Show Prof Harnack has In a theo that quoted by The ar ary Digest set art forth at al length his hla tUI reni on for believing the nobl ti th authoress of tile lie A summary of his hll argument I Is am follows follow 1 1 Fh 11 l Ih git of a highly cultured killed ti the of 01 Ih anti and and PrIcIla were as al is I ev by their t a even the Ales Alel andrian 2 The letter I II t b by s a who belonged to Paul Pauls circle lit t friends and this wa was tr true of the two to tot t 4 The writer tande tn in Intimate reo Fe to anti and kno knoWl thai thu he I II equal In rank Of 01 J and an Aqulla we know that the they labored to 10 gather ether with Ith TImothy In Corinth tor to months month II as and an and then Joined him In an us 4 The Tb author or of Hebrews wrote hi letter leur atter the death of St II raul Psul Ind ant probablY lome time after this event nt Frisella and Aqulla Aquila w wire ret ye living when hen Paul wrote rote the list document docu ment we le It still III froat hll hi band z Tim lv Iv and there Are nO ret rea loss for Cor doubting that they lIved tw two after hie hI departure L I The ot of this at a oat cite have bave been D a or a mall mallI or I of Christians hi no Rots ta s boost OUIe and must hate ban a high rank In this circle probably that tha of I laCher In hi his letter Ieter bt be stilt Lieu feel himself to be a member of this band bant sOd Alka to hI lila reAd In a manner manna of a companion with authority Pricell la Is and ad Aulla tame came originally from fron flume and after afler a number Dumber of ean re Fe returned turned to that city and Ind there the head 4 of a bou household bold and At a later period Route TAI PlUS ft of tx cx at once what wu was mis nI In the relation that existed be twain the writer anti and his bit reader readerS read S The epiStle to the I is the th work of I a single writer but back or 01 U lb lor etan a clotel communion Indicated by the repeated ws of the letter and tb the arid Interchange of 01 Chit thu wi with tb the I All these condition are well 11 met by bT the p position Uon occupied by b his teachIng and preaching pat 7 The Th most mOlt In connectIon with the Epistle to U the U 11 brewS brew l the feet that the church hal bal lost lOll altogether an all tradition II as to the name of the writer It If Barnabas or Luke or element or Apollos had bad haiti the writer thu loss could not Dot be nature naturally ally explained It t thai two were scare the authors or Pria cilia had been prominent In h compo composition the of the name MUt can eRn be explaIned whatever and an alt resson can be for tor the elon of the name when the Itter wan rent out from Rome Born In the of r the second century For Ii a good ron reA reAson son ion the letter could not be cent out o 0 othe the churches na the vr ot of a woman Paul already In leveral of hll hi lettera had expressed himself Unfavorably ably bly to the prominence of women Inthe In the church but bad made exceptions to the title rul as II I IndIcated by br his 1111 Jud judg mint anent of In years more views against the teaching of oC women In ID the churches pre This of ix ex why the that name of this couple w was ed and the tb thoroughness ot of this can bt be best belt tX cx on the that not the but lue th the more gifted and active wit had tho chief part In Ibm compost do of 01 this UllA litter kUer litterS kUerS S S hut But we are not to CO getter gener In this matter W We have actual to IL itt UI the period of the churek chul systematic matl efforts were wert put ut forth to 10 the of In the Lice and nd that t even a 1 letter leUer which she had hed out w wl declared tv to have been nt from ber en and anda aI a ascribed to another author Tha Tb of t this matter b based ltd ott on changeS In III a of Ore New fW Tasta went manuscripts have been given Iven In tilt Lb of the Prussian Royal nual So dely or of Sciences 11 1100 These e considerations tM the learned pro thinks to determine the lie ventures the opinion hat the w wM by l Iris cilia Ills probably her bus hUI band tand Aqulla and he rIv gives t the world some food for tor thought |