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Show QUARREL AMONG FARMERS. One Man Killed and Another Badly Wounded In Idaho. Boise, Ida. August Stcngcr lies dead nt Highland valley, in this county, coun-ty, nnd his brother-in-law, Ixuls Yournlg, Is In n hospital, seriously wounded, ns a result of a quarrel among farmers over a wood road. Thuy woru both shot by'u-niun nankd Simmons. Tho road had bocn closed by Simmons nnd others. 8tonger nnd Yournlg opened It nnd on Saturday thoy wero driving along it to get a load of wood. Thoy met Simmons nnd two boys. Simmons opened tiro ou them. with n rllle. Stenger defended himself with n pistol, but full with n ball through his body. Yournlg sought to got nway, but two bulls brought him down. Simmons Sim-mons bus disappeared. |