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Show Nazi Advises Election Of 'Universal' Pontiff Vatican Asks Italian Newspapers to Desist From Making Forecasts on Pius' Successor By CECIL BROWN VATICAN CITY, Feb. 16 (INS) Dr. Diego von Bergen, German Ger-man ambassador to the Vatican, today advised the cardinals gathering gath-ering for the conclave which will begin March 1 to elect a "world successor to Pope Pius XL The Germsn envoy addressed ths congregation af cardinals, now numbering 40 but with mors sn routs to Rome, when the congregation congrega-tion received the Vatican diplomatic corps. Von Bergen spoke for nine ambassadors. 14 ministers and seven sev-en charge d'affaires representing SO nstiona. Referring to present condition In Europe and elsewhere, Von Bergen said: "A new world Is evolving with evolution of a pacific nature. The papacy undoubtedly has an Important Impor-tant share In this evolution. Great responsibility lays upon ths college of cardinal In electing a world successor." suc-cessor." Th Germsn envoy reviewed the various phases snd activities of the life of th lata Pop Pius snd lauded laud-ed his great courage during the (Contlnud on Pas Twe) I Column Twul German Envoy Urges Election Or 4 World Successor' to Pope both argana of Foreign Minister Count Gaieaaao Clano of Italy, aald: "It doss not assm that the desire of the Anglo-Saxons, who would like to ses an American pope primarily to ahow that America furnishes Europe Eu-rope with everything Including a pope, la to be satisfied. "Such a pope would only Increase the tension already existing between the various struggling nationalisms and imperialisms. "A non-Itakan European pope would be Impossible for evident reasons. rea-sons. A North American Cardinal also would be lmpoasibls because hs and others are too Involved In a campaign sgslnst Gsrmany." (OesUaeeS Press Pass Oae) Warsaw crisis whea he waa papal nuncio te Poland. Von Bergen also extolled Plug aa a "man careless cf his Ufa la defending de-fending the Interests of the church." Then, In a reference to the reconciliation recon-ciliation between the Vatican aad Rome, the embassador declared: "la the auprame Interests cf peace and concord. It was Pope Plus who met ths proposals ef a great statesman (Premier Mussolini) and brought peace and eonclketloa between be-tween the church and stats la Italy." Meanwhile, It was learned en highest authority that the Vatican haa invited the Italian press te abstain ab-stain from publishing forecasts retarding re-tarding the successor of Pope Plus XL The Italian newspapers have agreed to make aa further forecasts cf this nature. The Vatican's action followed a aeriee af newspapsr artielea which narrowed the number of possible choices for a pops to a fsw Italiaa cardinals, excluding all foreign prlncsa of ths church. One Journalist, Oiovannl Ansel do. writing In the Leghorn Telegraphs and the Turin Gaestta dsl Popokt, NEW YORK, Fsb. II (UP) William Wil-liam Cardinal O'Connell, archbishop archbish-op of Boston, sailed last night aboard the Italian liner Saturn! for Gibraltar, where he will change to the liner Neptunla to arrive In Rome February M and participate In election of a successor to Pope Plus XL |