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Show NEPHEW OF J . A JOHNSTONMURDERED JOHNSTONMURDERED JOHNSTON JOHNSTONMURDERED MURDERED IN KANSA KANSAS KANSASEverett KANSAEveretfc Everetfc Everett : M . Johnston 19 , nephew nephewof nephewof of John A Johnston and brother of ofAlva ofAlva olAlva Alva . Johnston , of Cisco was v.as vas . mUld- mUld inuad- inuad mUldered inuadered mmd-ered mmd ered - - - ered September 30 neai neal neat Coffevv1l1e Coffevville Coffevv1l1eKansas CoffevvilleKansas CotfevvilleKansas Kansas , . according accordmg to word received receivedby receivedby receivedby by his Cisco relath relatit relatives es Dennis Dennie receivedI ; Bal- Bal Ballew Ballew Bal-lew Bal lew - - I lew , 19 , and Miss Fern Scott , . 19E 19Eboth 19both , ' , both 191both of Coffeyville CoffeyYllle , , . were v.ere vere appre appre- apprehended apprehended apprehended 191 - - , ' hended at Ochelata , Oklahomasoon Oklahoma Oklahomasoon Oklahomasoon b be- be being be being soon after the murder and are - ing mg held in m an undisclosed jail jall f01 for forprotection foiprotection I Iprotection protection chal chaiged charged ged \ with , lth first de-I de I de- de degree de degree - - gree grce deIgrce murder Ballow B3l1ow , it is statedhas stated " , has confessed confessea confesses to Johnston Johnstons s murder murderwhile . , ' wlule while Miss Scott denies any knon- knon knonledge knonledge knon-ledge knon ledge - - ledge of the slaYIngTherett slayingEverett slaying slayingEverett Everett Therett Johnston visited his rel- rel relatn relatat rel-atnes rel atnes - - atn atat es in m Cisco ClSCO about tn to two 0 o mcnths months mcnthsago monthsago monthsago ago , , and is well "ell ell nell " known theie there thereAccording theieAccording thel e eAccordmg According Accordmg to . word v.ord vord from Kansas KansasEverett , Everett Everetta5 \ was \\a5 a5 \ emplo employed ed by a manu manu- m manufacturing manufacturing mu- mu mufacturmg - facturing facturmg concern at Coffeyville Coffeyvllle He HeqUIt Hequit Hquit ( qUIt work about 4 o 0 clock on the theday theday thday ( day of the homicide hOlUlclde , , drove hom home homev.here homewhere homwhere < where v.here vhere . he obtiined obhined obtained his rifle , andtold and andtold andtold told his family fanuly he \ was as going hunt hW1t- hW1t hunt- hW1tmg hunting hunting - ing mg He drO\ drO dro\e dro e drOe drove \ e from there to the home cf Dennis BaIIcw Ballew and picked pickedhin1 pickedhim pickethim I Ihome hin1 him up for a hunting campanion campanionthe , the Ballews Baiiews b'ing bing bring ( ' b ing the Johmtons Johnston Johmtonsnearest Johnstonnearest Johnstonsnearest > nearest neighbors About two hours hourshter hoursInter hourliter s Ithc hter Inter Ballew Ballewas was \\as as aas \ seen in Jchnston Jchnstons Jchnstonsnew s snew ; new Ford car in CofTeyvillc CofIe'Ville CofIeVille Coffeyville } ' Later Laterlin Laterin in the e\ e evening eenmg esemng \ enmg he returned to his hishome hishome hi ; home changed his hIe ; clothes cloth's cloths ( ' and anddro anddrove lin dro\ dro dro\e dro e droe drove \ e to the Scott home , \ where here hepicked he hepicked hi picked up Miss Scctt Scett Neitherere Neitlier Neither \\ere ere were wereseen \ \ ereI ereccen ccen seen ; en again agJ.ln agJln . until untll they Uley were arrest arrest- arrested arrested - I cd ed a week later in OklahomaJohnston OklahomaJohnstons Oklahoma . Johnstons Johnston s body \ was uas \ as not found ( ! Liitll LUtll , mil October 4 Jcnscn Jensen Brothershie Brothershis Brothers his hie ; employers , sponsored spcnsored a , posse of o ' " I 150 of tlieli tl1eh tlieh em employees pI OJ ees to comb the thecountryside thecountryside thi thicountryside e countryside The boy's boys ' ' body was wasIlocated waslocated Ilocated located 10 miles north cf of CofIcy- CofIcy Coffey- Coffey CofIcy'J11e Coffeyyule , - " \ ' ville \'J11e 'J11e J11e yule in the woods covered co\ercd co ercd coffered \ witl WIth WIthI WIthbrush with'brush " brush 'brush I ' He had been shot in the theI theback theback thi back of the neck with a shotguns shotgunIt shotgun I It is stated thit th\t th t that ' \ Ba11eand Ballew Ba11e\\ Ba11e \ and Miss MissScott Scott \ wanted anted to get married marned , but butI butliCIthel butneither . I ncithel liCIthel neither family famlly would \ ould sanction sanctH ll > it itThey ItI ItThey itThey ' elopement elope- elope elopement - " - They probable proba.bl probabl probably . planned plslU1ed an I ment as soon as Billew B'1llew B1llew B'illew ' ' could get a ac acar ; his confes- confes conies confes.ion coniespion - - c'ir cir car c ' ) ' r Ballew claims chums jn m in , of killing killmg killmgJohn.ton killingJohn.ton killingJohnston -ion ion .ion pion < . < - that the thought ' Johnston John.ton Johnton . . came over him suddenlys suddenlyin suddenly suddenlyin [ in the theoods woods \\oods oods \ \ The two boys bo bc s haddrown had hadgrown hadgrown . grown drown ! up together and were friends friendsall friendsall all theii theil their lives |