Show college bound with school days just around the corner a number of tooele thoele misses and young men are pack ing their bags and preparing to leave for college miss mary esther christensen who has been spend ing the summer in a useful mccu pation having been employed at the telephone office will leave on sept 11 for the U S A C another U S A C student will be miss shirley GilI gillespie espie who will return to her second year this fall A new student to register will be miss colleen tate who has also been employed for the past year at the local telephone office miss beatrice shibley a daugh ter of mr and mrs mansur shib ley will return to her studies early this fall at the U S A C also returning will be miss jetta row berry and miss dorothy lougy others heading for the B Y U campus are miss barbara hector miss margaret ann brown and mr horace gillespie A group of young men who plan to attend the U S A C will be bryan mckendrick bill thomas george ray garrard bud white james gowans junior hy mas aeve overson la var adams and max gollaher Tol laher off to the university of utah campus will go bob baldwin alien allen swan gordon hall theron shields jimmie duffin and ted bingham you can also expect to see coll eggans miss margene Stem bock miss deon alien allen miss emma lou dams adams return to the U this fall nth with new comer miss mary jean enton fenton planning to enter also |