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The transplantatioI1 transplantation 01'1 011 ofrtat ' a\ a aU'rlng . \ U'rlng Urlng living ' Petrified e . a r c"Id d ncne hncne sucnerve.from'tne nerve.from'tne nerve.fromtne nervefromtne . rom\ rom romthe : ! \ ' the leg deg t < Yth tathe'face tatheface ' fa.ce face . ot.a ota of-a of a . - . , ous ouB : q e forests A Ahas ' , suc c h has M the r f fe I rizona I C onstltutlona A Ac"I men ments , 1 Ile-yenr-oldJg1rl Ile yenr oldJg1rl tosis n e- e eearold - Y ear-old ear old - , Bt rl tour to'remedy toremedy ' emedy pamly pallyr $ . making \ _ , scoot ing to , are arc Dr n tOt'1n tOt1n tOt'1nsis atUl $ ' [ sis ot of the face was T prefqtined prefotmed > a ' efo tined . reW"d relaud re- re remcnt - ; W"d Wd laud " . , . nf o ' " , . - . _ , ' G O Rr R RrW W ' . a . r , . - f . cently in the Manhattan Eye Ear . " so ; . soue Carnegie " ' -ue ue - & . Intt InttConstitutional $ s 1tCt Constitutional Amendment AmendmentewlLt Amendmentculof ewlLt culof ellin tines n aueb such corporation oorporatton for an all its ' " . ' , ' , log logy $ , p@j- p@j.cQy } i ce @ - . .cQy cQy 1.Q 1Q . . Y e tcd 'Cd Cd tcd'th > ' . -'th 'th th - ' . " . , , { and Thn at Throat > ith " ' " " - shkd.b . k Ie ndand ftd nd d Hrr.nital Hrrnital Hospital , NEye'yEo.l"k NEyeyEo.lk NEyeyEolk Newry fWf ( York or lakes Iakes and ands " Yrivets ' " " ithshk . > shk . , l _ , , , . . . jdibti dlbta d.b db a and Ilibllttfc 1abllltfa I abllltiN * et Df of rtT7 ram T { ry dC1t r r1\ r1 r11'S rivets \ ' 1'S 1S ' m"q mq 'to to ' ' " * 2 2Yd , \ Yd N . , , 1dlbta . , ft . I C1t Cis , . may ay e\ e en't event \ ' n't nt ' D 11 NO 0 1 SECTION 2 The BttMUrj ecrttal7 Seeretary of or State SUt Stat * . * y ; . ' turn .to to . 8tOne to toay amendmentA Joint ' Propolint Propoatna proposing . an .n n Amtnd iLzund Amend | directed dlr wttdJoc Ud to _ taUU cause Mthl * tb thls l propoa pro prop < > * et ei ( , amendrMntne.J1e wntndBMnt amendrMnt amendment ne.J1e neJ1e . , le . says . , . A Joint JolnUlMolnUon RuolaUon RnoluUon mcnt lDent went of or Stctlon- Stctlon Stctlon1 SeeUoJt Stetlon . - 1 I ' , of ' Artlcl Article . VII VIIDf VIIof Df of the theto to be publ publlshed lh a as . required b by , the ConlU- ConlU Coniti- Coniti ConlUI ConlUCoNtltutlod ConitiUn - - . Enntution tution " " " and "d d " to belubmltUd be M mbmittfd lubmltUd submitted uimnn i to 10 w lb th Ur . eleetor electors electorsof I 'wo wo ' ctor " . tel.tJIa teltJIa Stat 8af State Enn Estee EsteeResidence Exeeol nuiUulon CoNtltutlod Corutitution C < ( Re ReDeparlro ! Btl 1t . $ tjn rat Co to < o the th tb ( mt1 nmttmmtUUtmnhnHmmt ; : ' I UnCorutitution Uw the Un nt nt1t ratthe theto the Term Terml Terms theTerms TermsStat * Ktidtnc Ruldenee Residence Residencetution Ktidtncof Ruldeneeof * of UJ tha . UK- UK UKt .Jbote Jbote state . - t tfl at the ntxt nut next aener general cner " .kcUon kcUon .hetton hetton . I ellon Inand la In laand : umun : umunand Deparlro Department Deparlment < and Dotin Datln Dotiee . of Onl Officers Officer r . * . (8op 8op ( SDPulntendfnt Superintendent r ntendn * tM the " 'S-1- 'S S 1 'S1PWldtd ' . manner - " ' " " " PWldtd prOlded prAvlded , . , b br by , law " . . , . i ) r , - , . - SECTION SECTIONI gI.f'TTninJ gI.fTTninJ gIfTTninJ - ' 3 : Uapproved If U TT approved v v\ v vftUMuf \ ftUMuf b hw by , tbe the th * A Ieclors electors ljfrfAya ljfrfAyaof l * cto - of [ ' PBhlit 'abUt abUt Public ' In.trnttion Intrnttion Inetrudion Instruction . ) of theNew Newtake otUit the .tate tate state . tat * thh tMs thts propottd propoeed prvpoetd