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Show Now New Ease EasefNeuritis EasetNeurits fNeuritis tNeurits Paons Pas PaonsL PasFast L fast t ; : ; t { . Bayer ayer TabletsDissolve Tablets TabletsDtssollc TabletsThssohe Dtssoll-c Dtssoll c Thssohe - AlmostInstantly Almost . ? ) . Instantlyh InstantlyIA Instantly ' h IA [ a 3 2 Meondj eeonds socond5 by stop stopw.tch stopwitch top topwteh wteh w.tch wtch witch . , a gonninoflAYER ! : ccnnino gonnino ccnninoBAYEE cnnlno cnnlnoBAYER BAYEE BAYER flAYER Aspirin fablcCzrt1 tablet tnblct fablcC tabletIdrf , . Idrf .111 111 zrt1 to dlsintc dIntogratosLd disintcerato dIntograto to toand uid and sLd ' Co 0 to work Dr Drop ! > ! ) DBarer aI&ycrAEptLn n D a ' Barer I&ycrAEptLn IycrAEptLn B & ycr Afpirtn Mplrln tablet Ublct tb1et In In- In InIu - . to < a . Class glasa ( Iu of or water WIItcr Dr Dy Drthe DyIlte CyIka the Ilte time limo It II hitfl hlL9 hils tbo the ( lie bot bot-in bot in - . tom torn ( of or tho Iho 1:1 11 : elm glsss .ss ss . I It t Is Ia IsdJslntelrntlng Ia1sInIerntIng I Il ! dJslntelrntlng 1sInIerntIng l ] lnecrntln ( : ( Whnt What Whntbppena What&ppen Whatbffeiu bppena &ppen ppen & , la In this c\an c an ghtSS glass . \ , . , . , . tippcna happena lispptna la In youri yourItoaach your . lt Itoaach ( fnucli mach . . i " f.f ff . f , f.fl l > - 'or or or ' Amazingly Quick QuieT : Relief Relieft Relief't Relief'ret Reliefret ' 't t ' t Genuine GenUitlC Bayer Aspirin Aspirin'S AspirinV Aspirinu 'S S ' t tou V iou ou u suffer suffcr from pains of neunlls neuntis neunllshat neuntishat neuritishat hat . youantls you ftant want \\antls antls ' \ is quick qUlck reher relief relief'Genuine reliefGenuine . ' Genume Genuine Baycr Bayer Aspinn Aspmn Aspirin tablets tabletsve tabletsye [ . relief rehcr for be- be beuse beusc be-inse be inse ve ye quick qUlc1 , one reason , - - - use usc they thcy dissoh wssoh diszol e or wsmtegrate disintegrate wsmtegrateost disintegratemost disintcgratomost most ost inslanlly mslanlly instantly thc they } ' touch mOl moi- moi moire mois-jrc mois jrc - re . Nole ( ( Note illustration llIustral10n above aboveHence ) Hence Hence-when Hence when - when whcn ) ou take taJ.e taJe . . a real realayer realayerAspinn realiayer ayer ayerAspinn Aspinn Aspmn tablet it 1l st stqrts rts to dlS- dlS di.s- di.s dlShe di.she dis-ol\e dis ol e . - - he \ almost nlmost as M quickly qUlclJy as you youillow youfallow illow youillow : : it iL lL . And thus tlius is ready rcady to tot toitarl 1 t working worL.mg worLmg worLing . almost mst.anUy mstanUy instanty ins , . tantly ! . . .icadaches icadaches . daches , , neuralgia and neurll1sns neuritisns neuritis neurll1s neuritisams > ams ns start casing casmg almost at once . . That's Thats ' why why millions mllhoIlS never ask as1 . for forBby forInn Inn by the name aspirin aspmn alono alone alonoen aloneen alonothey en they 1m buy liuy } " , . but . always Sly say : Bby sayDR SlyAYIn sayAYCR AYIn AYCR : ASPIRIN " and see that thatey thatey thatit ey gct get . It it.pry itpry . , " , Try it . , You'll Youll ' say it's its ' marvelous . : 15c 15cFOR FORDOZEN FOR / DOZEN DOZENft /ft ft / ftVirtually DOZENFl.Janv Fl.Janv- Fl.Janv Fl.JanvDOZENL3 . - DOZENL3VirtualIy DOZENL3 VirtualIyIcabblet Virtually VirtualIy Icatablct Icabblet Icatablcts - -s s - \ IcabbletLOOK LOOK FOR THE BAYER CROSSBut CROSS ' But a V1rluceekncss Virtueeekncss Virtue V1rluc