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Show MOTHERS CLUB HOLDS ST. VALENTINES PARTY Did the mothers entertain the fa tilers, or did the fathers entertain the mothers at the annual St. Valentine's party given by the Duchesne Mother's Club Saturday night at the Fros-top Fros-top Dining Room. The ballet dance performed by the six husbands amused the crowd of more than 50 persons. Mrs. Gaylc Young choreographed choreo-graphed the two dances. Dancers were Carl Wilkerson, Dean Young,' Eddie Kielbasa, Milton Poulson, Don Mayhew and Leo Foy. Arthur L. Taylor was master of ceremonies for the program, which was arranged by the club program committee Mrs. Raymond Ray-mond B. Hansen, chairman, Mrs. Arnold Robbins and Mrs. Elden R. Wilcken. For the musical portion of the program, vocal soloists were Mrs. Helen Merkley and Miss Carol Ann Moss. Miss Moss played the piano accompanient for both Mrs. Merkley, and the male quartette, which was comprised com-prised of Elden R. Wilcken, Dennis Freeman, Arthur L. Taylor, Tay-lor, and Neill C. Jensen. Don A. Mayhew played the piano accompaniment for Miss Moss' solo. As her initiation assignment Mrs. Prentiss Gleave played piano solos. The other three members initiated played characters in an old-fashioned melodrama. These players were Mrs. Douglas Horrocks, Mrs. John Burdick, and Mrs. Bernard Hadden. Mrs. Erma Mayhew, the club president, presi-dent, read the script for the play, and Mrs. Dona R. Hansen played the "understudy" for Mrs. Faye Davis, the other new member, who was unable to attend the initiation program. Mrs. Willjam R. Peatross, Mrs. Dean Young, Dennis Freeman Free-man and John Burdick were: winners in -the newspaper hat designing contest. They were awarded prizes. Mr. & Mrs. Clarin Ashby, Roosevelt, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elden R. Wilcken; & the Milton Poulsons, Mr. Freeman Free-man and Miss Moss were guests of the club. |