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Show BUSY OEES TAKE CHAR3E , OF A GROCERY STORE H The Dees Took possenlon of the H Grocery Store. H Minneapolis in total dUret;aril ot H tho fact tlmt It was Huturduy and that H customers on that day bought their H nuppllos for over Sunday, a swarm of H been took possesalon or tho grocery 1 "tore of M. II. Johnson, at Thirty- H fourth street and Nlrnlott avenue, aud Hf "old It ntsalust nil comers, for tho bees f hsd detected an open sugar bin ami H' other sweets, ami would brook no lu- H terfereui'o In their plans. H Over In the vlolnltv of notbsny Homo Ihoio Is an uplnry. and, according accord-ing to lieu fanciers, tho winged brigade which Invaded tho store enmo from tho llethany hives. A broken window gavo tho foragers their ehnnco, nnd before the clerks lu the store nnllzod where the attacking party camo from they woro driven Into tho street. In tho respite between tho retreat of tho clerks and the first attack on tho Invmlors, the bees continued to swarm through tho broken window, and when tho clerks advanced to tho charge tho sloro wns well filled with Insect occupants. All nttornoon tho battlo waged, and although tho clerks woro able, after a determined stand with brooms und other Implements of warfare, tohandlo tho ordors which como In by telephone, tele-phone, thero wns n decided let-up In trade, aud tho majority of customers who personally conducted their marketing mar-keting tours stood on tho sldownlk outside aud veiled their orders through thu open door. On tho uoxt day Mr. Johnson and his assistants armed for tho fray and wearing official beekoouors' cos-lumos, cos-lumos, stnrtod In on a campaign of extermination that the last stand uf tho beo warriors had boon overcome nnd tho last assailant of tho sugar bin had succumbed to suporlor force. Trado U progressing as usual. |