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Show Myton News by Grace Dalgleish Robert Ernest Waugh died January 27, in a Colorado Springs, Colo, hospital. He ,was a pioneer of the Uintah Basin and a long time resident of Myton, known to all of his friends as Ernest. In 1890 he was attending college col-lege in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa whet his father was appointed Indian Agent, by President Harrison, over the Uintah-Ouray and Whitd River Ute Indians. He left college to join his paw ents and family at the Agency which was first located at White-rocks, White-rocks, a branch of Ouray. His father was the first appointed Indian In-dian Agent appointed by President Presi-dent Harrison. Government troops were located lo-cated at Fort Duchesne to protect pro-tect the Indians as well as keep them under control. Mr. Waugh had the opportunity opportuni-ty to see all the developments in the Basin from 1890-1941 and his exciting experiance were many, such as the Meeker Massacre- the fabulous "Lost Rhoadefc Mine" excitement. (This mine is still lost after 65 years) the murder mur-der of Fenno (an Indian Policeman) Police-man) at the Bridge (as Myton was" then called) this event made it dangerous for all white people in this area. Mr. Waugh worked with the Curry family in the Trading Post at Ouray until the reservation wa opened to settlers about 1905. He then came to Myton and with Hayden Calvert opened a store in what was later called "Old Town", near the bridge and later" moving to the present location of the Waugh Store Building in Myton. About 1928 he purchased his partners interest and operated the store till about 1941, when he, his wife (the former Hazel Wood) and their 2 daughters, Beth, and Louise, moved to Colorado Springs. He was a member of the PresA byterian Church and was born in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, July 27, 1868. At the time of his death he was exactly 97 12 years old. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hazel Waugh, Colorado Springs Colorado, two daughters Mrs. Burton I. Petri, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mrs. Richard M. Graves, Colorado Springs Colorado, Colo-rado, Brother D. Clyde Waugh, Colorado Springs, Colorado, two sisters Miss Clara E. Waugh and Mrs. Ethyl Lillie, also both If Colorado Springs, Colorado and four grandchildren. Funeral services were held, Saturday January 29th at the Swan Drawing Room, Dr. HowarfcL E. Hansen officated. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetary, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Mrs. Rose Gilbert recently returned from a visit to Clovis New Mexico where she enjoyed the winter months with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Gilbert and family. Loryn Ross was a Salt Lake visitor Thursday and Friday, attending to business matters and visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Todd and small son came from Salt Lake City, Sunday to spend the day With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thomas Sr, former Myton residents now living in Moab, Utah, were weekend we-ekend guests at the home of theii son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thomas Jr. and family and also visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Monks and family at their ranch home on South Myton My-ton Bench. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shields and family returned Sunday from jLubbock Texas where they visited during the past two months and are now at home to their 'friends; at their ranch in Pleasant Valle Mr. and Mrs. Devon Gentry were Vernal visitors Wednesday to spend the day with Mr. Gentry mother, Mrs. Violet Gentry, and also visit at the'home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Martin Oaks and family. Returning home Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Eldwin Wall report they enjoyed a two weeks visit in Salt Lake City and Orem with jmembers of their family. .While at Orem 'they attended a "court of Honor" pf the Boy Scouts where their (grandson,. Dennis Evans, received the Eagle Scout award. He is tha son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Jivans. The regular Sunday morning services at 11 a. m.were conducted con-ducted at the Myton Presbyterian Church by members of the Mariner Mar-iner group of the First Presbyteriain Church of Salt Lake City, 'Dr. Carter Bishop and Mrs. Ted Learning Lea-rning conducted the service which was opened by prayer andhymns-under andhymns-under the direction of Mr. Learn, ing. The sermon "Between Prayer Pra-yer and Answer'Hvas delivered by Dr. Bishop, bringing a special message to the large congregatioh-Mrs. congregatioh-Mrs. Gladyes Dart rendered pi jano music for postlude and-e- lude music and for the hymns. ,At the close of the services the large congreation had the opportunity oppor-tunity to greet the visitors while im embers of the Ladies Aid prepared pre-pared light refreshments which Were enjoyed during a social hour. Mrs. Devon Gentry was hostess hos-tess to members of the Birthday Club, at her home Thursday afternoon. Enjoying a. few hours of sewing and pleasant convert sation were Mrs. S. F. Morten-sen Morten-sen Sr. Mrs. Clarence Murray, Mrs. O. A. Dart, Mrs. Thomas4 Gentry, Mrs. Esther Burton, Mrs. jFred Todd, Mrs.. Grace Dalgleish and a guest Mrs. .Lee Snvder. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess at tables which were gay with decorations for Washington 'i birthday. The Usual Sunday service at 11 a.m. will be conducted Sunday, Sun-day, February 27th, at the Presbyterian Pres-byterian Church. Members of the Christ Methodist Church of Salt Lake City, who usually conduct con-duct the service will not be able to attend and a Layman's service will be conducted by Thomas G-v entry. A cordial invitaton is extended to all. Mr. and Mrs. Loryn Ross and family who enjoyed a winter vacation at Mesa Arizona returned home recently and are happy to be again with their host of friencfc, Mrs. Francis Ross suffered severe cuts on her hand last week and at this time is improving although her hand is in a cast. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Perry weoe visitors to Heber Thursday, attending at-tending to business and visiting friends. A large group from Myton attended at-tended the Uintah Farmers Co-oj fertilizer meeting at Roosevelt, Friday. The ladies of the Myton Ward prepared and served lunch to those attending. Week-end Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McKe-nna, McKe-nna, were their son and daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. DeNile McKenna, who came from Salt Lake City for the short visit. The Myton Ward Gold and Green Ball is scheduled for Saturday Sat-urday February 26th, at the Am- erican Legion Dance Hall. The Martin Orchestra will furnish the music for the event.. The Myton Ward M. I. A. participated par-ticipated in a Valentine Party at the Ward Chapel, Tuesday evening, eve-ning, with M. LA. officers in charge of the event and Mr. and Mrs. Gareth as dance directors. A jolly time was enjoyed by the large attendance. Week-end visitors at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Faucett, were Mr. and Mrs. Nile Olsen of Cleveland (Carbob County) Utah. 7: WyW :::: . : : . ?y. .;':' . , "' .';'::.vx:::-.::'.-.0 - iTm&4 HARRY FIELDSTED, steps down as president of the Duchesne Duch-esne Cattle Assn. He is succeeded suc-ceeded by Alfonzo "Doc" Van, Lapoint, as head of this county-wide county-wide organization. |