Show HOLDEN nACO Itaco nr hr Sullen ii Crops Crall S Special I Correspondence Millard county June nH P 1 Drown of o this thle Ilace who hI has held the 1 Position II on of county count ot of schools for Cor lb the past ut tour Lour years ar may Iney tie be A agile ln for th the position at the nonpartisan convention to 10 be held at 1 on Saturday next A Hansen Esq ot of Fillmore Who b has served hire here ci principal of the district school II also alo In the reee race for tor the coon ty IT fre William hewis I is tery pr III with la is grippe The drought will lesion leen the lr crop p at t this place ot of last lut years 1 yield will b be all that will be gath gathered ered TOCK STOCK DYING Stock art are dI dying on the mountaIn out of a of 01 ISO died within a hort oak lla leaves their principal diet Art are covered with small worms and tb these are supposed to lit be the RUM cause of oC tM the trouble with the stock |