and Turning done on Short Notice. Prices of Planing, Surfacing-35 Cts. Per 100 Ft. Planing, Rustic &c., 60 cts. Per 100 ft. Planing, Tongue and Grooved and Beaded. 70 cts. Per 100tf. Moulding reduced 25 percent. Home-made and imported furniture Etc., at Company's Store, Main Street, Logan. Also Dealers in General Merchandise, At Store three blocks west of Z.C.M.I. Henry Ballard, Prest. Chas. Nibley, Manager. ITALIAN Bees. I have on hand and for sale a Choice Lot of Bees. Very strong and Healthy, in KIdder Hives. Apply to George Hibbard, Apiarist, Logan. 12-1m LOOK HERE. Photographs taken in the Latest Style and Finish. Special attention given to Copying and Enlarging Old Pictures. Portraits in Oil, Ink and Water Colors a specialty. Picture Frames, Mouldings, [moldings] Etc. Constantly on hand at Kirkham's Fine Art Gallery. Second St. [street], Logan. mar12-ly. HANSON & Thomas. One door east of Tithing Office, The Pioneer and leading Merchant Tailors of Logan. A fine stock of Home Made and Imported Goods and Ready Made Clothing kept on hand. Gentlemen's own material made up. First class work and lowest Prices guaranteed. N.B.-We pay the Highest Price for WOOL. Temple and Tithing orders will be taken. Mar12-tf?? OUR MEAT MARKET has on hand every morning a good supply of FRESH MEAT and carried on in the interest of the Logan Temple, she be well patronized. Third ST., Bet. Main and Washington, Logan City, Utah. WM. H. MILES, (Of New York City) has Commenced to Manufacture of BRUSHES in Logan, opposite the Tabernacle, and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public who prefer Home Products. BRUSHES MADE TO ORDER. Save your Bristles & Horse Hair. Stencils cut for marking sacks, etc. ly LOGAN. MEAT MARKET. (Formerly Z.C.M.I) Just South of Logan Branch, Thatcher and Newberry proprietors. The Choicest cuts of BEEF, PORT, MUTTON, VEAL, Etc. GAME IN SEASON. Home cured Hams and Bacon a Specialty. Jan9-ly EAGLE HOUSE. Salt Lake City, Utah. J. P. Teasdel's Mammoth Establishment, in the various departments of which may be found every description of FAMILY SUPPLIED and General Merchandise. Wholesale and retail buyers will find it greatly to their advantage to inspect our stock and prices. Address all communication to S.P. Teasdel, P.O. Box ??? Salt Lake City. LOGAN BRANCH. Z.C.M.I. offers a complete line of Fall and Winter Clothing Boots and Shoes. Elegant line of Dress Goods, Hosiery and Notions. Staple Dry Goods. Monitor and Charter Oak. COOK STOVES. Parlor, Bedroom and Office Heating Stoves, Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps, Queensware at Bottom Prices. We are "Headquarters" in Northern Utah and Southern Idaho for Grain, Butter, Eggs, &c. Our facilities in this line are such that we are enabled to handle all kinds of Produce advantageously to both consumer and provider. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Correspondence Solicited. H.S. Eldredge, Supt. R.S. Watson, Manager. sept11-ly P.A. NIELSEN, Main Street, Logan, Utah, Manufacturer of boots, shoes, harness and saddles. My leather goods are made of First-Class material and their quality and workmanship are guaranteed. I also keep on hand a large stock of General Merchandise, including dry goods, men's clothing, hats and caps, groceries, and furnishing goods, provisions and family supplies. A fine assortment of Ladies fancy goods just received. My prices are as low as the lowest. NEW Furniture Store. N.A. Linquist. Has opened a store on Third Street, Logan, next door to Leader Office with a splendid stock of Home Made & Imported Furniture, including all articles pertaining to a complete stock. Prices are the lowest to be obtained in Cache County. Sam Smith, Salesman. ?? F. JACOBSON & Son, Main Street, Logan, About two Blocks South of U.O.Foundry. Are prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing & Horseshoeing. Having engaged a good Wagon Maker, who will commence work Nov. 13th, we can, after that date, do all kinds of Wagon Work. At Bottom Prices. ?? UNITED Order of Smithfield. This institution manufactures a great variety of Leather Goods including the following lines: MENS BOOTS AND SHOES, Light, Medium and Heavy. Fine Calf Skin Boots and Shoes; Ladies' and Children's Shoes in Great Variety. Harness Made and Repaired. Home made clothes of all kinds: Drugs? And Sash?, Lumber, Shingles, and Lath are specialties. Highest Price paid for hides, pelts, and wool. Orders taken for any of the above Geo. L. Farrell of Logan, or Robert Main, Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah. 5-ly JAKE HEUSSER, Practical Gunsmith importer and dealer in All Kinds of Rifles, with every modern improvement. Breach and Muzzle Loading Shot Guns. Pistols and Amunition of every description. A large variety of floating tackle and pocket cutlery?, Rifle clubs supplied with the best guns at liberal discounts. Regulation rates of the National Rifle Association on hand. NO. 139 Main St., Salt Lake City, P.O. Box 025.? 