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Show Lapland Lapand Revealedas Revealed as asWarm asWarm Warm in Stone AgeStockholm Age AgeStockholm Stocl.holmMorc StockholmMore Stockholm Stocl.holm Stoclholm . -Morc Morc -More More - More than 30 30settlements 30settlements 30settlements settlements of human bein beings beingsdating beingsdating s sdating dating from the Stone Age , or orabout orabout orabout about the year 3000 B C , have havebeen havebeen havebeen been unearthed in Swedish SwedishLapland SwedishLapland SwedishLapland Lapland by Kurt T1I1nberg Tinnberg TinnbergStockholm , Stockholm , archeologist . In hi a few tew months he has gathered gatheredsome gatheredsome gatheredsome some 3.000 3000 3,000 , . . flint tools , weapons , and andutensils andutensils andutensils utensils , said to be the most mOt $ north north- northerl northerly . - erl erly ' eve ever evet found In Sweden . . |