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Show - - I . E E1 . E1DILLMA1 mllMAN DILLMA1 DILLMA1D \ I ( . HOLDS lEAD lEADIN LEADINTRIBUNE -IN IN - INTRIBUNE TBil TRIBUNE POLLemocrats POLL POLLDemocrats D Democrats emocrats Running Runnmg Strong For ForAll ForAll ForAll All Officies Officles Except EAcept Governor . A1thou Although h President PreslClent Roosevelt nooseveIt lS is lSma.Intalnlng ismaintaining ismaintaining ma.Intalnlng maIntalnlng maintaining . a 1 ' 1 intio iatio atlo of o ct ! more than thantv thantwo thantwo tv two . 0 to one 0\ 0 over 0er \ er his Republican ope opeponent op opponent . ponent in the Salt Lake Tribune's Tribunes Tribune'scurrent Tribune'scurrent Tribune'scurrent Tribunescurrent ' current &titc\\ide &titc titc ide statewide & t'l.tc tl.tc tltc ' . " \ \ l e btriw btn\V btn V idra\v idra \ \ noil poll . , Ray RayE RayE RayE I I forI E Dillman G 0 P , candidate c\ndldate c ndldate candldate ' \ for forgov forgovernor torgovernor gov governor rnor . , Is hanging hanglD doggedly to tohIs tohis tohis hIs leid le1.d le1d lead . in the rice r'lce rlce ' for the gubern gubern- gubernatonal gubernatorial - atorial atonal officeWith officeWith office officeWith With 14 314 ballots tabulated tabuhted Inthe in inthe inthe the poll Dillnnn DIllm1n Dillman has hns a margin . . , of of336 336 votes ovci ovel ovei M M9or Mi " > ) } or Harman W W.Peer WPeer . Peer , } of Ogden Pi oKressive ogres'Hve ogresHve ogrescive ' Inde lade Independent . pendent , 1n ' ind and l < 894'otgs 894otgs 894 \ ' votes ot c ; Ier suer ( oyer ' { Gover Gayer Governor . nor Henry H Blood , , who ho is seeking seekingreelection seekingreelection seekingreelection reelection on the Democratic ticket . . . Governor Blood , however hovever , , has In- In Increased In Increased - . creased his percentage percent'1ge percent1ge percentige ' ot of the th.e . , total totalvote totalvote totalvote vote by 7 of or one . per TJer cent luring during duringthe ( duringthe luringthe the past week zvhileDillman "while while .whlle whlle " .DIllman DIllman . , , Dillman has haslost haslost haslost lost 2 of one per cent cent'and centand ' and Peery Peeryhas Peeryhas Peeryhas has dropped off 5 of one per cent . . Abe Murdock and nd J W . Robin Robinson . son , , Democratic candidates for forcongress forcongress torcongress congress , , are both tar far out a ahead ad of oftheir oftheir oftheir their R Republican e pub Ii can opponents opponentsCharles , Charles W Dunn Dung , Logan and ahd hd A . V V.Watkins VWatkins . Watkins of Pro-io Pro io Provo Pro ProioHere , - 0 0Here Here is the score to14ate to ' date late * . ' Total Percentage PercentageVote PercentageVote PercentageVote Vote Vote'I VotePresident 'I I ' President . PresidentRoosevelt PresidentIoosevelt Roosevelt Itoosevelt Ioosevelt ( D ti : :0) 0 ) 9735 975 9735J 3 J ) ' " . 