Show highway sway accident mils kills one and 4 injures five others A highway accident at 6 40 a in tuesday resulted in the death of one man and injured five others two critically on highway 40 50 2 12 1 2 in les east of clive station 55 miles west of tooele thoele lobele county I 1 the car a 1947 frazer sedan was headed east with the six gers gets travel ng together on an ex pense sharing arrangement the car was owned by guy M murphy age 43 of astoria oregon mr murphy had turned the wheel over to one of the passengers miss nina leah adamson aged 20 of san francisco apparently a good daiv er while he took to short sleep according to the passengers the car ran off the shoulder of the road and miss adamson lost con arol and in an effort to bring it back onto the highway the car overturned twice and landed up right on its wheels jack courtney brucken age 28 of washington D C was killed almost instantly or head and in injuries his body was at the tooele thoele funeral home await ing sh piment for burial he is sur by his wife caroline weiss brucken age 24 who received cuts on the left leg and a bruised hip and back her condition was reported fair miss adamson the driver was in very poor condition suffering a fractured skull and concussion her mother mrs katherine Kat henne V watts also of san francisco age 50 was also reported in very poor condi tion with similar injuries a aku skull I 1 fracture and concussion mr murphy received bruises an and d cuts and a neck injury and was considered in fair cond tion M P pepper the sixth occupant of the care age 28 of bloomington him illin ois received fractured ribs cuts and bruises the accident was investigated by deputy sheriffs fay gillette and will am sharp the victims of the accident were brought to tooele thoele by the tate gillette abbu lance service where the injured were treated at the tooele thoele cl CI me and later taken to salt lake city hospitals |