Show SI Ion Olm Shrill Company beta fir lor no 59 I Poet of Work ork The Shrine Mining company b ha let lei a contract for tor Another fifty feet fett ot of tunnel work This Thin company compan II a r rUng Ung in The property joIn the JulIA and Rf lied Wing A tunnel me the besides other workings Th The management Is certain It has baa tile lied ICed Win Wing vein and at atthe atthe the present Urn time two tw are em employed m In prospecting for tor thie vein FeIn In Ina a drift oft the r tunnel Tb stuck holders ire are mainly eAstern people At k Two man Ore are employed In run running ning Illig Mn an in the Duck Dragon frOl the toot foot level leI claims In hi Sliver CIt owned by br Mee ra Brown Terry 8 Wood Woodruff ru rt The Th oldest Is 18 to connect with tin aft oW old shaft for tor sir air VerY r good sample ot of ore have been bean round found In the drift oft olt the JOO level Ivel Nothing is 18 being done dOM on the level from which hleb the company at ont one tim shipped ore running be 1 and amI 10 per ton In speaking lit of the today 0 1 A Mid a body or of good ore was WIllI followed north to the dead line Une ot of an adJoining delta claim In h Ih the ha haR has hasan an R in III lo The Tb correspondent of the Mining Nw says thAt F I Ba Ran icy aut baa a ROW claim near Oposura Sonora that hu has It a afoot toot foot and nit half rein traceable It a utile and anda a half bait Oft on the Ole surface and anol giving U says of II 33 ox oc ot of okI to Ute the ton An Arisona ba his org organised a corn com company pany with a of SM to work a property in 10 Sonora lenora It he baI secured 11 Claims Ime The tHe oce eons from 1 II to 17 ot of gold Pt pee Oft on In tb the JAt district the nr I 1 about to tart start on properties assay give Gin IS 10 ounces of 01 gold to 0 the ton The oom coen pan an fund I SIO aid aDd It ItI itis I is now a A large qa lily of ore en It I being belag ped fd to the At MOIl Monterey from old mines In 11 district onora tro fm which the ownell were driven by hUlan 37 17 ean ago 10 OrAnt nhit i k rulley fulley III ii up exp ted ed In In It a fw I it 1 Itt Ith nl from II tt k l tl ti it at Mill III o tk I u Ii J 3 H 11 lark Clark wu was In town tb the nut firs ot of th week and report the crosscut being run In Gold bum buln property hiking vry ry encouraging I I C I taio Ii down freon where he he at been the past winter doln doing development on toty Estay cop copper per r properties ro OVer thirty men are now at work at bails and the town is 11 ii suming a booming appearance A move 1 on toot foot to a daily stage e line to Si It Park Prk lend land and nd mini mining Dr ot of Salt Bait Lake went to DIg Big In IndIan dIan and Monticello the first 1111 ot of tile the week k where wileN he be tool ON to complete ar for lor the patenting ot this Blat Indian copper property II N P Is In the city from De Lesser Nv a aTh Th Tb Carlla Carisa tf oJ Tintic had ad two to cars of ore on lbs market toda today The nI Conklin sampler reported twin tT OilS cars ot of ore train Viva ear ot of ore from the fleck Beck Were on the market markt Pour Four cars of at ore or we were on the nit market today from the My ay Day of 01 SuperIntendent Isaac ot of tilt the Grand Orand Gulch mine min In MoYe county Arizona lat last The Ophir Hili property owned by bylena lena tor W v A Clark CIrk reached th the mar hat ket today with seven can ca ot of ore Will and Dick Guenther fI ci turn turned d lot hut evening from a trip to TIn TIntic Tintic tic district Manager J I T Farnsworth ot of the Horn Hurn Silver h has gone on uth to inspect that bonanza Col Troweek and others are akl Id to tobe tobe be preparing to resume um work on a min mm ng property In DIg Big Cottonwood Col n It A hawkins I ii back from a short hort va visit lt to the Imperial Muting pro property near The Th sampler report ott ed six IX ears ear ot of ore from Tuttle seven Nen from Stockton and two from toda It wu we expected that the Mohawk mine MichIgan would tusks mke U Its or of fIfty tone tont ot of the newlY mineral o 0 the Oxford OxtoN N J 1 smelters this Ihl week rh h new hew board of directors of the Knickerbocker Mining company have hye i elected James Jamel Metcalf I George F vice Ic and andS I S L Tobia and treasurer I ITh Th The ot of Ih lie Aetna Atna Mining r Milling company mt met last evening and Ind elected C M I Freed president and geri oral ral manger J W SV DUrlon vice IN president dent and W S P F Olsen Oleen secretary and treasurer seven cn cars ot of dr del ore and one cit oer ot of copper coper ore are were settled for lor day by the Mammoth company The Theore Theore ore Is II said Ild to 10 contaIn better Values titan tome some shIpments Word from the Nevada Mining corn Imy property at Gaunt Nev states that the ore ure on the new strike on the level I ii About S 5 feet teet wide wId It ItI I ii expected It will run up to 10 the usual grade rad or of other shipments namely 3 per cent lead and nd bout about 26 16 ounces Oil ver HII halley I la Ida Tim Times M t IY 31 MM 88 and trustee of th the estate tale ot of deceased ot at salt Like Lake Utah hu has for tor 2500 sold BOld to P F Woodman of the same me place alt all ot of the Ha Bay State Siale Bun n Ton Monarch and Mountain Do Boy lode claims lIar |