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Show Marx Brothers Make Fun On Gem Bill Onoa mora tha thraa Mara Broth-ara Broth-ara dispense their hilarious mania In what la Judged the funniest and fastest laugh vehicle of their ea-reere ea-reere la "Room Serviee, which opened Wednesday at the Gam theater. "Room Service eonoerne a resourceful re-sourceful and penniless theatrical producer who, with his east, has run up a huge hotel bill, premising the unhappy manager to pay la full when he finds a backer to finance hia new play. The unexpected arrival of the hotel's auditor precipitates a aria is. Tha n members of the east plsy hlds-end-eeek with the auditor all eves the building, while ike- pre-' ducer, with a backer finally nibbling at his hook, desperately tries to stall off the angry official long enough to cash In. Aided by his two assistants and a young play author, the producer Anally tricka the hotel executive into financing his showr-wlthout hia knowing It. The atonny and uproarious climax whan the bamboo si ad backer learn the truth results in some of the most explosive comedy ever contrived con-trived by the Manes. Ann Miller and Frank Alberteen supply the romantic Interact |