6 68 68Landon 68J.ahdon 8 8Landon . Landon J.ahdon Jahdon ( R ) 4579 457 32 32Governor 32Governor 32Governor Governor Governorr r- r - rBlood ' " 4 . . , GovernorBlood LD ' BloodLD Blood ( D ) 4266 2 299Dillman 2&9 29 299 2&9Dillman & 9 9Dillman Dillman ( R ) 5160 38 36 362 362Peery 2 2Peery 2Peery Peery ( P I D I ) ) 4.824 4824 ! 4824 . 82 ! 33 339Congress 9 9Congress 9Congress Congress 1st Dist Dilt ; ' , t . " Murdo Murdok Murdock k iD < ( D ) 4526 6 69 9 9Dunn I * . IDunn /-Dunn Dunn -Dunn rDunn . - / - ( R ) 2039 31 31t 31COngreBS 31Congress 31i'Congres6 31iCongres6 , t ' COngreBS Congress 2nd D1 Dist"ilTob Dist t . ) ; > t , / " " ' ! "RoMnspnfD RoMnspnfD " D ) } 469 4691'1 46911 'yr yr ' : " ' . 65 5 S 7 . "ilTob ilTob " 1Rob\n.spn 1Robn.spn 1Rob n.spn nspn \ . spn , ( 469J 3 657.y 7.y 7y . , . , . .1iYval 1iYval . .i'at .iat iat . ' alW ipsAtRl > asA Rl"r Rlr Rl ; " ' " W .2t.453 2t.453 2t453 j _ ? , . . ; , r-,94.3.3 r943.3 r ,94.3.3 9433 r,94.3.3Pgrfstdettt ' : r .JI,3 .JI3 JI3 . - , ' . .3,5 .35 35 . , : , . Pr idel\t idel t \ " ' ' 'Rbbsev Rbbsev ' "Rbbdevit10 Rbbdevit10 " ittO h hn ' # d -\n n " - 1n 1nca'e \ nd d ca'e cae cr Pgrfstdettt aB 8 d ? ' r d 1 hff ht hlq , ' * ' # top oplteavy 'hea hea ' ' Heavy " ; 'dwajQxft dwajQxft ' j majority ipajptlCy * " ' ? * - - by ; . .2 2 . of f one per cenl-durtng cenl durtng cent - curing durng the4past the . ; paet paet'week paet . week 'week ' ' " ' , 1 , 1The The Tribune Tnbune poll gives glves glues Gpy Gpyernor GpyernorLandon GoiyernorLandon rnor rnorLandon Landon a lead lo in is . but three ount1es counties countiesat ount1esat at the pr present sent time Th They y are arQ n.r nr . San SanJuan SanJuan SanJuaff Juan ' , , } Kane tane Rane and . lP < Girfleld J1.rfieId J1rfieId . rfieid . lUllInan Dillman Dillmanon , , . on the other hind h'md hmd hand ' , has a plurality pluralityin in 15 counties and is tl tied tiedwith d dwith - -with with - Gov Goy Goyernpr Governor . ernor ern9t ernpr . : . .Blood Blood 131ood in another another ai > otherr otherrone " , onei ane one . MayorPeery Mayor MayorPeery MayorPeery Peery is ahead In six . .counties counties . . and andGovernor andGovernor andGovernor Governor Blood 1 In ln sevenHere sevenHere seven sevenHere Here are th thes the "ay ay " wayjhe s } ay . ' ! the he counlIes counties counlIesstand countiesstand counliesstand stand on governor iQ iii in . the most reo reocent re recent cent tab tabulation latfon 10lhd iotiui iotiuiDillmanDuchesne i0f ul f " fDillman DIllman-Duchesne DIllman Duchesne Dillman - Duchesne , Bmer $ Emeri mer ) } , Gar Gar- Gar Garfield Gar-field Gar field - - . field , Grand lion Iion 11 on , Kdne Kifne K ne , , Millard MillardPlute , " Piute , San Juan Jutn : , , Sanpete Sanhete , Se\ Se Seler Sexier Se-iierSummit Se iierSummit \ - ler , SummIt , Umtah Umlah Uintah , W\S1lch W S1lch W is \ s-ytch s ytch - tcli , UtahBloodBea "Utah Utah "UtahBlood " UtahBloodBeau Blood-Bea\ Blood Bea BloodBeaer Blood-Beau Beau Blood - Beaver \ er , Cache , Daggett DaggettRich , RIch , Washington Wayne , DavisPe DayisPeeivBoa Dayls Davis Dayis DaylsPeeiv Peeiv-Boa Peeiv Boa Pe Peeiv l v-Bo v Bo - Box > . Elder BIder , Carbon , Mor Mor- Morgan Morgan Morgan - gan Weber , Silt S11t Salt Lake , TooeleCzovelDor TooeleGovernor Tooele TooeleGoveinor Goveinor CzovelDor Governor Blood and Dillmin DIllm\n DIllm n Dillman ' \ are aretIed aretied aretied tIed in m JuabThe JuabThe Juab JuabThe The positions of ot the guberna gubernatorial . torial tonal candidates candId"tes candIdtes " are accounted tor for torb forby torb b by ) an abno abno"mall abnomall " l11all > ) } heavy volume ot of otscratchin ofscratching ofscratching scratchin scratching : ; 0 o on ' i this office Out or of orthe ofthe ofthe the 14 314 ballots counted 6190 6190hac 6190have 6190ha\c 6190ha c ha\c ha c have \ been 8clatched sciached sci arched } These cross crossvotes crossvotes crossvotes votes are distributed as follows toIlo follows.Blood followsBlood " s . Blood to Peer Peeo Peery ) . ? _ . . ? _ . 4045 4045Blood 4045Blood 4045Blood Blood to Dillman 1398Dillnnn 1398 1398DIllm111 1398Dillnrin DIllm111 Dillnrin to Peery ? _ ? _ - 654 554 654Dlllm1.n 554Dillman 654Dillmin Dlllm1.n Dlllm1n Dillman . to Blood _ . 193The 193The 193 193The The shifts from Democratic to toTIepublican toRepublican to'Republican toRepublican TIepublican Republican ' and Republican to toDemocratic toDemocratic toDemocratic Democratic since the 1932 election electionas , as reflected refiected by the Tribune poll pollaie , al axe e almost evenly divided . , A total of 1186 voters vcters \ who ho sup- sup - - I 1 ported . Roo&ezclt Rooezclt R.oo5e\clt R.oo5eclt R.oo5e Roo5e clt Roosevelt & \ tour four . 5 ) ears agom.t agomt agoqn.t agoqnt ' , * . - . ? clicate dicate ago'm-dicate ago'm agom dicate agom.tclicate agoqn.tdicate they will wJl1 mark their ballots agom.tI ballotsfor I for Landon this yearwhile year'ohn yearnhila year -while- while -nhila nhila -\'ohn 'ohn ohn - \ ' while1127who - 1127 1127"ho 1127who 1127who "ho ho who " stood stooel by H } Houver Huver louver uver in 1932 1952 19 2 re- re - . - re.port report Ort port } ) that they theyU1"ote \\U1\"ote U1 "ote ote w \ % Unvote Ulvote . , \ " for tor Rooae- Rooae Roose- Roose Room - . i ivelt I { velt Roosevelt yelt Rooaeyelt RooseI this ycar year , . The Landon gala gain I I galaI gainI gainin latherefore istherefore In in this group ot of shitting shtrtlng voters Toters Is ther'tore thertore therefore ( ' only 59"ote 59ote 59 59"Vote " % "Vote Vote "ote ote " ote received by the minor mmor party partycandidates partyI partycandlCatea I candlCatea candidates : to date follow Union- Union - I I pa.rty party Union-party Union party UnionI . , 110 , So Socialist < : Iallst , 21 ; Com- Com Corn Comi - - . I iniunist i munlst munist niunist Communist , . 6Dr 6Dr 6 j Dr Herbert B , Maw , unsuccess Utl.luccess Utlluccess unaucceas . ! . unsuccessful ful candidate tor for the Democratic nODunation nomination Democraticnomination DemocraticnODunation tor for governor Democraticl , hM ha1S hoe been boon , beenwritten boonwritten I l beenI boonl written In 94 99 times tor for thl this . omel office . l I . I |