Show FR Will Visit Friday and Go Goto G to Lagoon J at rd y AN H II that this the ilor i u l lS S ti n Visiting Scandinavians h her during tl the Jubilee are to t V WU J e one to Saltair on OD Frida and anel one oe to en At both place Erect fI are be beI bein I In made maele for the of the At I Is heinz made ready a display of fires works which will include tb the piece Lagoon Joon silver cascade trec of liberty spiriting caprice electric shower hower circlet t pie plU tableaux and rood good night tu tc iou Although the meeting to ha has and nothing has hall boon heard of th the project t suggested b the Denver 1011 or of Sunday yet It its review of pica may not be uninteresting The Post says 8 thAt the railway rallay presidents of th United States now hoW InK In Nw New York are the prelim litany step lP to the formatIon of a 11 greet pool that will embrace every Iery road IUd In III Inthe the United States President JetTery ot of the Denver lIla Grand Orand II I chairman of th the meeting and bait hSI laid before fore It t it tr r ort sIgned by the executive heads of settle ot of the biggest t transcontinental traffic rotu a 11 mea mes sap lIage receIved In Do r by lt President Jittery it 1 Is gathe he trust pool 1001 or whatever It may be called I 1 on the verge or of being launched A special committee of western rail railroad r road ful Presidents wo recently appointed to 10 a plan plait for an equitable dl di video villon of earnings This report after a mature based on oX exPerience anti and practically unanimous theories Ms imas been Ilten submitted to the gin gen ml of at pr presidents and live UVo officers now In session The Th report provides for a 11 division of agreement or PlainlY II I blind 1001 road maintains its 1111 proportion but the roads ate are materiallY aided and the common good I I the main result aimed at The lb pro proposed posed agreement could hardly be con tinned B a of the It ii Is 18 reported ed and nd undoubtedly Ihl b hi r recommended for adoption If It hili Ins not been dun done already at the so se Tn Thi committee drafting It believes the he Interstate commerce not nol too such an n or try to attain th the nd for h It Is II of f rates The Tb rl will vill be should itI It I Adopted to 10 weld together tuther the line on OJ It L baIe 1 that will soon lOOn result In the of l un and he e establishment of P a common or gsa n eral raI cities at t every junction Point and town own of importance It means lb h dl dla charge harge of thousands qt employee an n cutting down of salaries cud anti tx S each line Another special commutes ot of this r of Will on a number of ff propositions tor Or he better maintenance of freight ratH TIll his committee II ool of out S M JU of nit the Chicago Al 1 Alon tOil on chairman ThIrd Vice Ic Predent U H Hn UI n I McCullough of the North esterm Vice 1 George GeorgeI n I Harrill of the Chicago A Vice Paul Morton of the lie Santa lanta P F ico of the hi Chicago Milwaukee It t The explanation of the my In the tock stock only of th Burlington but other ether Independent eye YI now nOll lOlO comes truism from Nw New yok upon ullOn the messing of time the theIr Ir residents It h is IA a portion of the C plait to 10 effect t tile of ownership plan among roads road to other and contest contestIng Ing ig tim silo Min territory The Th Vander interests It w was stated and ml no now proved beyond doubt as n a of tact had secretly creU jur a block of Burlington stOck tk and assessed shares tame came word that tha extension to Ogden woUld not t be built buill this y the Pacific eying berun by the be of tock ock a vIgorous offensive and 11 di campaign The two neW at Union anti that ot of the an of the scheme that I is it 1 is III apparent the purpose of the Is III to become an n Ind lit In buln Is III the other And each Is a as looking as the other to get t the tu to come into the Union station have hl IO cc tar tailed AU All the theother other roads enter the Union Th Pit own route mitt is II twenty five miles mile below belen Omaha The Tte controlling interests in the Union Pacific are able at 1 present to rate the lines In the Union station tallon thereby conserving Its Interests In the case calf at the Burlington U It Is II I apparent he policy