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Show Ulah Resources Minutely Listed In U. S. Survey Surveys of all Industries ln-carh military me In I'tah, their nature, i their number, together with the manpower or number of employes, j and the nationality of each em- j ploye, la contained in fpcHal milt- j tary reconnaissance reHrts anl progressive military maps f I'tah j for the Information of the war le- Iartment. Huimiitte i tmiay to tne state coSncll of defense by K. C Penrose, special agent In charge of the survey. Sixty-three quadrangle re-torts already have been completed by Mr. Penrose, each report conlain- ma dctwiisd information on tpo- graphical feature, nature of soil, location and deacriptlon of commanding com-manding positions, sections of land suitable for airplane landings, observation ob-servation point a. camp sites, climatic cli-matic data, health and sanitary conditions In each section. Uvea tlon and description of rivers and ttther streams, lakes and ponds, springs and well, reservoirs and water tanks, transportation facilities. Including In-cluding railroads, stage lines, wag-! wag-! ons, puck horses, automobiles and their passenger rapacity, lines of j communication. including tele- phone and telegraph, power lines I and substations. Itoadt. traits and I bridge are features of paramount ' tmtwrtsnce. - The territory already covered In the survey, comprising 13 $25 square miles, takes tn Roxelder, Cache, WeberI ImvIs, Halt Xake "' " Tooele. I tah. Millard and Juab counties. September 24, 1M7 to lUM-ember, 191. Is embraced In Mr. Penrose's latest report. |