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Show . ..,.w , . m 0 an fe ; n i pf) mi. mm. wi- ? p &.t3y liiLu Stia djjiy iz& iPxzr Pnce,sv Lvy from In J H UH';t fants. finest moccksins to Men's V j' r&& N heaviest work shoes. One 0f g SlPi oqthjng 1 ft terAt.W Anything in CLOTHinT 8 i febt': "' a .cVap ducat to a dress 1 I Vrrv : ?71?L J"1. enough to suit the mo8t , H fastidious candidate for mat. M i-iA nmony on the Reservation. ', 1 '-ifcv HABERDASHEgY ,: c 1 vf ty!C?' sKaa nd colors! 3f Neckties. Ties to suit theS most exacting of tastes. We also have Matched Tics and I h Half Hose for gent3 that are the Real Thing in Latest Style, j Everything in Haberdashery worn by by Fashionable Men j. M. COLTHARP v J I still have some ' J J fn Groceries c It vill pay you to figure v;ith mc L Q .. . A. I have an exceptionally fine line 1 WOOL UNDERWEAR and SOX jj I t jm ewi win inHMwrnrm i 1 I. W.' ODEKIRK I ' fAreyouW' A MA A P A IMC? H B ' i R We' now have one of the very best 160-acrc farms on the North i j Myton Bench for sale. Come in and talk it over with us if you I want to buy or sell. PIONEER REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. fi J ' O. A. DART, Manager. ROOSEVELT -fiOTa ' MRS. OLGA BIRCH, Proprieties First Clas3 Table Service by the Day, Week or Month Nice Clean Rooms I TRANSIENT RATES $1.50 per DAY RATES BY THE WEEK FEED STABLE I Roosevelt, Utah This space belongs to the i Roosevelt ' ; ' .Mercantile ' . Company Roosevelt, Utah. Denver & Rio Grande. Railroad B THE SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD 3 : " 1 Three Fast Flyers Daily '4 Between I OGDEN and DENVER Choice of Routes Through Pullman and T o u r is t Sleepers t o DENVER, ST. LOUIS i AND CHICAGO ,f - ; Free E.eclining Chair Cars. Dining Car Service a la carte on all through H trains. n . h For Folders, Illustrated Booklets, address i. ' I. A. BENTON, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept, I Salt Lake City, Utah. I F. A. WADLEIGH, Gen'I Pass. Agt., Denver, Colorado. Ranch Snap. Eip,hry or forty acres for sale of one of the desirable ranches near loka. Will sell for $15 an acre without water. Stock can be secured for the land around $0. Address W. F., care of Record. Reliable Man Wanted to represent the Myton Nursery Co., and take orders for home-grown trees. Liberal commission and exclusive territory given right man. Address L, M. ALEXANDER, Myton. When you can't find your Christmas presents any place else go to Barry s'. ! Myton Stage 2 Livery Co. On the bench near new bank Good rigs and teams. Clean stables Horses well fed and cared for Rates reasonable. Cive us a call A. LIDDELL, Manager Try it once, you'll come back for You'll have to hurry if you get on more. Hunt's Baking Powder. Cal- of those big fall hats from Mrs. Barry'? vert & Waugh. They're going fast. |