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Show I AWFUL SUFFERING. From Dreadful Pains from Wound on Foot System All Run Down-Miraculous Down-Miraculous Cure by Cutlcura. "Words canont speak highly enough for the Cutlcura Hcmodies. I am now soventy-two years of ago. My system had been all run down. My blood was so bad that blood poisoning had sot In. I had several doctors nttondlns me, to finally I went to tho hospital whoro I'wttB laid up for two months. My foot and ankle wero almost beyond be-yond recognition. Dark blood flowed out of w omuls In many places and I was so disheartened that I thought surely my last chance was slowly loav-Ing loav-Ing me. As tho foot did not Improve, you can readily Imagine how I folL I wns simply disgusted nnd tired of life. I stood this pain, which was dreadful, for six months, and during this time I was not nblo to wear a shoo and not nblo to work. Somo ono spoko to , me nbout Cutlcura. Tho consequences woro I bought n set of tho Cutlcura, Itemcdles of ono of my frlonds who was n druggist, nnd tho pralso that I gavo after the second application Is beyond description; It seemed a miracle mir-acle for the Cutlcura Ilomedlcs took effect Immediately. I washed tho foot with tho Cutlcura Soap beforo opply-Ing opply-Ing the Ointment and I took tho Ito-solvont Ito-solvont nt tho snmo tlmo. Aftor two ' weeks' treatment my foot was healed completely. People who had scon my foot during my Illness nnd who havo seon It since tho euro, enn hardly believe be-lieve their own eyes. Ilobort Schoon-hnuer, Schoon-hnuer, Nowburg, N. Y , August 21, 1905." |