021Y FURNITURE! Jenkinson Brothers Dealers in Household Goods, Bedsteads, Bureatus, Tables, Lounges, Mattresses, Picture Frames, Fixings for Singer Sewing Machines. Also agent for the Newton Wagon. Logan City, Utah. jul1-ly CITIZENSHIP Papers. Having been appointed Deputy Clerk of the First District Court, I am prepared to issue Citizenship Papers in applicants. Chas. Frank. Logan, UT, Oct. 29th, 1880. ??? ZION'S BOARD OF TRADE Logan City, Cache Co., Utah. Agent for the Improved Studebaker Farm & Spring Wagons, Buggies and Carriages. Buckeye Machines, Furst & Bradley plows, harrows and cultivators; South Bend chilled plows Keystone and Furst & Bradley hay rakes. Also dealers in Iron, Steel, Bolts. All kinds of Hardwood and Wagon material, Farm and Freight Fixtures. Examine prices before purchasing elsewhere. Fred. Turner, Superintendent 4-11 JONES & Jenkins dealers in General Merchandise, Including full lines of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Lamps and Glassware, Gloves, Hats and Furnishing Goods, Provisions and all kinds of FAMILY SUPPLIES. Lower prices cannot be offered in Cache County than those we offer. PIONEER DRUG STORE, O.C. Ormsby, Proprietor. Wholesale and Retails Druggist. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Perfumeries, Combs, and Cloth Brushes. Toilet Articles in Great Variety. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Putty, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Sash Tools and Graining combs/ Coal Oil and Machine Oils. Choice Brands of Tobacco, Cigars, and Cigarettes. Dealers will find our stock complete with everything in above lines. Produce taken at the highest market price. WM. DRIVER & Son, Wholesale and retail dealing in Wines and Liquors. The best brands always in stock. Wm. Driver & Son, Leading Druggists of Ogden. Send us your order and they will receive prompt attention. [Illustration] NEW Co-Op. Store! If you want to buy goods cheap go the above place opposite Z.C.M.I. Logan City, Cache County. Where they sell ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE at the most Reasonable Prices. Home-Made Goods a Specialty. Bids for Lumber in Stock will be received by C.B. Robbins, Superintendent. SCHUTTLER WAGONS! And Agricultural Implements On and a full stock of the celebrated Schuttler Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons, which are fully warranted in every respect. Also ordered Platform Spring Wagons, Sulky Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Threshing Machines, and a fully supply of the latest improved Agricultural implements, which will be sold at lowest prices and on favorable terms. A large stock of thoroughly seasoned Wagon Material Iron, Etc which will be sold at bottom prices. George Barber, Agent. Main Street, Opposite Tabernacle, Logan City, Utah??? 1880, 1880. The New Howe Sewing Machine! The standard machine of to-day. Regarded so by the best informed people the world over. This machine is the one to-day that is opening the eyes of the public to the difference between a Good Sewing Machine and a poor one. And people are demanding the Howe, because, is the cheapest. We invite the people to look at the New Howe, and we take pleasure in recommending it as the Best Machine of The Day. It is the Lightest Schuttle? Machine on the Market; only open ? to thread in the schuttle. And is guaranteed to outlast any two other Machines made. The Company builds no inferior Grades of machines and each one is finished with the greatest care. In fact, they are so thoroughly constructed and finished so carefully and are sold so reasonably that the inventors find no profit in starting a Howe factory at every cross road therefore they seek other fields?? Were margins are greater. Riggs & Young, Agents for Utah. R. Firgle, Logan, Agent for Cache County. |