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Show H HUSBANDS "OUT," MATRONS AR- H range: private party. H COCKTAILS, WINE AND TEA H Women Eat, Drink and Have G.y H Time, Then Have Bllli Sent to H "Hubblei" Cheerful Surprise H for Several Gentlemen. H New Yoik. "Tlu'ic will bo six of H us. We will he Hutu at midnight. W'u H want .1 good Ktippur, with corlaullH to H itart on mid a nlco imrtrhlKo for each H of us. Anil tho ulnu? Oh, yea, I for- H got that. Tin on hottlcH will ho enoiiKli, H No, wo don't want nuy roffcu :ind H brundy. Hut wo will wind up on tun." B "Think of a hiipimt piuty winding H up on tea." intiscd Tom llculy, tho n H tiuirnut man, or ho huiiff up tli tolf- H (iIkiihi rcccUcr and hcI about kUIiik H the nwswiry onlors for Bt-nltij,' the H mldnlKlit ropant. "Muxl lie a lot of H hot aportH," hi1 mild to IiIk brother H "1. .1.," n pvitv ouo cnlla hltn. H "Oh, wi'll. they won't l;iy lotw," H comforted "I. J." "A crowil that H wanlH only Ihroo bolt leu of wluo anil H cuts out brandy and coffi-o, will not H be iiaiibtrmjiuo." I'romptly at midnight tho parly of H nix arrlw-d, four bruin-til's nnd two H blonde. Tho man at tho door looked H for tlm tnnlo escorts, an ho assisted the Indie to doff thair wraps. Thoro Is n rulo In Hoalcy'n Hint no women B unaccompanied by mall escort can PBVJ bo served after the dinner hour, which IftVJ ends at nine o'clock. Tho door nt- tondant politely Informed tho ladlen fl tho ".Send for Mr. Ilcnly," commanded H one of them, n mihtitnntlnl matron of coiiHldernldy more than -IK. Mr. Iloaly obfjed tho Hiiminonn. Ho nhook bandit with nil tho women, nuked aftor their hiiibiiudH and ehlldieii and Htood M "It's thU nuy. Mr llcily." wild tho H lady who had tent for him. "Wo have H turned, nnd nru koIiik to hnvo our re- H vetmo on our InnlundH. They are H nwuy Homewhcre toulKht. at their H lodge, playing mkor or MomothlnK H else. Wo nro tiled of this sort of tiling H nnd want to got oven. Ho wo nro (,( H lug to have a party of our own. Wo H want you to servo It and send each of H our husband nno-nlxth of tho bill, H win do it?" H "With tho greatest pleasuro," re- 1 piled llenly. "I thoiiKht tho dinner H won for six men, or three men and w llirc0 lrnlle. I thought It Ktrnngo that f t Instead of coffeo wan ordered; but H I understand It now. Conio rlht M thin wny." Ho piloted tlm ladles, H Hushed nnd exectnnt, throimh n inaxo H of tables to ono not with nix cover In H tho center of the north room of hU os- M tabllshment. Almost ovory table In, Hv tho room was occupied with well-' H dressed people, tho chandelier flood- M rd tho room with IlKht and tho men H and women looked with Interest nt tho H fix handsome women who sat alone H and cllnkeil their Klaxsei In a toast H brant only by themselves. 1 No merrier party ever gathered nt 1 Hcaly'n. Tho ladles paid not thu 1 illKbtost attention to tho other per- 1 (unit In tho nxuii. They laiiKhed and 1 jukisl with ono nnnlhur, hiimmeil thu H word of tho jKipulnr souks played by H tho orchestra, and Heoiued to bo hav- 1 Iiik tl.e tlmo of their lives H With tho wine tlvo of them began H to teuso tho sixth, a demure little 1 woman, Into whoso black tresses tiny B ikelnt of silver wore creeping M "Oh, cheer up," ndiuoulshed the ro H burnt lady who had acted tu spokes- 1 woman nnd tonstmastor. "Von don't M want to worry nbout nuythliiK. The m rhlldron nro all rluht, and ou want to H , have it Kond time It will tench him n H r leison |