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Show " . j . THE UINTAH RAILWAY COT j CHANGE OF TIME. j I$e'innin" lulv 21st, bv means of Automobile Service on thesta-re Line between Dragon and Vernal, also between be-tween Dra-on and Fort Duchesne, tbe time between Vernal ' md Mack, also, between Fort Duchesne and xMack, .has i,een reduced to one day. Passengers leaving ernnl, or Vort Dticbesne. at 7:00 a. m. make close connection at Mack same (lav with Denver & Kio Granie Kailroafl Com-j.anv Com-j.anv Train Xo. (5: passengers from Denver cc K'io Grande ICailroad Companv Trains Xo. 4, f). 7 and 8 leave Mack at 7:,'J0 a. m. arriving at Vernal, or Fort Ducbesne, : 00 p. m. same day. Schedule. Uintah Kailwav, Mack, Colo. lv 7:'.)6 a. m. ar.5: 15 ). m. Uintab Kailwav, Dragon, Utah nrll:30a. m. Jv 1;.() p. in. S(a"-e Line. Dragon, Utah lv 1:00 p. m. I ar 12: 00 noon Sla-re Line, Vernal, Utah ar 0:00 p. m. lv 7:00 a. in. 'Stage line, Ft. Duchesne, Utah nri:00p. m. I lv :00a. m. Christmas goods at the Myton Drug company's from now until Christmas. Make selections early and avoid the jam. 9- f We Would Call Your Attention To our statement of condition as made to the Secretary of State under call of November 21st and published elsewhere in this paper. We would call your attention to our strong condition, having over 33 per cent of all deposits in available cash. We wish to thank those of you who have made it possible in the year that this bank has been open for business to make this fine showing for so new a country, and to those of you who are not doing your banking with us to extend a most cordial iuvitation to you to come with us. THE MYTON STATE BANK . B. L. DART. Cashier x ' . At J. M. COLTHARP'S Are Now on Display A 'Splendid Assortment From Which to Make.. Selections.- Toys, Novelties, Toilet Sets, Fancy ! Dishes, Glassware, Gents' Clothing Neckties, Furnishings, Shoes and Overshoes. Anything you need for Christmastime 'j .llrf ii Hl ' mikm " Vr ' ' ' 1' ' f S ' . ' . ' .. :A You will be difficult please if you cannot make your Christmas selections at our store. 1 ' . . . ' - Fancy Dishes in Japanese and German WareToys for the Little Ones x Up-to-date. StationeryToilet Sets Xmas. Candies and Nuts-- 4 ' Fancy Shirts and Neckwear Hosiery Gloves and Mitts . 1 - . - You will find our general merchandise line unusually complete for the winter. ; : "THE PIONEER STORE" t - ' ' ' !'. " "You Know We are Headquarters for Everything." - f CALVERT 8c WAUGH 1 1 |