of controlling the U I I Is In the naiad mind I of the Union LYMan t nc peo people as an scan toon omle policy polk Some Rum y years ago go the North NorthWestern Western road was a controlled by con com ot of ownership It ft h hay w worked to so wn well this the query lit III asked ked Wh Why not equally well in the ca ease e of time the furling ton Dy this wU well rom corn ot of ownership the Northwestern lice hAIl stopped at Casper Tue Is II now itow building west and although linston I is reticent ha h tome come from Omaha that not no only will the tracks of the Union and nd the be paralleled by tim etc x tension to Jut but a newer ner and volin w will II be O opened Ened The Th purchasing of oC the stock mock of th the ton Ion and time roO moves or of the Union point to lh of the tOm of plan a scheme heme directly In line with th tle poo to be In Nw It 1 h hu not 2101 It outspoken under which th the Ogden will either be abandoned er arranged Sot Not the tho Mati jack ack Vane a from th thra the ra ranch 11 or of the Creek Cattle CaUle Corn Co pasty wa was on trial at t Alliance Neb all on ona a charge of shooting at t a Of o othe the railroad with Intent tu to kill Mm lie had received Id hili hi Y a afew fw few da days before and we wa e aId at 1 tb the time of the In the putt pastime of painting the county red MI MIn n e vehemently denied any ry intent to tIM the brakeman brahman n II told the court that while It 1 was tre true that tbt ht he did Ild tk out hil his revolver shoot hoot after the had llad pushed hIm of off the traits h he was U mr merely I giving A ranted signal I lie and a friend had b beem rb down Ih the toad rad a few mile and nd want I ii I rt rid bark to I th h neatest ar etc eta t ties tu the tanh Realizing If II th Wurl wore found by any if f te the trin train T crew U they b Y fh b siren U it If n tIl il UI 11 tilt a h 1 li his aJor hy 1 fn doing b USa y h r Th The r with I If t he h firmly believed WIl was a nn ITI is iscIe 1 cIe frol froAt deth shook hi his heath hOad an the Jud Judge loke looked aneel cowboy friend chIla th Ih stry bla but lb that hi tel 11 t the tb defendant l th Ih urt unI unIto to pl step tp outside fh what for or prove my mey innocence your honor Vane wi sId Te CUt Wal curious and we t out aide d 1 o tb the and atu It ip o Vance out hi his reo re velvet V And b a pOt posts tamp w 1 t U t n D or of his hlO If left hAnd hAndoe o Dp OtT In successIon llon t 13 oe CI I ctr I to a hickory nu a t frou from a a thread oft df thirty test t J Pie wheeled and nd At the ab shoe et the thread Taking six lal tacks b tie lollY loosely In a piece Vt at wO Wood Pt Tilts ht t pl placed I a pt post iced away Borrowing I a fm from a bystander tr ht ha opened the f fees to for a mirror shot With Ih his hll back to t the drove each tack t Into hits th the Wo wood Ur uL I a mi Th Tho brt brakeman ha had been looking on 11 hi wOlder wonder As Vance b oJ ts t up to tb JIde and u tAppIng him 01 oh tl the IJ ann a y 1 I guess 1 mIl mu reH taken 1 Tt That ton man wiant shooting at t All A NeW Ne rork okd I statis tat that a 1111 special to t the rime n ot of that city oUy from w J The Aitor lor syndicate h liss leur scoured ft from the JOu government for building an ae th this ruble republic of from Cort op the to on 11 the I This Thin II Is probably the lar hang ft railway deal ever projected lii In Cen Central America It tuscan a lne line 1 mil miles long connecting r ocean with oan ocean The honduran legislature ha just Juet granted the of the V York capitalIst and Sier lerra sIgned the papera ip IJ time Ume tot tor the American dispatch t whIch ar an rived here tol today James Jamee E the managing dl director tor who left Ift New NewYork York three months month ago to engineer tie time negotiations and nd Col Dunsan N Co Cooper r of were on the bot boat The Aster stor II Ia raly really the lion on durl duras and ts ie composed of Ne NeW York Among Amon the hackers R are Joh Jahp Jacob Astor Altor Senator Chaunecy M Thomas Sot Scott Minor C Mn Ir Sprague Mr Val Valentina entina Mr 11 Jennings Col Coh Coper Cooper and Mn I ii hurrying tu to New York to th the detaIls of the or Work wl wilt bl on the lne line Rt at once on by the l terms rm of the I It must b