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Show f ' r EtUt'ct EtUtct ! , " ' : , W o 0 0BAPTIST I IBAPTIST BAPTIST CHURCHI CHURCHWm CHURCH " ' MinisterBible MinistelBible Minlstel Ministel Minister MinlstelBible Wm h U 1 : ; Parks I Bible school at 10 30 a m Mrs Mrs's MrsS MrsS 's s ' S S Stew Ste\\o.rt Steo.rt Ste o.rt ort Stewart \ art . , superintendent superintendentEvening superintendentThening superintendentDvening Evening Thening Dvening . worship v.orship vorship at 8 p m v.lth vlth with v.lthsermon withsermon . withsermon sermon by the pastoi pastOl pastor Services atDalton atDalton at ; Dalton Wells at 6 15 p m ni Midweek Mldweek Mldweekse Midweekservice : se service : vice Wednesday , . 7 30 p mThe mThe m mThe The Mission I1ssion circle met in the thechurch thechurch thechurch church basement Wednesday aftei-noon aftei noon lftel- lftel after- after lftelnoon afternoon : - noon and prepared white crocs cross cro : ; < sup- sup sup'Pl1es supplies sup supplies - ' plies 'Pl1es Pl1es to be sent to one of oui om out mts- mts mis- mis missions mts"ions mis missions - " sions "ions ions sionsThe "ionsTre sionsTle The Tre Tle , pastor \ will \ III hold services in inMCl1bc in11lcnticeilo inMcntiCtiiIo 11lcnticeilo MCl1bc llo and at .Feter Feter Peter . Peters s Sprmg Spring SprmgSunday SpringSunday SpringSunday Sunday ' The thief cometh cosneth net nct , but that thathe thathe thathe he may steal , , , . and .I1d I1d kill hIll , . and destloyI destroyI destl destroy oy oyI I am come that they m3 mas may hn hay ha\e ha e : \ e a life lifeand lifeand lifeand and may hay ha\e ha e \ a it abundantlCOMMUNITY abundantly abundantl\ abundantl abundantlc \ " COMMUNITY CHURCH CHURCHGreenriver CHURCHGreenriver Greenriver , Utah UtahM UtahM UtahM M . S Hostetler . , HmlstcI Ministoi MinistoiSunday MinistciSunday Sunday SW1da school scheol schcol 10 a m Morningworship Morning Morningworship : worship \ Orshlp 11 a m Sermon , . 'TheRe 'The The ' The TheRe Re\ Re Reivrfymg Ren"11ymg Re \ . ivrfymg n"11ymg n11ymg wrfying " Christ " . Chistian Chistlan Endea\or Endea or Endeavor \ , , . 7 p m E\e- E Eemng Et \ Eve Evening e- e ening - ning mng wolship wOlshlP worship , 8 8pm p m Sermon , "Adventurous "Ad- "Ad Ad "Adventurous "Ad Ad "Adventurous " - - venturous Faith . . . " Week-day Week day - bible school scheol schcol Tuesday Tuesday,4 Tuesday4 , , 40 D mCongregatlcnal mCongregational m mCongregational Congregational Congregatlcnal fellowship fellowslup din- din dm- dm dinner dmner dinner - ner , Tuesday , Octobel Octobei 20 , 7 p mMothers m I IMothers ' Mothers ' milk may now be kept keptfor keptfor keptfor for infants mfants fcr fer icr a 3 iear year ear or more by bya bya b ba a nefl new ne\\ ne \ \ fl fieezmg freezing eezmg process developed byDi by byDl byDr Dl Dr Paul W Emerson of BostonMilk BostonMilk Boston BostonMIll MIll Milk . taken from mothers who have havean havean havean an excess to spare is pasteurized pasteunzed pasteunzedI pasteunzedand pasteurizedand I | and sealed before freezing freezmg |