Show THOUSANDS SAW RAGES lAST NIGHT John Chapman Makos Sprint In tile the Mio Mile WAS WA b 1110 II 1 hooted by the undo stud fur villa Ilce What the It Salt Pal Je wOh would b be Ot out the bicycle ra races II not hard t to un tm agine This io doM not Ma nun that tl there are nt not numerous othe other attractions Wll worth warth the price of oC but that the ra race mute mt at ao distinctly the draw big cari card The fiet w was weil last It evening when not le lees than Ihn 40 people umble In th the Iret great an arena t to tolee lee the riders spin around aNlund U the shining saucer or like meteors I It IU can be safely Ik said that the crowd In the tutu future wi will fa far exceed that f last lut evening provided of course courel th the management will put pu on that the public want I l Ol THi TillO The unlimited rc race between TUMI and J 3 P nd J 1 13 remond and J 1 W V tro fl bt booked ac 1 the feature of the evening but bUI U it wa was decidedly not bot the feature ot of the Inning evening I It wa Was nt not lb the fault o of the th management lor nor tb the riders however hoever but It wan II John 3 1 Chapman Chapmn who changed the order of things H lie did I it by the like Uke of which ha has never before ben been er seed In Salt Lake JAke Tt The Ut little Southerner was iS soon en to ta good o advantage here last summer when lie hI wn won the t II te tIe of oC KIng of lie Saucer by hI his bril lant hut but hi big eron effort lit last night flight put aU all other records record In tle the shade hade I It wal was In the het heat of the handicap and the last lap Ma May and pun were In tb the I lead all opposite the tape tale wih with several lengths behind hind While the crowd Wi was wondering f at t hl hits h he end ead denly shot up th the bank like a rocket and thea lk like several rockets combined Into one hI he shot head hed 8 so rapidly that hIs wheel appeared to b be jumping ot fot satisfied wih with II passing the leaders he be became came cam down to t the tall tape with speed that w was simply Imply May who w was Ri gly glyen en 10 with Ith Eel third Jor For a moment the crowd held It I breath and then thon ll arose almo almost U a 00 one man and nd cheered the Alanl Atlanta lad to 10 the eho Th Ph heat WI was rn run In 02 The lond second heat was a not flot far behind the first for excitement Jt It w Cried o off by Ivr Iver lAwson a as shin w was the final Th The final Wi was very err pretty In indeed N Iver ad end John were pre hal half a lI lap behind the handl handi CJ cop In thE fifth bt but gained Ined Itel steadily In of the terrific J pane being set et On thu home II I t they rode e to the tho front lver first Ca chapman an second third four fourth 41 44 WINS FIRS FIRST I The first event bait mie mile handIcap WI Wa won by J R I II Horen who w we given ve yards II 11 cH crossed the tap in I 1 ral tat F W Meakin third scratch Mn second and nd Gram t 41 yards Iver I Lawson n captured tM the fl first heat bt ot of the hl half mie mile professional In 18 10 and nd Cane Caine following In lb the Or Jh der n named me Chapmn Chapman lowr lowered Ivet record 1 by 1 the second bd heat tn in 1 0 nd And d C P May rR third The b al also or oft the honor hono In the Ibe ll ranking tb the distance tH In exactly the Ille same tie time Lawon Ind third and M May fourth I Aver A very unfortunate spill pi happened In the he two twomile mi open amateur which reo is suited ule In Fr Fred Meakin being thrown In Into into to disfavor vor with lh the crowd and In tb the bl bill lap ert was wal leading wib with Meakin clOe close beside him and A W IS hi ant thir Tn In at attempting tempting to po Meakin pR brushed him ad and HaFeN lok took a tob tobo gan n slide to the dIrt dirt Tb The crowd lote booted and hissed and yelled ele to throw hIm out out The judges u fl did I it t I H w was the rl race Wa was given Iven I to A W Smith and nd N W Enl lond TImI The summaries are N M follow amateur handicap prie 16 I UG ho U H B a 55 yards won P l V Meakin second ram 41 rr yards third Im ims 10 pm prizes po no noS S 15 10 oln Chapman WO won her IVer lAwson second Clem third C 1 L 31 fourth fourt Twomile Opel amateur on Irl iii SM 56 JIl 3 W Smith won N W vana no finish tor third puce lisa I kin for tor fouling J Tl TimeS I 31 atch pursuit unlimited pr prizes pe lad and b by Clam Clem ad and J I Gunn In ely If and O one lisZt halt 11 lips Time 1 24 5 J 7 Y Insign and nd J 3 8 8 Rd d mond second professional handicap pris rl 40 1 19 NI lAwson won lt John fohn Chapman ond J I 44 44 John TIme Time |