be completed In for four years U fly the grant th the syn syndicat on Iu issue and float bonds to the AmOunt of 1 In gold to evry mile of road WIth New Orleans for lor the pint point of shipping the l scheme I Is for tor Ih the Illnois Central to drin drain the greet rt MI valey valley for tor tb the Central American In Wih with the United Fruit Co I It II is Mt Uki that Minor lnor C R a beading In iii the fruit trust wi will be of the Honduras Inter onIa oceanic railroad MW Ai An AudItor hula of the Shor Ln Un Is I ex cx hO tomorrow tram lAd and 1111 point General ft Shelby of at tM the Pa Ia nd Idaho says that extension an of t GO rail will be b built this summer ummer The Crest Northern hu has so cured full tull right bt of way through kan J pl or of property alone alon ho hav ng cost COlt the thu lark City rain will CI al I Sn the hI morn ag and hi will reach ch IbM her at t 0 inte I j er ot p the Whit went today rub t th rill delegates to 10 the m fib National Supt SUI of the Utah Pa Ut returned to 10 la last nIght The rh ward utI people lit at today and the are It at Lagoon Tit What III I In Iii t town Wn In th ot of check Ion n Prince Albert orthodox It The trag tragedian I Is for tor to lu rout roast the From flock Dock Intermediate and poInt to Salt Sail Lake an n excursion will wll run Sn at 01 over oYer th the Union H he Nun round trIo rate between the th ex cx points point b being tL 5 A lot ot of people ill doubtless visit Utah tinning the lest latt Ort art of this week k and the first or of next ht train shows hows It a alight fallIng ft In during the put flUt wk elk owing mainly to the fact that merchants hove If their summer took of goods b Wheat h shIpments sire fire low but of hi irna been ceo active anti Is 18 good A bl big flower garden is III being put In st at the Ule Itlo Grande station at t lr That little place l Is coming to 1 It A asia nOli among the rugged to t wild desert A sight of the green n amid is I eec I a Hlf m one to the traveler Suit out of th Robbers country A broken trolley wi wInd on lh the First South Street It an line In that this morning between T Tand and R Jut I the hf time when people are hurrying to work wink The Th accident wee was wason on one of tho those o on that nil may happen at any time yet L the air along tit the route fRill of the Ihl oat car wore A decided IndIgo tint ThO rho first pen f ion of the In an fluE conf of 01 the Teth Die DIS A Ase atlon St or WAS held at Ga aa aY c S B Svana vana general of the tte Western A A rAilroad pie siding On One hundred were present Add were mAdi 3 1 b GoY of and re or if lad Ind is II sti lI I doubt that the Oregon will build a line rom from to thIs fall as al unless It doll does the th While Corn Com I PUT pany will viii roath nh out tut to conneCt COnnet with time rod Rites Datt of the rass that he will build his hll to 10 the range by fall au the into Ien hA T tic next winter lr t Ins ot of the II thiGhs Central Y the old ca ears belonging to are arc d dying at Ih rut rte of t Oti Mr IDly enty new n aJ 11 rare Ire lIa have J by the he Central sigi limo current t baling Jun I th the till Central Win have tl w eb to its rb road JI IS now u than thaD ar ini aboUt twice a as mn many manya at a It hat years 11 ago ReO Th 11 Ie of Salt Lake Lak stake had a tiri itt at Lagoon La oon yester d Ibre bing visitors to th durIng the day clay A nie pr Ir grunt Cram W I un tin the inthe In Ih the ant 1111 atme pt pf the tbt older d lets upon the flour ati cracked their heels together In ol dances to music mUllo train rutn orchestra Then In the even evenIn In hag the young folks folkl enjoyed the more I Irn arni dancing A very velT t the lie afternoon program w wt wu t h he of a mixed quartet AlvIn In an Oregon Oron Short Line hand wac brought In tram Moxa Wo from severe vere In Injuries juries by rOn ot of being runt run over by ii couple of t hand lant ors cars cr Car bIght w was riding with the front crew In jumpIng oft while the oars were mm III rue mo tieD the Unfortunate titan and amid fell on en lh tima ral rails find And beth belli ears ran over him cuttIng and badly bruising him about aboul the back and hips The Injured inca I Ii 15 1 years of nf age and hll hi hOne home is III at al St Charles Ida |