Show RECENT PUBLICATIONS The specIal tur ot of harpers Ba Bazar 11 tar zar for June II 9 are a 11 follows lieu In Ines or of Fiction W v D Howells IV IV Illustrated l b by A Ar r 1 Keller Ignace at a aHome Home Eleanor Hoyt illustrated wit Ith photographs A Lion In the Wy Way Short story Alice Drown illustrate lI by Chrle Charlet Form In i omena Tennis J Parmly II With for tor Summer Wear A T 1 b by Ethel Ethll tote ibm Our Rose no and A M Cooper Th Baby ud His 1111 lare are Marlanna arlanna t eN Squire New York In tb the June Jun number of The North Review the lint ut u contents Is Ie to the reader Th rb l issues of the Presidential Cam Campaign W 1 J III n Fed and Its Ita Edmund lIar Ar tont ton Will Education solve lOin the nace Prof J 3 It 11 Stratton The ot or the Olympian Pierre d tie How flow Should Tt Treat the VanquIshed bed SIr Sidney K J c M O a Modern PersIan R E Den Denson lIon son float What II Hag Become of oC 1111 nev O 0 W V Shinn hinn Ii D D Charter Needs Of t Orest CIU Cities Bird S Cole CoIn Future Prine Princess cath anne and Diplomacy A AntagoniSm ot of England and C Boulger O Otest at In AsIa The Rt lion SIr lUchard temple York The Tb June number Of The BlAck ct Cat CatI II I at hand band with 6 five short hort stories written In the crisp so 10 peculiar to the contributors to little m Dr Gilbert Dill The Passing of oC An Unfair Iii Ex change chan The Tb Man Who Could Walk Straight and In hells Canyon are the title ot of the tbt hort dory PublishIng Co St lit OI Do Doton ton M MIn Mast MastIn In on nn article on tb the Royal Academy In the June Magazine ot of Art the of 01 the po positIon of the academy II ig thue dealt delt with Everyone who ho starts with the Idea that thaI thre At a national instItution for Cor th the encouragement ement of hiving ar artiste an official art exchange run for tor blue Ule benefit of all sorts and anI con ot of workers I fully full In complainIng that the academy IS II at attemptIng temptIng to do Its ita dU on too mall amsIl a aCI ascale scale CI It has han by no means mean enough to deal justly with the vast mane ma of people who follow the artistIc lion aton and It can An find accommodation e for a 1 tithe of the such a 1 they are alt that bear wItness year rr by yr year to their unflagging and usually mistaken Industry Presume abl ably no one sinde up work far Cor eX cx hl Ulon without an belief that an I ot of It Is 18 worthY to be seen In public ImbUe and md oven after allowance Is II mad for tor ot of It I Is quIte possible tha t half hair the things which pass before he academy council In the tie lIe erve places In a show that tha t the of the art community Dut no eo limited II I the gallery space pact that only n IlOr IWo wo thousand works work out or of fitt fifteen housand or can hoc to corny the he proc process or of selection and anI this trifling Cannot of course ourse 1 either or I Co U St 81 New York |