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Show RE8ULT OF JEALOUSY AND FEAR Abuse Being Showered Upon Count Wltte by All Parties. SL Petersburg. Slnco hl return to Itussla Count Wlttu lias been showered show-ered with iibuso nnd attacks on all sides. A campaign to disci edit him and pi event his ever returning to power Is openly In progress. Thu socialist preHs lias- given him the Ho direct on the subject of his declaration declara-tion that he had no communication with tho working men's council during dur-ing his premiership, nnd high oftl-cluls oftl-cluls of tho government are furnishing furnish-ing material for attacks upon him. The reactionary papers arc filled witii articles abusing the count, among thu mildest terms employed being "stupendous liar," "traitor to the fatherland" nnd "political ami flnnnclal card sharper." Tho volco of M. Kovalensky In the Strunu, Is the only one raised In the former premier's support. He says Wltto Is undoubtedly tho most clever man In the government camp, ami that abuse Is dictated by fear that his star may again be In thu ascendant. |