Virtueleekness leekness eekncss is the weakest of theues theucs the theThree ues ucs , . CoughYour toughYour Three Days ' Cough tough . Signal7o Your Danger Signalo Signal 7o o 0 medicineshave matter how bow many InaI1l medicines have tned tried for tor your cough , chest 1 cant d OfUebronchIal1rrItat1on or bronthlal Irritation , you can t re rellet , , f - now nov > " with nw * Creomulsion Creomuislon vyni-iiiim vyni iiiim , - * > i.uu iuu . . aus andcannot U us . $ trouble % may nay be brewing and chanceUi . ' " cannot afford a1Iord aflord to take tal.e tale . a n . chanco chance Ui 1014 2tlyth1ng ythg less than CreomulWhich Creomul- Creomul CreomulthWhich - - thWhich seattho . which eocs goes right to the seatuo seat seats uo tothe tho . _ trouble to nld aid nature to toWU WU ! the and ai heal the 1n11amed inflamed mcm- mcm mciii- mciii mcmas - mciiiCs " " Cs -s s - as the ccrm-laden ccrm laden cerm-laden cerm germ-laden germ ' phlegmloosened _ - phlegm loosened ned and . expelled . Evden Even If other remedies havo have e havoe haveed ed , ' j tfl don't dont mjjI be BEBSTRSBS dlscouraged discouraged , your S guaranteoInu1sion guaranteeifluision gist yourgist E EmjjI Is j authorized to guaranteo guarantee Inu1sion ifluision and to refund your nel yournel fley yourfley " ? Z . withts If j jare " you y u are not satisfied with . ts 'I I " ' rom rro ! the very first bottie bottle . t Creomulsion Creoniuiio ri right t now . ( Adv ) U-w U w - 42-36 42 36 - _ _ _ _ _ . 1 _ _ _ _ _ I WHEN w VHEN HEN andyou Moneys idncys function badly and andw.rt w.rt wrt . . you " uffer suffer $ a na99109 nagging " O'ng Ong ' b backache cl . che , With " " ' d'UtnCS dUtnCS Gimnen ' ' , burning burnlng , $ scanty Canty tcanty or loo too frr frruent IrtqUet ' ' uent " ' "t t " urination end and getting at atnT , up I nT nTit at"9 at9 " ' it " ; , when feel fed lircd tired , , ntltl you t tirednvrvous nervous ntrvous nvrvous , I eli l upsd Iip5 uPse.uleDo uPseuleDo . , . , . U1e Doan's Doans n ' PII Pds P df dfntrvous li So . . . poodyWorkIng poorlyWortdng Doan's Doans " 0111 * ' ere are are e'p ep cspjfl ( xnorlxllu ' cially . , f for br , poody poorly i iI .1 1 WorkIng Wortdng boxes.re boxesIre kldnays , Millions of boxes I .re re Ire . e used usedevery edevery "J J " ed every "y y " V yurt year yurtThey ' ' . They ore are reeom recom- recom - . rccom.1 rccom1 m mznded recommznded neS _ n S " the i"6 i6 " country over . Ask n yourn flel9hborl theflel9hborl flel9hborlCountry ne 9nwrl your9nwrl yourh yourb your h b . - Dr . . Peree's Perees Pierce ' * . Fvont Favorlt Favorite F vont < Prescription Preccnptlon Pre5enptlon ; makes niake makesweak maleeWtli * , weak * women .trong trong strong . ttrone No o ticohol alcohol Sold Soldby Soldb1 b1 by drugehf druiiista druggists In tablet tablets * or hqUldAdv liqtudAdv liquid hqUld liqtud -Adv Adv - Adr . = I I IWhy Why Laxaiives Laxatives LaxaiivesI LaxaiivesFail LaxativesIFail LaxativesFail I Fail IFail Bn Hn liii StubbornConstipatiol ShbbornConstipation Stubborn Shbborn StubbornTvelv ConstipatiolTwclve Constipatiol\ Constipatiol Constipation \ . Tv/elv Tv elv Twclve Twelve / to 24 hours Is too long to W:1Jt W1Jt Watt : altwhen WattSvhon 'hen hen Svhon ' " relief rellof rcl of from lrom cloBncd clogged Clocd bowels bowel , and andconstipation constipation la Is needed , fop for then enor * . mous TnOLIS enormou quantities quantitlcs of bacteria accumu . late ! accumu.late accumulate ate , causing causinO GAS GAS . . . Indigestion Indipestion Indi estlon nnel and andinany andmany 1 1o 1e many restless e e , ' leepless sleepleag e nmhts nights Ertake 1r 11 I/you I you nmhtsIyou r / you o want Wnnt : 'R R REAL f fe , QUIC QUICK surCW surCWELI < RELiEF ELI Er- Er - ' , . take RELIEFtakp a Q liquid ilguld compound euch such as Ad . 