OCR Text |
Show Notice for Publication. - Department of the Interior, IJ. S. Land Office at Vernal. U(ah. October . 1910. Notice is hereby riven that Moroni Fisher, of Boneta. Utah, w ho, on September Septem-ber lr, VMC). made homectend entry No. 7011. U. I. S.. serial No. mow. tor nw nef.i, nc'.j nwU. Sec. Si. and e1 sw Vi. section K. township 1 S.. THnare 4 V.. Uinta Special Meridian. Iki'J filed notice of intention to muke firm! five-ve.ir proof, to establish claim to the kind a hove dcfCribed, before ' the Keiriter and Kcccivcr. United States Land Office, at Vernal. I t.ih, on the lyth day of November. H10. Claimant nametf in witnesses: Andrew O. Mi.dscn. Willianl M. Pot'er. Thomas IJrnndon. and Wallace R. Moditt, all of B'Hieta. l laii. ion ilia Charles DeMoisy. Rciriste |