Show WOOL WyomIng n PreM Irese The Th PhU Valley or of Con Oon v county report shearing hearIng one bend bendat at 01 2110 sheep that average eunda to the fleece The art are A Boston Botton journal sends out the tot fol lowing as a revIew 1 of tIme wool Uon tion Latest reports received hers Are thaL th AustraLian this year er will dun short hort between nn nna bill bales the sixth consecutive year In width there hAs been a 1 shortage In the clip TIM The Cape Cap wIll III be reduced this year ear from to I b by reason of the the statistical PosItion of wool oot is III veil e strong It III thought that with an absolute of at the war thirty laity be II ft change ohan In conditions abroad In wool are wk weak boUt both at beams and nd The views vieW or of the growers In th the country are not nol quite so firm and sates of the new clip cUI are being of ef eff f tided St at much l lower wr prices titan than wool waa II sold n a fortnight It Is stated that the In this country will be bera practically ra the Mine Nuno as AI hiat year ear with witha a 1 S to 10 per cent Increase Texts Texas Stock and Farm amin Journal The firSt wool sale ale or 0 the season was made nade by P D ariel antI A OppenheImer of San An the early or of tIle the Week The ml included ba bags about sevin n of wert wera the clips of If D DD DB D B and W tV S J Slaughter of Fib Frio coUnty and was as a seven months month clip of fin fine deleine merino The IM Price Wi 11 ant and and was soli to floston parties partiN The fhe price is encouraging ing anti tile the generally are aref f feeling In good spirits and hA have nothing to fear far now that mutton is II bringing such euch good 1 prices I I |