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Show SLIDE LOOKOUT GUARDSCANYON Road Crew Attacking Road Barriers As a lookout armed with a shotgun shot-gun perched on th mountainside to fir warning shots In th event of further slides, stats road crews Thursday bsttled hundreds of tons of snow In Provo canyon, braving the danger of repetitions of Wednesday's Wed-nesday's slides that blocked the canyon can-yon in two places. Meanwhile, as quieter conditions In Highland Boy eased fears of further fur-ther slides in Carr Fork canyon, the federal weather bureau here announced an-nounced that ths tendency for snow flurries hsd passed and predicted a run of clear weather. In Provo canyon high winds hsd niled un mora tnaw and aLaln road official were epprehensiv of more slides In dsnger spots, chiefly Lost Creek canyon, Snowalid hollow and Deer Creek canyon. Th canyon was closed to all persons per-sons except residents and those with business there, and th lookout look-out was posted on the Utah Power and Light company flume to keep watch across th canyon, where (CentlnUMl on pas Pour) Column Put I a ii. CREWS BATTLE ROADjARRIERS (OsstkMs Piest Peas Oee) Wodnoadaya second slide shot off Bridal VeU falla, . Wadnaaday'i slides were at Wild-wood, Wild-wood, 11 miles from Prove, and at Bridal VeU fall, 10 mile from Prove. e Passage either through or ever the Wlldwood slide was expected to be provided Thuraday, but the Bridal blockade will tak considerably consid-erably longer to clear and will Mt be opea until Thursday night or Friday morning, said Thsroa S. Hall of Spring-villa, district supervisee super-visee too tho state road eemastasiea, At least two large anowakdea occurred oc-curred la American Fork canyon Thuraday, said Thomas Walksr, national na-tional park ranger at the Tlmpano-goa Tlmpano-goa cave camp. They occurred low la the canyon, one at the Timpano-go Timpano-go cave camp and tho other about a mile and a half farther down the canyon. la Bingham canyon five snow-plow snow-plow crews fought drifting snow all day 'Wednesday end Into the night during a raging bltxaerd, one of tha worst la that district during the laat 11 daya of storms. Clearing conditions Thursday, however, abated tha difficulties somewhat Service was delayed for a time Thuraday morning on the Salt Lake A Utah railroad when drift piled up at Peerys crossing, about 10 miles north ef the Point of the Mountain. A southbound train was delayed about two hours and a northbound train ens hour. The' first train ran Into the drifts about g a. m , company officials said. '" "Wednesday's storm brought .06 of an Inch of precipitation in Salt Lake City, or lass than one-half inch of nsw snow. Flurries continued contin-ued Intermittently during the afternoon after-noon and evening. |