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Show VAST YAST SUM SUIU EXPENDEDFOR EXPENDEDFOR EXPENDED EXPENDEDFOR FOR RELIEF IN GRANI GRAND GRANDExpenditures GRANIExpenditures - . Expenditures E.xpenditures in m Grand county countyfor countyfor countsfor for lelief ehef ielsef 1 and employment creating creatingpubl1c creatingpublic creatingpublic publ1c public \ works orks reached a total of ol$11591870 ol11591870 $11591870 11591870 $ on en September 10 Of tlus thus thii$97,72325 thii9772325 $97.72325 97.72325 9772325 $97,723 97723 $ , . 25 was contributed by the thestate thestate thstate ( state and federal governments andonly a.nd and a.ndonly andonly . only $18 18 $ I8195 195 45 was raised by this thisCOW1ty thiscounty thiscounty COW1ty county to match the state and fed- fed federal federal fed federal - eral grantsThese grantsThese grants grantsThese These up to the minute mmute figures figureseIe figureswere figuresweie \\eIe eIe were \ \ sent at the instance of Gov Gov- Governor Gov- Gov Governor Governor - - ernor Henry H Bicod Blcod Blood yesterday esterday y tcWashington to toWaslungton toWashington Waslungton Washington D C at the request of ofthe ofthe olthe the national administration admirustration administrationThe admirustrationThe The 1 leport eport report just released shos shows shothat showsthat show sho\\ sho \ s ; that Grand county COW1ty with a popula popula- populaben populaticn population - - tion ben ticn of 1 1813 813 had as high lugh as 127 12 7 percent per percent pelcent cent of its population poPulabon on relief rellef 01w'ork 01work or orwork orwork work ' relief at one time bme In this thiscounty thiscounty thLcounty county theie thele these has been expended forsages for forages foiwages \\ages ages sages \ \ alone $48 48 $4889954 4889954 $ 899 54 with an ad- ad addItional additional ad additional - ditional $21664 21664 $2166449 2166449 $ 49 for material matenals materials materialsn ; n \ while lule hole direct relief rellef took $45 45 $4535467 4535467 $4535467In 4535467In $ 354 67 67In In the state as a whole nearly $18 18 $ - 000 000000 000 \ went ent foi fOl for \ wages \ ages $6 6 $6676000 6676000 $6676000for $667600for 667600for $ 676 000 000for ( for material matenal and about $16670000 16670000 $16670000for $16 16 $1667000for 1667000for $ 670 000 000for ( for direct reliefThe reliefThe relief reliefThe ! The civil works adn 11istIatlOn administration administrationemergency administiationemeigency 11istIatlOnemelgency ] emelgency emergency relief rellef rehef admmistratIon administration admmistratIondhect administrationdirect administrationdliect dhect direct relief grants , , drouth relief , . douth rehabilitation rehab11ltalion and theorks the \\orks orks works worksproor.s \ workiprogffcs orksprO prO proor.s proors 't t ' . administaUCI11-all administaUCI11 all administaticui-all administaticui administaticm - all are in- in inChIded included in included - cluded ChIded in the figures given It is isbased isbased is based on expenditures and exclude excludcs excludes excludcs1'unds excludesfunds ; funds 1'unds 1unds ' which are .ore ore . now in hand to tocomplete tocomplete tccomplete complete many PIOjects projects pi ejects still sUll in progress progress pro- pro - - gressSome gress Some of the outstanding outstandmg project projects projectsconplcted projectscompleted ; co-nplcted co nplcted completed - - cr er crunder -under under - nder construction in inthis inthis this county through the relief reUef fund funds fundsInclude fundsinclude ; Include making m:1klng m1klng : clothing elothmg fcr fer icr needyimproving needY , improving various county roads , pieparaticn p\eparatlcn p eparatlcn pteparaticn \ ct cf of school lunches lWlches , I Ipeparatlcn street improvements improements impro\ impro impros \ ements and erection erectionI erectionof crectiolof of log lodce lodge ; near Moab |