amenament amendment amenam nt < .haJJ haJJ shall . hall hallStat . | ANew A New Newt Line of ' f ' " / " \ 1 1Of of tbe the th / Cakes Cak LcfitlAtur LeClflatur Legislature L Lo Be 6 It ft TMolTtd rotsolnd b by , the * . e 0 o t I IBe ,1 1 ,1SECTION e Stat to t * . rf rfUtah of er Utahby seta setaes Utah h two Iwo third tlurda thirds s * o of ol f fLegislature all an the th ( h memo mein mem.W memW memotake . take .nett nett effect . fT et on the first flr t da day , of ot JantJa Jangary Janvary InI , . I . es esI . . ? each , ath arh houle house hou tontnrrln conranlna concurring I- I 1937 ISECTION * " ' - . ) ) ' , btw ben tiftttd elected to I _ at R I tbenln therefn . Regular egu ar PricesSECTION P Prices PricesSFCTION rlces rlcesSECTION It Itat SECTION "I I " ' 'l l ' l I Tliat Tht That it ii Is vtvpwrd prupwd propCllt'd propClltd proposed ' to Constitutional Amehdmehti Amehdmehtamenc1 ATnehdmeht Amehdmeht Amendment ATnehdmehtamtnJ ATnehdmehtamend i d id i iamend amtnJ amend amenc1 Stotlon Section Seotlon J , 1 , of or Article ATthJe : _ VII . , of the th * J No O . 5 5Coimtltution : aptConstitution Coimtltution Constitution ' : Itutlon of the th State Sute of Utah Utab aa as folA folshall fol A . ] Joint . sins , Rtiolution Ruoluhon Resolution - . Pro Proposing Propo ? osln ing , , to Amend Aml'nd Amlnd AmendSFCTION . ' . . - apt : , " Aml'ndR R Real I ' ' M Meat lows ealows low SFCcoONoneiet SFCTION * 1 J . The Executive FxecuhYf ivr Dt'partm Dtpartm DepartmentArticle Department ' nt Article Artlrle XIII XIiT , Sicll Becll Sttti Seeti n 2 1 ot of the lh Con.tit\1 Con.tit1 Con.tit Contit 1 Constitu Con . titu \ atet,1 . ea et,1 et1 et,1Pies ( , ea t P Pies les , ! , . .ha1l ha1l shall shallA shallsins . hall consist ofThe of TheGov Gov Governor Govunor vernorernor , , ivrSecretary Secretary Seeretary Departmentflog ofDepartment of flog tlo tlonof flogof tl.o tlo . ; Df of ? f tbe the tht'ttt thtttt t " < . . date ; ' 'tllt tllt ' tate ' ; of utllla Utah al as a ' . Amended .ADlendt4 ADlendt4 . 'AInen AInen ' , ? ( < l at "lState lState atState " . . . , State Treasurer Treuurer and the * * > Central General Flection Fltttlon Fletion In ( n H30 tuo 1130 HeIaUnt Helatinx nelatlnl Relating Aml'ndI ' t toAttorney to toAttorney I State . . . . State Stau Auditor Audtor . , . . . . , . . Tnxatloi Taiatloi Taxatlor Taxation of Tangible Tanirlbit Tanltlble Tensible Property Properly Proptrt , Ascer- Ascer Alrer Aacer Ascerat A cer-hi cer hi - . Attorney n General Generaleach r- r r.i Genera - .i i ) each ch .t t of ot ? whom i.on ion . thsll .hall hall shall .k.n k.n kn hni hold . , t thie talnment blnment of Valne Value , . , Exemption Exemptlonl Exemptions * , and the th tb thfir thAnnual * . Delicious Dellczous a } , theblnment thetalnment Cl ClaeS aeS Appetzzzn I ' his hie office for four tour years yean beginnlnB beginning on the . . . Appetizing p 1 Zllri n ! I Ihis fins ! fir Int t Monday of January Januar ) ' next after atu { blsAnnual hisAnnual hii bls his Annual Tax for the State Stateelection _ [ g . , llaturt of ol theof the theof ttiof Be it ruolnd resolved re olved by b7 the ulr Lerlilatnre Legislature * tl election diction tlon , , except exct'pt exctpt that thut the term terms * of officeBe otfict Olllf office ! : : ' I Itl the tint flnt flat election eleetlon ahall shall shalt Stale State Sfw of "t t " Utah " " " . two t o third thirds " " " * , of oi all " mrmben members mrmbenYou mtmberbegin nitmun * . You can get these cakes and andpies ' of thos those Pies pi elected elt'Cted eltCted at ot eS at t ' elected toach to -ach ach * - ach nonie fioule house and two-third two third two.tblrda twotblrda two . - thirda * ofthe ofthe of ofthe a your g grocer grocerI ' ' grocer's grocers COQCi's COQCis grocer'sthe intoelected mt4elected begin begm when . the t.he stateend state statc tatc ! thall sha1l shall hall be . admitted II.dm\Ued II.dmUed II.dm IIdm Ued \ td intoall into mt4 coneurrlntg I the Unionpi Union when whenand the andthe and shallstate thnll sholl shall hnll endshall end shallon onbe on bethe the tine first firsttd fir tint flnt tdMon t Mon . .11 11 all . 'l l ' member mrmbrra members * ofeach of . each .ch ch . } Hons lJoU5 lone . coneurrlnttherefn conenrrlnl coneorrint coneunln coneurrlnt conenrrlnlday coneorrintday . day dny therefnday in January Janunry , A D 1901 The oftuentbereln officersSECTION officers officcn oftuen officcn"er : tbereln therefn "er er " " " , . w . . . , . , mrmbenI I . . " . . , . . SECTION 1 I ThatIt That Thnt it I ls t i propottd proposed tc to tctalnment tctcnns p toof of t the v Fxecutnc FXfcl1tn Fxecutise 3- 3 3t 3i - t i Department nan .tmBBi tmBBi , dnrine durmg during rLiirn thclr their theirp theirterms thi-ly thi ly theirSECTION thclrSECTION - . . Article } . XIII .IIT IIT allr Section of ot the Con - llfDend amend 2 I Iof ofnfnend otllfDend ofamend ot of tcnns terms of ot office thnll shnll shall reside rfslde at the teat leat seat : d dgovernment the lbo pub-ttllution pub ttllution . stltutlon stitution of the S-t S t State ' - . of Utah aa 0.11 011 ae . amendedlie amendedlIe amended amendedlie lhall shall pub where they keep kefJI Rovcrnment overnment government - ' lie recorda records . , ' book books * and IInd papcra papers They sha1l shall Bhallttttho nt at tM tho irf11 ieneral , enerILl " " ' election eit'ctlon eitctlon ' In 1930 , , to amendedM read ai as aiperform I Moab M ab 0Una J > CJ perform erform guch such ' dutiw duties as ea are lire prescribed prescribedSECTION by bytollows byfollows byIo"owl- byIo"owl byIoowl byIo"owltlir tollows follows followsthis " SECTION ' . . . ' " - . , 2 , All . ? tangible property inby inby in inby 0 B Baking a k 109 Co C 0 r tlir Una this Conttitution Constitution onda andas and ond as a * . may be prl"lcrlbed prllcrlbed prMcribed " ' , . lawthe the State not ! exempt JXcmpt under . the t.he lawa laws law of the theSECTION tb by SECTION hn law " , 2 % The Secretary of Stat State Ie L liUnited United States ot or ' under this thl9 constitution constitutionhereby all 1 Golden Crust Bread . - - Made Moab St StopJ Stop B J kihereby Stophereby shall be taxed In f " proportion to its value to toamendment Bakingi toBakingg op Bakinggamenment Baking- Baking Bakingg a ki ng . proposedtha11 proposedshall dshall - hereby directed dlred.ed dlreded der d to Bubmit submit this propo proposed d toM i I I theMate Mate be nsetrtalnt'ila8 ascertainedas aaetrtalned nsetrtalnt'il nsetrtalntil ascertained ' provided by law The Th ; M Moab oa b U Uop Utah tah PhI a8 as a amendment amenment to the electors of oC the lute tate at atascertained atb Phproperty < , : - : : - : Phon Ph Phone one e 8R2 8R2the . Stateprovided State Stateprovided ' , the mannerProperty property of oC the United Umted States StD.tes StDtes of the \ the nextg next general generol election in manner mannercounties i\ i it counties cities , , town towns , school Ichool districts dlstrlcb distracts , mSECTI01J cm m\ m mu cmSECTION \ ! _ _ I } ) provided rovided byone by g lawgeneral law lawcounties electornicipol eleetonnlclpal electorsnicipal nlclpal nicipal corporntlona corporotlons corporations and II-d II d end |