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Show SHORT STORIES. Brand new line of lace just opened open-ed at Barrys'. Mrs. Chas. Kendall and Mrs.- Shurt-leff Shurt-leff were over from Roosevelt Monday. Sensible gifts for Christmas. You will find any amount of them at Barrys'. - A. M. Lincott and wife, of Craig, Cnlo., are here this week and may locate- permanently. Miss Mary Nye, one of Theodore's popular young ladies, passed through here Thursday -on her way to New Mexico, where she wiil spend the winter win-ter with a married sister. - Miss Nellie Weston, field matron stationed at Whiterocks, was here Tuesday and Wednesday, and is arranging ar-ranging to give the children at the Indian village a Christmas tree, Louis Vincent", a farmer near Jensen, Jen-sen, committed suicide last week by shooting himself through the heart with a rifle A five-year-old son was the only witness to the tragedy. Deceased had been having financial trouble. Soren and Paul Hansen, of Boneta, were doing business here this week. Thay inform the Record that the Boneta social hall is rapidly nearing completion, and that when finished Boneta is going to have a great big jubilee. J, Heber Richards, of the Pittsburg-Salt Pittsburg-Salt Lake Oil company, came down from the Strawberry the first of the week. He expects to be here about weeks longer and will push yearly assessment, as-sessment, as well as some patent work, on the company's claims. A. W. demons dem-ons has charge of the work on the Strawberry and Tabby sections and Frahk Till in the Ouray country. |