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Show i i THE STORM IN SUNNY SOUTH Mississippi, Tennessee and Arkansas Ar-kansas Swept by Small Sized Cyclone. Five Lives Known to Have Been Loitk While Property Damage Is Heavy People Are Killed by Falling Buildings or Burned . to Death. Memphis, Tenn. Telegraphic, and telephonic communication from points in Mississippi, Arkansas and Tonnes bco for ti distance of several hundred miles report that territory to havo suffered, suf-fered, on Sunday, from ono of the most destructive rain and Vwlnd storms In years. Flvo lives are known to havo been lost and grent damago dono to property prop-erty nnd crops. At Winona, Miss., tho Catholic church, Christian and tho Mcthfdlst churches and tho Ilesty brick yurd wero demolished nnd numerous buildings build-ings unroofed and otherwise badly dnmaged. Among tho largest buildings build-ings damaged at tills place aro thu postolllce, opera house, tho oil jnljl, tho cotton compressor warehouse 'of tho Jackson Mcrcnntllo company, and thu resldenco of 10. J. Dunkston. Ho-sldcH Ho-sldcH these about twenty-five, sni.iUU buildings wero nlinost complut'iy destroyed. de-stroyed. Tho roof of tho compress was torn off by tho w'lnd, which at times reached almost tornado-llku velocity, ve-locity, falling on tho homo of K. J, Dunkston, 205 yurds a way. Tho windstorm wind-storm was preceded and followed by heavy rains, causing serious washouts along tho routo of tho Illinois Central railroad and badly damaging crops. At Mathlson, Miss., serious damage is reported to havo occurred, nnd a woman was killed by a falling build-inrc. build-inrc. At Tcchula n fulling treo, striking a small frame building, caused it to lie set afire, nnd n woman and child weru burned to death. At Ilonconnah creek, a few miles from this city, n railroad trestlo f)ll nt night under thu weight of , a switch engine, tho engine, pluniiur Into th-87Wiknttrniirr rfenVfcKMfWH it Kngluecr C. V. Peterson nnd Fireman Fire-man A, It. Illtchlu. who wero drowned, West Point, Columbus nnd Mahln, Miss., nro roportod to lmvo suffored serious damage, but as theso sduts nru completely cut off from communication, communi-cation, it Is Impossible) at this tlmo to ascertain tho extent. |