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Show AROUND THE TOWN. ( fleonre Hemphill has accepted a position as local .solicitor and collector for the Independent i Telephone Company. John I.uchi ex-de)iity SherifT of Provo is aHsisliiitf in the bookkeeping book-keeping department of the American Amer-ican Fork Co-op. The cold wmiUkt of tliu past week Iiiih worked ooiiHidprublu luirdslilp upon I llie fiirmirH who hne not limaheil tfu-ir ' licol hnrvfut. WiihIi (Milpiniiii of thin city linn n tlvo ncre patch Hint i frozen up no lmrd it will Ik' nest to impowolilu to dur IIhiii. The Li'lil Simiir factory Iiiih Ii fly tifres htill in the Kiound. If you have not purchased a j Neck Vur. come and see our line; American Fork Co-op. The pint week Imn jjiven n record of the rolili'dl Noveinlier weather In eiRlil yeiii '. If yon have a fat 1 1 or, Veal or Heaf consult K.H. Holey.hopays hii,rhet cash price. Mrn F. M. Ilrown left Wednesday mornlnir for tin extended visit at Salt Luke. Try u nlns of Cnlifornin OrimKi cider. Fic cent u jjlass, at Lowe A- Co. Mr. J. I.. Dunkley and children 8icnt the week with her niiilurMrs J. S. Kirk of Salt Lake. Pure homo made sogum at the American Fork Co-op. Martin Ambrose and V. I). Stewart returned home the first of the week from a trip in northern north-ern Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. Highest cash price paid futilities fut-ilities and Pells--E. II. Holey. John Walker ot Highland las moved his family to Idaho. Mr nnd Mrs Irn Thornton arc hnck to their homo town after n residence of three years nt lonn, Idaho. 1 you try our mince pie ami coffee, cof-fee, you will continue to ask for tlicin, Lowe & Co. W. S. Greenwood and wife of Linden spent part of the week visitinf? relatives in this city. Fresh shrimps nnd Oysters received re-ceived every Thursday evening -I-:. II. Holey. Mrs Iwa Adorns of the Holey Mere, has been confined to her home part of the week with la-gripi. la-gripi. See the Cole's Hot Hlast- High oven Ranges nt the Co-op. Thomas II. Adamson of this city nnd Miss Pearl Ceristophers-Um Ceristophers-Um of Lehi were married at the home of the groom's parents here this week. Need a u'ood cuthnrlle? Aplll ! hunt Suy i pill like DeWUt'H l.ittlo Marly Itixcr. Aliout the numt reliable on the mai Let. Sold by th American Fork Drutf t'nmiHiny. Jacob (iiwmvood pont Ttes-dY Ttes-dY tit Salt Lake City. I See the window display of new Fleece Down, for Winter Komo-es Komo-es Am. Fork Co-op. Mr Homt Uromley returned homo from hiugham Canyon TmumIiiv ovenitik fter a weeks visit with relativeft there. LA I) IKS-1 1 will p.iy yi see me lifforu Imying 'ur lull in' Winter Suit ot io.it.; Mi" W. 12. Keiuuily. Mrs William Brookbush of lor a, 1 idttho is making an extended visit vis-it here. The Co-on's display of Thanksgiving Thanks-giving Tablo Linen is about the nicotit thing out. Mm-ringo licences have been isavwl to Walter Chipmnn of this cttynhd Mia UotJti Poulson of Plwtmnt Grove. Miwj Emma Greonwood spent Thurwlay at Provo with friands. A ton pound baby boy was born 1 to Mr owl Mrs Charloa Miller this wook. Amos Thornton after living five vears at Ioim. Idaho has moved mov-ed hltr family back bore, he baa concluded that Amorican Fork is good enough for him. Cull at Lowe &Co. for hot scotch pie, 5 cents each. The I). & K. G. p.iBBcnger train No. H run into, and killed three beef BtccrB Monday evening, just tho other side of I.ehi. The train was delayed forty-five I minutes in Inking tho mnnglcd crittcru from beneath the train. I Piles quickly nnd jxj.sitivcly cured with Dr Shwip'H Magic Ointment. ItBmndo for