'erlka erlka lanka ' Ad.lerika Adlerika . . Adierika Adlerlka Adlerika contains SEVEN ca . thartlo Ingredlentathat Ingredienthat a lo and carmln carminativo 1tivo < Ingredient Ingredien , that act net on thoatomach the tho etomach stomach and 80TH BOTU laxatlvecontain laxativescontain BOTHbowclt 80THbowels BOTUbowels bowels . , Most "overmaht overmaht 'overnlght overnlght " ' overnight " laxatlve laxatives laxative , contain ona one Ingredient that acts on th ths thalower thslower lower bowel only . . Adierika AdJerlka Adlerika a s DOUBLE ACTION gIves * giveVour givesyour t tl"gl your mat.ter matter cleansing.bringmo cleansingbringmo arinlng l"gl lgl , : " system S out r old 013 a poisonous ; thorough soo ' " oUugsh oUugshw w waste cleansing ; n mat f : . . ter that may havo caused GAS pains alns , . flour sour our ttomach stomach , headaches headilches and sleepless sleeplessnisht sleeplessnights sleeplesssIghts nights sIghts * for fop for ' months . . # Adierika Adlerlka dierIka relieves stomach GAS 1111 at atonce 1111onco onco Once and nnd usually removes bowel con . gostlon con.oostlon conoostlon ostion In less than two hours . No Thltamous Thisfamous waiting Nowaiting TOP for overmoht overnight results . This Thl Thi , tamous famous treatment has been recom recorn . . plsts drug.P drugP 1rsdi 1rsdir ' mended recommended onehalf ' : 'J01 J01 ' for r ' 3 35 by . year years y many a2 ' : ! * . . ! Tako doctors 'ldl ldl ' Adierika Adlerika and ad drug one one- one : - . . * half naif alf houp hour before beforo hourbefore houibefore breakfast or ono one houl houi " before bedtime be.dtlme bedtlme . nnd and tn In a ehort short hort whll while whiloyou whileyou you will feel feet marvelously refreshed . . , LeadIng refreshed.Leading refreshedLeading Druggistsn Druggists . . . -n- n - nEL - - : ! EL _ SALT LAKE'S LAKES lAKEIS ' NEWEST HOSTELRY ' 3 Onr Our lobby la Is dcUghUolly ddllghttully air aircooled atrcooled cooled daring during the sammcr summer months monthsRadio monthsRadio Radio tor for Every Room A200 200 Rooms-200 Rooms 200 Rooms - 200 BathsB Baths 'i i 'iRates ' B , , 'iJ iJ ' ) HOTEL HOTELTemple HOTELTemple Temple Square SquareRates Rates $1.50 1.50 150 $ . to fo $3.00 3.00 300 $3.00Q $ . Q G 0 TIr The IIotel Dotel flotel Tempio Temple Square Squnro hu ba ha . . lilfbly highly dcflrabic desirable desirabla , . friendly otmoa- otmoa atmos otmoaphero atcao-phere atcao phere * - . phero phere You will wilt olway.f.nd.tlmmac olwayfnd.tlmmac olwayfndtlmmac oJwoy nlwoys . find fin . J . it immac Immac- Immaculate immaculate - . . ulate . , , uprcmely supremely cornforLnLle comfort.nblc comfortnblc comfortable . . , aDdthoroughly andthoroughly ond aDd and ondforo thoroughly agreeable 1ou ' s ou con can tbere- tbere tbereforo - . foro fore undentand unde.retaDd underetaDd understand . wLy why tin thi thIs * . hotel las lasmGIILL . u ( . niGniA menu mGIILL ruCO'L'ILNDEDYoa flECOMI1LNDF.DYou : nrcoMaiENDED ruCO'L'ILNDED ruCOLILNDED flECOMI1LNDF.D flECOMI1LNDFD nrcoMaiENDEDYou ' ' . You Yoa c can .a a . alo nlao also * npprcclato oppreclato npprcdat.o npprcdato . wby whys wb whysWa wbyIff , . . Iff It's Its Wa ' a D mark of ot distinction dstlnchon , to stop stopof stopLit slopat of Lit this flus ths , beautiful boautlful hostelryERNEST hostelryERNEST hostelry hostelryERNEST ERNEST C C . ROSSITER _ , Mgr ltfgr lfgr ) . IN UTAH UTAHAND AND ANDirs IT'S ITS irs ' THE THEHOTEL THEHOTEL HOTEL BEN LOMONDOgden's LOMONDOgden's LOMOND LOMONDOflden's Oflden's Ofldens Ogden's Ogdens ' Finest . . One of Utah's Utahs ' Best BestaSO Best3S0 Best3 aSO 3S0 0 Rooms - 350 Baths Baths2.oo Bat6 Batb . $2.00 2.00 200 $ 2.oo 2oo . . . to $4.00Delightful $4.00 4.00 400 $4.00Pellflhtnjl $ 4.OO 4OO 4.OODelightful . Pellflhtnjl Delightful Rooms Rocms Roerns - Air Cooled COrridors Corndort COrridorsGnll CorndortGrill CoiridonGnll Gnll Grill Room - Coffee ShopSpacious Shop ShopSpaciOUS Shop5pacious SpaciOUS 5pacious Lounye lou\1le lou 1le \ ; and lobby lobbyCourteous LobbyCcurtecus LobbyCourteous Courteous Ccurtecus Semce Service SemceEvery ServiceEvery ServiceEvery Every Comfort and Md Converuence Convenience ConveruencewaU Conveniencewt1 Convemencawll waU wt1 be found atTHE atTHE at atTHE THE HOTEL BEN LOMONDOGDEN LOMONDOGDEN LOMOND LOMONDOGDEN OGDEN . , UTAH UTAH"COME UTAH"COME UTAH"COME UTAHCOME "COME COME " AS YOU ARE ARE"CHAUNCEY ARECHAUNCEY " CHAUNCa CHAUNCEY W . WEST , o GeN z L & . UGX Molt LlGRe . WEALTH AND HEALTHGood HEALTH HEALTHGood Good health healthafldsuccesseo healthsndsuccessgo and success go tog together.Don't together.Dont togetherDont together.Don'thancbcap together ther.Don't ther.Dont therDont ther.Don'thanc . Don'thandicap Donthandicap ' hanc hancbcap cap yourself-get yourself get yourself - get ndof ridofa nd rid ofIt ofa of It sluggish tluggishacid , aCId condition condltlon with tasty t3Sty tastyMilnesza2 tastyMilnesza2the Milnesl:1t Milnesl1t Milnesl:1tth Elnesia : , , the theEach th theoriginal onglDal original milk milkof of ofmtgnesla ofmagnesIa mtgnesla magnesIa : in sn w.fer wfer wafer : . form . Eachwafer Each wafer cqu equals ; s 4 teAspoonfulsmllk teaspoonfala teAspoonfuls mllkof milkof milk mllk of ofmagnesia ofmanessa ofoagncsia magnesia manessa . . . Neutralizes acids Aads : and Ind gives glvcs you youplea.nnt youpleasant youpleasant plea.nnt pleannt pleasant . elimination cbmua:1tJon cbmua1tJon chmrnation : : . . . 20c,3Sc 20c3Sc 20c,35c 20c35c 20c,35c&60c 20c35c60c , & 60c sizes . . ( , flA.S'S flA.SS flASS . . . . ' ' - I En . . : - QS - > J . fr-MiNi fr MiNi - - II : REMEDIESPILES REMEDIES PILES PILESWhy Wh Why , . .tltter tltter . " uffs ? . 411.11 41111 8a111 . " , . torture " wbtn " , heD "r0 r0 " ? pnOr i'flOMPT iflOMPT . ' . " . cooling - rel1.t rel1t relief . II.wale IIwale . waita . "ofu ofu your " order tJ In Inmodern ; modern . eftoctivs t ! IY form a ' S'IiICSCIiIPTZOi SIiICSCIiIPTZOi ' PT o ' . PACK - 1 nu nut NO t9 20 . . a : coiplet compl I : t e eet soS ( tor for lo ' Intornd Intorn4 Intorn4sod iniornM . sod : eneed : e e.ex .ex ex . .xtern&l .xternl xternl . RCGISTEITh.D RCGISTEIThD eg egI aJ & I sr srCTn use t1l.D t1lD . CTn prepared pr.pared prpared . . PHARMACIST by an s experJ expori ? sent teat sentpo.tPl teatfor po.tPl potPl . : PH1- PH1 for btl btltTn $1 1 $ jjjAITU 00 , , \tTn tTn \ rnODUCTS rUODUCTS rnODUCTSDc Dc Uni " G3 5 . - - . - . _ Colorado bpr1.aa bpr1aa Springs . ' . , CoIo Cole . . |