piles alone and it does the work guiiily and with satisfaction. Itching, painlul, protruding or blind piles disappear disap-pear like magic by tho its use. Large, Nickel Cnjiped jars, CO cents. Sold by ' the American Fork Drug Co. and William Will-iam 'I li'irnton. P. T. Henry of the Aincrlcnn Fork . Drug ( 'o. made a business trip to Provo, Pro-vo, Tuesday. Henr; Mueklin is home after spoiu Img the past summer at Eureka. Th.4 Chipman hack meets all ' tt nn ,i- i. p'Hiiit 6-J Mr and MrsC. W. Pulley spent part of the week at Salt Lake as the guests of their daughter Mrs , Ida Shelton. J l'.ii a nn'. en, ii coffee ami ,i j hot pie e.ill at Luwe & Co. P.en Moffett and Earl Varnoyj 'eft this week for Eureka where they will be employed. SKWINtl MACIUNK-Nowonil latent lat-ent Improved; not hold lit trust price,", )on e.iu nlToril to own one. Grant' Kui oriuiu. John Kobinson has been confined confin-ed to his home part of the week with lagrippe. Our line of men's dress shirts can't be equaled in the City-American City-American I'ork Co-op. Mrs James Chipman of Salt Lake spent the week with relatives rela-tives in this city. (!ood for everything n salve is used for and especially recommended for piles. That is what wo Bay of DoWitta Witch Hazel salve. On tho market for years and a standby in thonsnnds of familieH.Get DeWitfs. Sold by American Ameri-can Fork Drug Company. Albert Gardner spent part of the week at HebcrCity. All the latest Four-in-hand tics can bo found at the American Fork Co-op. J.J. Jackson made a business trip to Salt Lake City Wednesday. Cash paid for farm produce at the Co-op.; ' T. S. Friday was a visitor"" Salt Lake City, Thursday. American Fork Co-op shipped several car loads of potatoes, this week. Fresh Fish, Salmon, Striped Ilassand Hallibut, eyery Friday, -E. II. Boloy. Mr Joseph Lloyd of Rexburg, Idaho spent Wednesday in this city. Lost A pair of spectacles in case; sutiewhero between Second Ward meeting meet-ing house and Main Street. Koturn to Mrs Adams at lioley Merc, and receive reward. Payson is in darkness these nights owing to having no coal to run their plant. A great rush of teams fooir-cleansed fooir-cleansed tin two carloads of coal received by Thornton & Son, Wednesday morning. No telling when more will arrive. It is no use going to Provo for a marriage licence when Ebinezer Hunter, Justice of fie Peace, Nc-; tary public and Deputy County clerk can furnish you with licnco and nmry you saving you considerable con-siderable expense. Miss Rosa Durrant entertained her friends Monday evening in honor of her 13th birthday. The time was spent in plaj ing games and pullingcandy.after which refreshments re-freshments wore served. Cut price sale of Stationery now on at American Folk Drug Co. If you write letters be sine and secure your stationery at American Ameri-can Fork Drug Co.-Cut i rice sale now on. Miss Ruby Thornton is visit-at visit-at Lehi with Mrs Roy Roberts. Huy a Rrissels Carpet Sweeper tho only thing- no dust, American Ameri-can Fork Co-op Preventics, as tho nnmo impUes,prc-vent impUes,prc-vent nil colds and grippu when, "taken at sneeze stngc." Preventics are toothsome candy tub-lets. tub-lets. Preventics dissapates all colds quickly, nnd taken early' when you first l eel that a cold is coming, they check andiirovent them. Preventics are thoroughly thor-oughly safe for children, nnd as eiree-tual eiree-tual for ndulta. Sold mul recommended recommend-ed in 5 cent and 25 cent boxej by the American Fork Drug Co. and Wullnm Thornton. I Use tho "Lisk" granit wnro best mado; large nssoitmcnt, nil Hizea at American Fork Co-op. ,j |